Our little "Carter-Man" has turned one! Seriously, I can't believe it. I have not posted about him at all the last 6 months. Turns out it is hard when you have two that are mobile to find time to blog for some reason but here is his little update about what he is up to these days.
--He loves to smile. I know that sounds silly but he is so smiley 90% of the day. His signature smile is when he curls under his top lip like in a lot of the photos below.
--Loves following Mav around the house and playing with him (aka...stealing his dinosaur toys) It usually ends in Carter or Mav crying but they have fun together most of the time.
--Likes to sing. I will sing a song and then I can here him doing his own rendition of it while jabbering.
--Waves "hi" and "bye". Its so cute. =)
--Has a fake laugh.
--Is starting to learn to run a little bit. He looks so silly doing it. Like he still has no control of his upper body.
--Has 4 teeth so far. Two front top teeth and two bottom ones.
--He eats pretty good. Sometimes I have to force feed him the first bite and then he realizes he likes it.
--Currently throws his food on the floor the second he is not interested in it anymore. SO ANNOYING!
--He is so curious. Constantly getting into drawers, cabinets, baskets of clothes, bins.
--Points with his finger all the time at things he wants to see or us to notice.
--He has been walking for about 3 months now.
--Walks around the room while talking to himself and swinging his head back and forth.
--Loves fruit snacks. He could eat 3 packaged in one sitting if I let him.
--Not sure about his height and weight yet but he wears a size 5 shoe and is in 12-18 month clothes.

Mav and Ryan wanted to get in on the action too. Hehe. =)
Me and my little guy.
Daddy and Carter!
Such cute pictures of one very cute boy! Happy Birthday Carter!
ReplyDeleteWhat a cute, fun boy; love all of the photos of your whole family! SO sad we were in Colorado when you were in Utah! Love and miss you guys.
ReplyDeleteWhat a cute, fun boy; love all of the photos of your whole family! SO sad we were in Colorado when you were in Utah! Love and miss you guys.