Well, I must admit I have enjoyed the last few weeks of being lazy and lounging around the house doing absolutely almost nothing, but it is time to get life back in order! First things first....I need to get rid of this baby weight!! I am so tired of feeling yuckyThird and very unattractive and very very out of shape. Second, we need a new family picture. This kind of goes back to the first thing too...I would really like to lose some weight before we do this but Cason is already growing like crazy and if you look around the house now, Adalie is still the only child on our walls. Third, a new routine. Adalie needs to get back to her napping and regular sleeping schedule because she has been fighting us lately a lot about her bed time. It is 10:30 am and Adalie is still asleep because she didn't go to bed until 10 and woke up at five am....and I think Brett said she had just barley gone to sleep before he woke up to go to church at 8. Forth, training baby Cason to sleep better through the night. Is training the right word to use?? I just need more sleep...I am a better mother when I get a full nights sleep haha. Five, going to bed earlier. I am so used to going to bed at 12, but I am learning fast that with a newborn and a toddler, you have to give in and change things.
Last, but certainly not least - my family. I am starting to feel the weight and responsibility even more in my life now that I have two children. I want to be a better wife and mother and really show my husband and children how important the gospel is in my life and show in my daily routines and doings how much I love my Heavenly Father and how grateful I am for the Family and loved ones he has given me. This calls for a major change in my attitude, my personal studies, my prayers, and my patience. I don't ever want Brett or my children to feel in the least bit that I am taking them for granted in any way, shape, or form. This is the absolute most important thing to me above all else. Brett, Adalie and our new little one - Baby Cason are everything in the world to me. I love you guys so, so much...
the routine will come
it will also continually change
keep up all the hard/good work
you are doing great!
and will feel great before you know it :)
HOw are you!! I am so happy for you and your sweet little family!! Good luck with everyting!!!Thanks for letting me in on what I have to expect some day with a family..hahaha
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