Wednesday, March 31, 2010

More Stuff Going On

Sorry no pictures as of late....I can't find the camera cord and our lap top is in the shop =)

Adalie's new favorite toy besides the IPod lately? Coat hangers. Best dollar spent so far on her. It will keep her entertained for hours and it is the "toy" she always keeps running back to to play with. There is a mommy hanger, a daddy hanger, and two baby hangers- a little girl and a little boy...sound like a family you know? haha They are all over my house including my door knobs. I trip over them all the time, so I have to always watch my step. It is so funny to watch her...another thing I need to get on camera.

Today was one of the longer and harder days for me. I have been feeling really sick lately with an awful stomach bug that just won't go away and between that and Baby Cason, I am up all night. Today I saw Adalie holding Cason's hand and singing him a song to try and calm him down while I was making him a bottle. I said "You are such a good big sister" and then she gave me a big hug and a kiss and said "And you are such a good momma!" Sometimes she knows just what I need to hear to make me feel a little better about things.

Sad news... Cason has colic, poor thing. Any suggestions on what we can do? We got the gripe water stuff and are hoping that helps but is there anything else out there that might work y'all can tell me about? I hate seeing his little frown when I know he is hurting...

Saturday, March 27, 2010


I actually think this is great...I might want one!! A hands free baby bottle. They just use it like a paci with a straw to get the milk out. Wow, how lazy can life get?? This is so funny

Everyday Life

Well Today is such a wonderful sunny day! Cason got his official first day of sunshine and Adalie got to play her little heart out in the park before we had to come home so Dad could go to work. I hate it when Brett has to work on such beautiful days. He is so good to us though. He let me sleep in until almost 10 which was heaven and then really only woke me up because he went to help someone move in the ward. He got home at 1 and even though he was tired and his back was hurting, took us to the park before he had to be at work at 3. He is such a great Dad and husband...sorry ladies =) hehe.

Not much has been happening really, just boring everyday stuff that makes life wonderful I suppose. We had to switch Cason to formula because I'm pretty much all dried up. Weird right? Same thing happened with Adalie, but I didn't get anything with her, atleast Cason got it for almost 4 wks. BUT I am so glad i finally got an explanation why from my dietitian. It is because I am anemic and also, I have a B12 deficiency and that explains why my body isn't producing any milk. I am on lots of vitamins and prescriptions again which stinks. I really really hate taking medicine. I am like a two yr old when it comes to taking it. The uncooperative ones that you have to shove it down there throat or put in in the chocolate so they will take it or have to worry about them throwing it up right after it goes down. LoL I am like that with pain too...I totally milk it.

My mom and dad will be here soon!! Yay!! They should be here on the 20th of April for about a week and I am SO SO excited. It has been almost a year since I have seen them!! I cannot believe it has been that long! I never want it to be that long again. I love it when any kind of family is here, especially mommy and daddy =)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Things Lately

I am pretty sure I have Alzheimer's. I talk about the same things. Write about the same things. Think about the same things over and over again. I say the same thing to Brett about every 5 mins and I forget what I walked into the kitchen for all the time too. I am starting to forget peoples names too! People I grew up and went to school with forever and I can't remember their names...sheesh it is sad all over.

Cason is a horrible night sleeper so far. He is up almost every hr and 1/2 to 2 hrs. Not so much to eat even most of the time but crying to be cuddled and held and rocked to sleep again. It is a little annoying and hard to get used to because Adalie was a good little sleeper. Brett and I are slowly learning to live off of "no sleep" and hoping he will get into his own rhythm soon. I feel like a really bad parent and grouchy wife when I don't get sleep.

Adalie is so ready for summer to be here I think. We've had a little taste of Spring this week and Adalie takes every chance she can to soak in the sun when I can muster up enough courage to go outside with Cason or when her dad is home to play outside with her too. I am ready for sunshine and ice cream and less runny noses.

Brett has three weeks of school left and is so anxious for it to be over. I cannot believe it has been four years. Time seems to be flying again.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Funny Toys

You know what I think is funny? Toys these days. Example, why would I want a baby doll in my house that poops and pees? I have one of those already. It's called a newborn. If Adalie is going to learn to change a babie's diaper it is going to be Cason's. And why would I want to clean up after Barbie's puppies she is "training"? It is the whole reason I do not have a pet in the first place...I know my kids won't clean it up. And why have all these PLAy-DOh creations like ice cream shop or a burger place when you don't want my kids to eat the Play-doh? I must say, the makers logic here might be a little off..."I just don't understand why kids are eating it..." Really?? I guess their new logo is funny though "fun to play - not to eat" haha. I already have to tell Adalie not to eat the fake food she has in her play kitchen. I DO like the house cleaning toys and play kitchens know the play vacuums and brooms and stuff. Nothing like teaching them early that it is good to be clean and learn how to cook. LoL

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Time to Get Serious

Well, I must admit I have enjoyed the last few weeks of being lazy and lounging around the house doing absolutely almost nothing, but it is time to get life back in order! First things first....I need to get rid of this baby weight!! I am so tired of feeling yuckyThird and very unattractive and very very out of shape. Second, we need a new family picture. This kind of goes back to the first thing too...I would really like to lose some weight before we do this but Cason is already growing like crazy and if you look around the house now, Adalie is still the only child on our walls. Third, a new routine. Adalie needs to get back to her napping and regular sleeping schedule because she has been fighting us lately a lot about her bed time. It is 10:30 am and Adalie is still asleep because she didn't go to bed until 10 and woke up at five am....and I think Brett said she had just barley gone to sleep before he woke up to go to church at 8. Forth, training baby Cason to sleep better through the night. Is training the right word to use?? I just need more sleep...I am a better mother when I get a full nights sleep haha. Five, going to bed earlier. I am so used to going to bed at 12, but I am learning fast that with a newborn and a toddler, you have to give in and change things.

Last, but certainly not least - my family. I am starting to feel the weight and responsibility even more in my life now that I have two children. I want to be a better wife and mother and really show my husband and children how important the gospel is in my life and show in my daily routines and doings how much I love my Heavenly Father and how grateful I am for the Family and loved ones he has given me. This calls for a major change in my attitude, my personal studies, my prayers, and my patience. I don't ever want Brett or my children to feel in the least bit that I am taking them for granted in any way, shape, or form. This is the absolute most important thing to me above all else. Brett, Adalie and our new little one - Baby Cason are everything in the world to me. I love you guys so, so much...

Friday, March 12, 2010

More Sweet Moments

It is when they are asleep you think you want another can be dangerous when they are this cute.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I forget that newborns really don't do much. They pretty much just sit thre don't they? Sometimes I feel pretty bad because all he does is lay in his bouncer or swing most of the day asleep or he is just hanging out not doing much but staring out into the distance. I know there really isn't much to do with him anyways but hold him and cuddle with him, but I always feel I should be doing something with he will notice and hate me because he thinks I don't want him haha. Silly thought I know.

I have started to enter into "no sleep" with a new baby. Up until now I haven't really noticed it, but it really got to me last night. He has been waking up every two hours to eat during the night.....waking up at four thirty and staying awake for at least an hour after he eats! Sheesh....any suggestions on how you train your newborns to sleep?? I think his schedule is way off. He sleeps like an angel during the day. He will sleep through anything and wake up for no one. So any advice would be nice!!

By the way have I told you how much I love my boppy pillow?!? They are great for baby and mommy! I never had one with Adalie, but I use it all the time with Cason. It makes breastfeeding a lazy breeze!! And he loves to sit in the middle of it and have the soft pillow all around his little body. I would recommend them to anyone!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Because I said so

Well, we were told this day would come and it has... Adalie has entered the "why?" stage. She asks why to everything we say now. "What are you doing?" "Making dinner" "Why?" Because it is almost time to eat." "Why?" "Because everyone is hungry." "Why?" "Because you eat when you are hungry." "Why?" "So we can grow big and strong" "Why?" "Just BECAUSE!!" "But why?!?" It can try your patience for sure. This is just one of many, many examples over the past few days. My favorites so far are when she gets in trouble and I ask her not to do things. Like, jumping on the couch or asking her to stay out of the kitchen, or helping with chores...except usually when I am cleaning she says "Why? Whose coming over?" (haha I guess that shows how my house cleaning goes usually and when it is important). I have started to use one of the you know you're a parent when phrases a lot. The "because I said so" one.
Also, I think we have found Adalie's coping mechanism when she gets in trouble or even when we make her go to bed. We always send her to her room when she doesn't obey. You always hear the crying....fake crying though with literal WAAAHH's and fake sobbing noises. Then there is the "why?why?why" in a very pitiful baby voice, followed by "no. no no". And then finally....she sings. Nothing in particular though just "LA LA LA" and sometimes "ei ei oh!" She doesn't try to sing them pretty though, she sings while still sobbing. I've got to remember to pull out the video camera and set it up in her room to catch it all on tape. She's a fun one.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

No Bake Cookies

Something I haven't done in ages but got the urge for today! Easy, fast, chocolaty, and good!! Adalie loves them too of course.

Brett got to go skiing today and should be home later this evening. One last time before the season is over and he is stuck in Iowa in school all the time. I wish I would've gone too, but I am still "recovering" and breastfeeding makes it a little hard to do things for too long without baby near by. Plus the little guy is only two weeks old and I don't think I am brave enough to leave him yet haha. Speaking of, I can't believe it has already been two weeks. He is growing ridiculously fast!! He had his two week check up on Friday. He went from 6.6 coming home to 7.5 lbs in two weeks!! 19.5 inches long to 21.5!! Adalie was so small for so long... these weren't her stats until 4 mths!! My dad thinks he is taking after the Jenkins side on height and weight growth. Is it because I can breastfeed this time around and that is the reason why he is growing so fast??

Anywho, I have got a list of things to do today and I need to get started! My energy is back and I am loving it. Mornings are a little rough because Cason has decided he is a 6 am baby, but I love not feeling so tired and sleepy all day like when I was pregnant. Now if I can just get myself to sleep earlier than 12, I should be fine!! Going to bed really late is another bad habit of mine...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Our Little Princess

I just can't get enough of this girl! She is so darn cute and so special. She is growing up way too fast! I can't believe she is going to be 3 this yr...she was just my little baboo yesterday!! These are just a few pictures we unloaded from our camera of our little Princess. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Our trash has doubled this week. I am throwing a diaper away every minute. Cason seems to go through them like nobodies business, he might just drive us into the poor house. And he always needs a clean diaper to poop in two seconds after I change the first one. Laundry has definitely increased too. He pees through lots of his outfits or spits up on most too so I do his little cycle of newborn clothes (I have about 5 or 6 that he rotates throughout the days) almost everyday. On another note, Cason had his circumcision a few days after he was born in his pediatrician's office (our insurance didn't cover it in the hospital) and I stayed in the room holding his little hands. It was the worst thing ever. Not so much for baby who got a few little shots to numb the whole area, but for me who watched it all!! It mad me hurt so bad for my little man!! He did really well with it though until right after it was all done and cried like I have never heard him cry before. Brett was in the room with me (he met me there in another car) and I started crying too. I made Brett bring him home in his car because I couldn't listen to him cry all the way home....poor baby. I am so glad that is over and I think that just might be the worst thing about having a little boy...Brett is going to have to go in with them from here on out I just don;t think I can do it again!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Two by Twos

Having two is definitely an adventure. So far, it really isn't that bad because Cason pretty much still sleeps all the time. Adalie is still acting like her normal self so no jealousy so far, I think which is nice too. I have been pretty blessed with low key babies, which is very nice.It is still kind of funny to me to use the words "kids" or "children" when it comes to talking about my own family. It blows my mind that we have two now. But it has been so fun and so sweet around the house with them both here. I have never been peed on so much though...I am having to get used to changing a little boy's diaper. I need to learn to go faster. haha

This past week has been so nice. Brett's mom came to stay with us and it really helped me adjust well to having a toddler and a newborn in the house. I am so glad I can be comfortable around her too. I really missed my mom not being here this time, but LeAnne helped fill the void for now lol. She has been such a good help and wonderful house guest. I have pretty much been braless and in my Pj's all week lol. No make-up or fixed hair either. It has been great to have a little break and just be really, really lazy. I am still kind of sore in my back and my stomach has been really upset, but I need to start a schedule soon. Everything I ate while I was pregnant has caught up to me and I am fat all over again. I think I will give myself one ore week and then it is back to the gym!! I've got 35 lbs to lose before I am back to pre baby weight and another 20 to want to be at my ideal....I will just focus on the baby weight for now and we will see how the other comes along. Anywho, here are some more pictures of my cute little baboos. I love them so much!!

My first Mo-hawk (sp?)

My poor baby girl had a run in with hot Bacon grease this looks better now though. I am so glad it didn't get in her eye though!