- Iraq: The Purgatorium is Headin' Back to the States
- Army of Dude recalls Memorial Day in Iraq, 2007
- Iraqi Mojo highlights Iraqi patriots
- Spencer Ackerman gives a shout out to those who care about Iraq
- Words From Warriors talks about how she supports the troops
- GI Kate, an Iraq vet, talks about Memorial Day
- Iraqpundit warns us if soccer meets demise in Iraq
- Michelle Malkin says the LA Times can't find any bad news about Iraq
- Small Wars Journal says reducing the mission is not the answer
- Gateway Pundit on Iran conducting psyops on the Iraqis
- Guidons Guidons Guidons talks about Sadr City and helicopters
- The Tension has photos from western Baghdad
- Inside Iraq not impressed with the Ministry of Education
- Navy Gal is bored senseless (she's not alone!)
- A Soldier's Perspective talks about General Petraeus and troop cuts in Iraq
- VetVoice on the phony patriot
- The Long War Journal discusses the Iraqi Army finding huge caches in Sadr City
- Talisman Gate hears rumors that many militia thugs are heading to Maysan province
- Hot Air talks about VFF slamming Obama
- The Captain's Journal discusses Jihad
- CI-Roller Dude reminisces on Fallujah
- Democracy Arsenal highlights Hillary Clinton questioning Petraeus
- False Motivation talks about switching from deployment mode to garrison mode
- Abu Muqawama talks about the Iraqi Army in Sadr City
- Yankee Sailor argues that Bin Laden has surrendered in Iraq
27 May 2008
Tuesdaze Bloggin' Roundup of Iraq (27 May)
20 May 2008
Tuesdaze Bloggin' Roundup of Iraq (20 May)
T-minus 11. Here's some blogs about Iraq that offer insight for your mind:
- Obsidian Wings on McCain not supporting Veterans benefits
- Iraq The Model discusses Mosul operations
- Crooks and Liars on Iran and the USSR
- Long War Journal says an Al-Qaeda emir has been detained in Ninawa province
- Chris LeJeune dissects the Iranian diplomats who got shot in Baghdad
- Adam Kokesh hangs out with the Iraqi Ambassador to the U.S.
- Jawa Report on the Chaldean Church not supporting the death penalty
- Jihadica analyzes the new Bin Laden message
- Spencer Ackerman talks about the IVAW's comments effect on veterans
- Alive in Baghdad says refugees are returning to Iraq, read it to find out why
- Abu Muqawama praises the U.S. response to the Qu'ran shooting incident
- Bad Voodoo platoon is redeploying
- Abu Aardvark has a detailed piece on the media of the Middle East
- Gateway Pundit blasts Sen. Harkin
- Inside Iraq on catastrophes in Iraq
- McClatchy Watch says Al-Qaeda in Iraq has admitted defeat
- This Ain't Hell slams the IVAW
- Mudville Gazette doesn't like IVAW either
- Talisman Gate is not a fan of CNN coverage of Iraq
- Blackfive with the Sisters of Fallujah
- Iraqpundit on Juan Cole being a neo-con
- Michael Totten reviews Michael Yon
- Tanker Brothers on WWE supporting the troops
- Matthew Ygleisas on checkpoints and occupation
- Harmless loves milblogs and awaits her son's return from Iraq
- Hot Chicks with Douchebags blasts douches with faux-military apparrel
- Reason on country stars and the Iraq war
- Concrete Ghost on money earned in a combat zone
- Soldier's Perspective on purple hearts for PTSD
- Boston Maggie and her Naval posse
- Last of Iraqis on human rights
- Active Duty Patriot talks about IVAW in DC
- Miserable Donuts with a tour of southern Iraq
Some things I wrote over at Vetvoice:
Cheers!13 May 2008
Tuesdaze Bloggin' Roundup of Iraq
Or you could Help KBR Joe by reading more blogs! From the past week:
- Obsidian Wings talks about the left respecting veterans
- Brandon Friedman says women should be allowed in combat
- The Tension discusses Al-Qaeda in Iraq being knocked out in Kirkuk
- Words from Warriors says SGT Grumpy's Back from the suck
- American Footprints talks about the fallout between Sadr and Sistani
- USO Girls talk about a wedding from an Iraq and one of their authors (Happy Honeymoon!)
- Talisman Gate is elated that the NY Times finally recognized the success in Basra
- Wired: Danger Room talks about new armor for the MRAP
- Armchair Generalist says Colby Buzzell going back to war shows the Army is strapped
- The Captain's Journal on prisons and COIN
- The Sandbox and compassion fatigue
- Jihadica on joining Al-Qaeda
- CounterColumn dissects the Sadr Truce
- Long War Journal on operations in Sadr City
- Spencer Ackerman on Sadr T-shirts for hipsters
- Crooks and Liars on not-so-Iranian weapons (this blogger should visit Baghdad, where the business end of Iranian weapons is a not-so-subtle reality)
- Iraqi Bloggers Central lists the top 20 Iraqi bloggers
- Bill Ardolino has great journalism from the front lines of Sadr City
- Matthew Ygleisas on our presence resulting in violent conflict in Iraq
- Abu Muqawama on the limits of COIN as applied to Sadr City
- McClatchy Watch criticizes the Pro-Sadr leanings of the rag
- Small Wars Journal says we should get out of the Green Zone
- Iraq: The Purgatorium is too short for this rocket/mortar bullshit (I feel ya, bro!)
- Midnight Blue has a piece on a Marine Gunny
- Mudville Gazette on people heading back to the states from the sandbox
- Jawa Report has a "special" surprise for the Special Groups thugs
- Blackfive talks about Sadr City
- A Soldier's Perspective speaks ill of IVAW
- This Ain't Hell badmouths IVAW
- The Sniper is no fan of IVAW either (sorry Selena, we still love you)
- Intel Dump talks about the Webb GI Bill
- Colby Buzzell talks about his editorial in the SF Chronicle
- Reason opines on the Iraq war spending debate
- Democracy Arsenal with a left-leaning take on COIN
- VetVoice on the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
- GI Kate on the recent Lioness documentary about female soldiers and marines
VetVoice items I wrote:
06 May 2008
Tuesdaze Iraq-Related Bloggin Roundup (6 May)
T minus 26 days... Here's some good stuff on Iraq:
- Abu Muqawama on talks with the Iranians
- Jules Crittenden on GIs and suicide
- Operation Yellow Elephant on Stop Loss
- Obsidian Wings on mental health issues for vets
- The Sniper humiliates those who humiliate our troops
- Jon Soltz on more troops in Afghanistan
- American Footprints criticizes Paul Bremer (not a hard endeavor)
- Matthew Ygleisas on withdrawing troops from Iraq so more can go to A-stan
- McClatchy Watch on Iran's hidden hand
- Reason on that Disneyland in Baghdad thing
- Jawa Report on Al-Rafidain, a Ba'athist satellite TV, accusin US presidents of war crimes
- Libertarian Leanings criticizes Cockburn's book on Sadr
- SGT Grumpy on the Arafat throne at Al-Faw palace
- Crooks and Liars on the McCain gaffe about Iraq and oil
- Army Girl vents
- Blackfive has the scoop on the real deal behind "Mission Accomplished"
- Attackerman on Sadr as counterinsurgent
- Civilian Irregular Information Defense Group talks about "Mission Accomplished" 5 years later
- Badger's Forward is back in the states
- GI Kate says home is worse than Iraq!
- Wired: Danger Room talks about US talk radio...in Iraq
- Army of Dude has pics from his road trip (Iraq combat vet)
- Agitprop has a story on contractors in Iraq schleppin' around hookers (why didn't I think of that)
- Little Green Footballs talks about the DNC ad with troops getting blowed up (real classy there, Howard Dean)
And here's a pic to tickle your funny bone that's old, but I just saw for the first time:
29 April 2008
Tuesdaze Bloggin' Roundup (29 April)
Tuesdaze Gone with the Wind. Here's some more blogs on Iraq:
- Jawa Report defines victory in Iraq
- Attackerman on the Shi'ite
- Iraq the Model on AQI teaming up with Sadr? (note: I really doubt it)
- Abu Muqawama on the main man of Ameriyah, Abu Abed
- GI Kate with info on an upcoming documentary about women in combat
- The Captain's Journal on Basra and Sadr City
- SGT Grumpy takes some pics while hanging in REMF land
- Democracy Arsenal likens the media blitz against Iran to South Park
- Mudville Gazette talks about stupid fundamentalist ideas for the military
- Chris Lejeune over at Vetvoice takes on Iraqi politics (a braver person than I)
- American Footprints is a bit skeptical of the Sunnis coming back to the Iraqi government
- Crooks and Liars highlights Paul Rieckhoff's appearance on Olbermann
- Hot Air on anti-war flicks
- Blackfive takes on Sadr
- Wired: The Danger Room talks about nifty robots in Iraq
- C-I Roller Dude on the reasons for PTSD
- Teflon Don talks about REMFs over at Jules Crittenden's blog
- Libertarian Republican talks about the surge working
- Small Wars Journal on Petraues becoming head of CENTCOM
- Navy Gal laments the sandstorm
- False Motivation says AQI might be trying to weasel back into his sector
- Kaboom on close calls
- Guidons Guidons Guidons on that O-4 to E-4 atheist scandal
- Kerry Howley on Republican congressmen banning pron in military bases (yes, pron!)
Some more items over at VetVoice:
I shamelessly swiped this tribute to awesomeness from a blog I just discovered, The Army 2.0, an IRR blogger from A-stan. Go check him out.22 April 2008
Tuesdaze Bloggin' Roundup of Iraq (22 April)
All the news that's fit to link:
- This Ain't Hell talks about women kicking ass around the globe
- False Motivation reflects on his time in Baqubah
- Countercolumn refutes that lengthy NY Times article on Military Analysts
- Mudville Gazette makes fun of the Air Force
- Jon Soltz talks about the Pentagon spin machine
- SSGT Dad says letting people with felonies in the military could be a good thing (I agree)
- Abu Muqawama disses O' Hanlon
- Deborah Haynes on that nasty sandstorm in Baghdad
- Attackerman on vets w/PTSD
- Iraq the Model on AQI losing
- Long War Journal on the troubles with Sadr
- Wonkette drops the snark on troops with felonies
- The Captain's Journal on Iraq and Iran
- Little Green Footballs on Iranophobia
- Juan Cole on the overblown "Al-Qaeda in Iraq" moniker
- Argghhh! makes fun of Al-Qaeda
- Blackfive on Al-Jazeera English
- Jawa Report with Sen. Reid walking out of brief w/vets
- Obsidian Wings on Hillary and MoveOn
- Talisman Gate dissects the Al-Baghdadi recordings (Islamic State of Iraq fraudulent spokesman)
- The Tension with groovy combat camera footage from Sadr City
- The Danger Room on political counter-insurgency
- Intel Dump on the COL Collins (ret.) report
- A Soldier's Perspective talks about trolls
- Reason makes more fun of Zawahiri
- Matthew Ygleisas on a RAND report that says 20% of vets have some level of PTSD
- Iraq the Purgatorium ain't buying what I'm selling, a true free thinker
- Army Girl discusses emotions and Iraq
- Rows of Burnished Steel on maintaining a Navy but raising an Army (new blog alert!)
- Hello Iraq has info on sending a thank you letter to P4
- Zen Traveler ruminates about the sandstorm in Baghdad
- Iraq Partii is back in the states, but stuck in the machine
- Michael Totten on working with the tribes in Anbar
- Libertarian Leanings on fighting the Mahdi Army
- Crooks and Liars on the issue that will never go away for some...Abu Ghraib!
- The Sniper with the scoop on Ahmadinejad being a truther
- GI Kate is looking for female vets for a documentary
- USO Girls have some a photo and bio of a young PFC
- Iraq Pundit on Dr. Chalabi, the guy you love to hate
15 April 2008
Tuesdaze Bloggin' Round-Up of Iraq (15 Apr)
I'm just counting down the days at this point...I need a beer. Here's some interesting blogposts on Iraq that were shamelessly copied from my google reader to this stupid blog:
- Acute Politics has some new stuff on the Sons of Iraq
- Captain's Journal discusses the ups and downs of Basra
- The Jawa Report is not ecstatic about terrorist AP photographer being released
- A Soldier's Perspective has some info on the Native American who was KIA in Iraq having a mountain in AZ named after her
- Iraq the Purgatorium humbly acknowledges his reference in the MSM
- Zen Traveler is leaving Iraq (take me with you, sir!)
- Hot Air on the politics of the Status of Forces Agreement, on the Iraq side
- Inside Iraq with a look at Adhamiyah (neighborhood in northern Baghdad)
- Crooks and Liars on the SNL Petraeus gag
- Pajamas Media has an interview with Michael Yon
- Sergeant Grumpy with a picture that says a lot
- IraqPundit makes Juan Cole look dumb
- AgitProp slams Bush over the head with Iraq
- This Ain't Hell on operations in Sadr City
- Mudville Gazette on the implications of booze in Basrah
- Blackfive on the excellent documentary "This is War"
- Matthew Ygleisas on the problems with Sadr
- Obsidian Wings on the polarized war on the political front
- Dissaffected and It Feels So Good on the callousness some exhibit regarding US deaths in Iraq
- Libertarian Republican calls US Soldiers the best libertarians
- VetVoice on the Bush Administration gearing up for war in Iran
- Arrrggh! sticks up for Bellavia
- McClatchy Watch on the freed students in Mosul
- Libertarian Leanings on the Sadr ceasefire
- Views of a Veteran reflects on an event in Sep 2007 in DC where some hippie jackass went off the hook
- Dadmanly has some pics of the Vets for Freedom event last week
- Operation Yellow Elephant tells youngsters to drop the pom poms and Enlist!
- Iraqi Bloggers Central says Sadr is back from Iran and in Najaf
- Wired: Danger Room on an embarrassed Congressman
- Intel Dump says Petraeus "Overplay His Hand"
- Juan Cole discusses the Iraq-Lebanon comparison
- Long War Journal on US/Iraqi operations
- War is Boring on suicide bombers...in Somalia
More polished rants at VetVoice that I wrote:
08 April 2008
Tuesdaze Bloggin' Roundup of Iraq (8 Apr)
Just in time for the testimony:
- Michael Totten on nation building
- Brandon Friedman on the Petraeus Testimony
- Abu Muqawama on the testimony and politics
- The Rude Pundit with tips on helping the widow of a slain soldier
- Jawa Report with video of a mortar cell getting blown away
- Arrrggh! with a dispatch from Ramadi
- Blackfive with a satirical opening statement for the testimony
- USO Girls offer up their support
- The Captain's Journal on politics and Iraq
- Iraq: The Purgatorium on the "Yang"
- This Fucking War on McCain's sons' service
- Newsweek Blog on the strained military
- The Angry American on his way home
- SGT Grumpy not happy with all this Shi'ite business (he's not alone)
- Mudville Gazette has a critique of the MSM coverage of the Iraq war
- Democracy Arsenal critical of the Blackwater contract renewal
- Danger Room with data on IEDs elsewhere
- The Tank with speculation on why the Stop-Loss movie bombed
- Iraq Pundit criticizes Sadr sympathizers
- Small Wars Journal on the latest NIE assessment
- Talisman Gate on Green Zoners flippin' out
- Soldier's Perspective lambastes defeatists
- Abu Aardvark blast the Kagans
- Matthew Yglesias not a fan of the Kagans either
- Iraqi Mojo on Shi'ite on Shi'ite violence
- Badgers Forward on his experiences in Karmah
- What the ... on the movie "Outside the Wire", sounds pretty good
- Dadmanly with his take on Iraq
02 April 2008
Tuesdaze Bloggin' Roundup of Iraq (2 April)
Yeah, yeah, I know it's Wenesday, but I had to switch shifts. My apologies. Here's some interesting stuff on Iraq, give it a read:
- Brandon Friedman talks about the possible implementation of the draft
- Iraqi Bloggers Central on Fixing Muqty
- Michael Yon has the scoop on terrorist whorehouses near Tal Afar
- Jawa Report on mass Al-Qaeda graves
- CDR Salamander criticizes the sleep with your wife policy being implemented in Iraq
- Doc in the Box chills out during an afternoon in Iraq
- Michael Totten's latest from Karmah
- Talisman Gate has his own perspective on the whole situation in Basra
- Matthew Ygleisas, funny guy Harvard type, has an April Fool's post
- Vox Veterana on our uninformed, lousy generation
- Democracy Arsenal lambastes the military intelligence apparatus for being clueless on Basra
- Small Wars Journal contemplates a different strategy for Iraq
- Abu Aardvark talks about Basra and power struggle
- Long War Journal on the Sadr ceasefire
- GI Kate on that Stop Loss movie
- Iraq the Model on defeating the Mahdi Army
- Inside Iraq on the suckness of curfews in Baghdad
- Little Green Footballs says Stop Loss bombed worse than a Mariah Carey flick
- Operation Yellow Elephant on the lack of the elite class signing up for the military
- Zen Traveler on chaos in Baghdad
- War Junkie with stories from the streets of Baghdad
- Abu Muqawama on the dangers of ignoring militia-influence in Iraq
- Disaffected and it Feels So Good on the Surge
- Crooks and Liars humiliates Bush
- False Motivation on dealing with corruption
- Libertarian Leanings on winning against the Shi'ite militia
- War is Boring on SEALs in Iraq
- Iraq: The Purgatorium reflects
- One Marines View on blunders
- Angry American on operations in Baghdad
- Shi'ite Happens
- War Deserters Should Stay in Canada (because they are a disgrace to America)
- Women in Combat? (I say yes!)
Cheers! Keep your head down.
26 March 2008
Tuesdaze Blog Roundup on Iraq (25 March)
The times are usually not so fun in Iraq, and this past week hasn't been much different. Here's what the blogs are saying:
- Obsidian Wings reports on the troubles with the Mahdi Army
- Brandon Friedman talks about the ceasefire too
- A Soldier's Perspective has a different take on the 4,000 dead
- Michael Yon on Al-Qaeda in Ninawa province
- Views of a Veteran lambastes the Minnesota school that wouldn't let VFF visit
- Eighty Deuce, who recently got back from Iraq, may write a book telling his story
- Small Wars Journal has a good piece on keeping in JOs (it didn't work on me)
- Zen Traveler says withdrawing from Iraq a bad idea
- The Tank on detainees wanting to stay in US custody for education opportunities
- Army of Dude talks about the grim 4,000 milestone in a personal way
- Doc in the Box likes Juno (I did too)
- Michael Totten on the liberation of Karmah
- Chickenhawk Express on some unruly protestors disrupting Easter mass
- Hello Iraq on suicidal vets
- Long War Journal in Mosul on an Al-Qaeda truck bomb
- Iraq Partii has a great post on the suckass IRR recall program
- Angry American re-ups! A much braver man than I
- McClatchy Watch talks about a sorry ass protest
- Deborah Haynes talks about snakes in the ladies loo in Basrah
- Navy Gal is off to Iraq (safe travels to her)
- Matthew Yglesias disagrees with Army Captain's having that much power (I disagreed in the comments)
- Iraq the Purgatorium on Lessons
- Newsweek Soldier's Home with diaries from the invasion in 2003
- Hot Air on the foreign fighters flying the coop
- False Motivation may be heading home soon
- SGT Grumpy on shoddy electrical wiring
- IAVA has Iraq vets hanging out with Obama
- Moonbattery has some information on the return of Jesse MacBeth
- Argghhh! with insight on the Iraqi economy
- Fuzzilicious Thinking discusses what the war means to her
- NY Time Baghdad Blog on the invasion
- Abu Muqawama on freedom of speech for officers
18 March 2008
Tuesdaze Bloggin' Roundup of Iraq (18 Mar)
Wow. The 5th anniversary of OIF has brought a ton of interesting Op-Eds and articles from the old-tyme media. Lemme bring you up to speed on the stuff in the blogosphere:
- Abu Aardvark brings up the ramifications of military withdrawal from Iraq
- Abu Muqawama discusses counter-terrorism
- The Sandbox advertises for the upcoming PBS special on the Bad Voodoo Platoon (CJ from Milblogging wrote it, I'm hoping to catch it online)
- Acute Politics with his take on 5 years in Iraq
- McClatchy Watch highlights the hypocrisy of Hillary's Iraq policy
- Iraqi Mojo on how Iraqis aren't shedding any tears over genocidal maniac Saddam
- The Sniper has the scoop on Winter Soldier II from TSO(must read)
- IraqPundit has analysis on the recent polling data of Iraqis
- Operation Yellow Elephant has some words of sarcasm for notable assclown Jason Mattera
- Vetvoice diary talks about the perils of Blackwater
- War is Boring compares Pakistan to Iraq
- False Motivation with his last installment on the often-controversial "Sons of Iraq" (another must read from a very under-rated milblogger/soldier)
- Impetuous Young Whippersnapper has his observations on the Sons of Iraq and the Surge
- Army Sergeant of IVAW discusses Winter Soldier II from her perspective (Hi Selena, thanks for being so nice about everything)
- IAVA has a perspective on Iraq 5 years later
- Jason is a lot shorter on his time in Iraq than yours truly
- Doc in the Box glorifies coffee of which I am in complete agreement
- Chickenhawk Express says TSO got "dissed!" at WSII
- Little Green Footballs had some nasty things to say about WSII
- Democracy Arsenal says the Surge isn't working so hot
- Long War Journal with the details on Archbishop Rahho being left for dead by his kidnappers in Mosul
- Argghhh! talks about the Awakening movement
- Jules Crittenden on the "Yeah, but" narrative on Iraq in the media
- A Soldier's Perspective with an interview between an ex-KBR truck driver, her son, and a liberal talk show (interesting interview)
- Iraqi Bloggers Central weighs in on the Kagan vs. Rosen take of the surge
- Crooks and Liars has the Pentagon Report on Saddam not having ties with Al-Qaeda
- Words from Warriors discusses the "Spring Offensive"
- The Captain's Journal on long term forces agreement between Iraq and the US
- Tanker Brothers on homeland enemies
11 March 2008
Tuesdaze Bloggin' Roundup of Iraq (11 Mar)
More news to consume that doesn't involve a skeazebag governor from New York:
- Brandon Friedman discusses the cyclical violence in Iraq
- Abu Muqawama talks about the media cycle of Iraqi violence
- Argghhh! does an interview with Amb. Ries on Iraqi economic development (very comprehensive)
- One Marine's View talks about the next type of extremists in Iraq
- IAVA talks about the new GI Bill being hung up by the DoD
- Disaffected and it Feels So Good on the troops in the media
- Michael Yon's latest dispatch on Guitar Heroes
- Michael Totten's excellent piece on Anabar...and supermarkets
- Democracy Arsenal discusses the "Brookings Benchmarks"
- Eighty Deuce is outta here
- Kaboom has a hilarious idea of being a Step-Son of Iraq
- Iraqi Mojo discusses what it means to be a Real Iraqi
- Iraq: The Purgatorium is having some fun on R&R
- Small Wars Journal has the latest LT COL Nagl commentary
- Chickenhawk Express has linkage to latest Bellavia post (very good read)
- Civilian Irregular Information Defense Group talks about dinosaur media vs. the internet
- A Soldier's Perspective lambastes the judge who denied a foster teen the ability to join the Marine Corps
- IraqPundit has some ideas of the reason for extremist violence in Baghdad
- Jules Crittenden talks about kickass metal in Iraq
- The Captain's Journal discusses Iranian influence in Iraq
- Operation Yellow Elephant lauds Prince Harry
- CDR Salamander previews the Petraeus April testimony
- War is Boring has thoughts on reducing corruption in Iraq
- Newsweek discusses that Marine pooch-throwing video
- The Sandbox talks about killing time in Iraq
04 March 2008
Tuesdaze Bloggin' Roundup of Iraq (4 Mar)
Here's my shameless way to build Technorati credibility. Enjoy the stuff on Iraq that dinosaur media fears:
- Michael Totten's latest dispatch from Fallujah is up!
- Chickenhawk Watch has put me on their shit list for some reason (see The Sniper for details), but it's not because I tossed a puppy off a cliff
- Obsidian Wings isn't pleased with the Ministry of Health trials (they aren't alone)
- Crooks and Liars says crazy ole' Melanie "We should've blitzed Iraq" Morgan is off the air
- Abu Aardvark decries that Public Diplomacy in the Middle East has been a disaster
- McClatchy Watch has a good round-up of transpirings in Mosul
- Operation Yellow Elephant encourages female pundits to have there male cohorts Enlist! and be proud manly men
- CDR Salamander brings up the Obama hubris during the Crocker/Petraeus testimony in Sep
- Army of Dude has new photo story up, awesome
- This Fucking War has the link to justification for IVAW's Winter Soldier II
- Inside Iraq talks about convoys of senior Iraqi leaders
- Iraq: The Purgatorium dissects the strange Japanese culture (he's on R&R from Iraq)
- SGT Grumpy discusses the weather in Iraq
- The Long War Journal has the gritty details on more dead terrorists up in Mosul
- Doc in the Box talks about why the chain of command is cool with blogging (I know for a fact that milbloggin' is kosher as I've spoken with some PAOs about this issue)
- Zen Traveler spots some Iraqi youngsters sporting an odd T-Shirt
- IAVA discusses the plight of Iraqis betrayed by our own government
- Michael Yon discusses Prince Harry
- VoteVets is not Anti-War (FYI)
- IraqPundit talks about a Tale of Two Doras (Dora is a neighborhood in SouthWest Baghdad)
- False Motivation discusses his first hand knowledge of the Sons of Iraq
- Small Wars Journal analyzes recent Pew Research polling
- Democracy Arsenal discusses a plausible counter-terrorism strategy
- A Soldier's Perspective highlights sexual harassment in the Green Zone
- Iraqi Mojo talks about Arba'een
- Captain's Journal analyzes transnational insurgencies
- Talisman Gate talks about the courage of Iraqis in maintaining security
- VetVoice calls all war supporters to take up arms (that means you, young republicans)
- Hot Air takes a look at Iraq policy and the current presidential primaries
- Jules Crittenden discusses this policy debate as well
- TSO at The Sniper questions the IVAW position
- Veterans Talk discusses life after war (New Blog)
- Daily Gut Gregalogue on that lameass anti-war music
- Kaboom gets the dreaded Dear John
- Fuzzilicious Thinking sympathizes with LT G at Kaboom (don't forget us single folks ladies! haha)
26 February 2008
Tuesdaze Bloggin' Roundup of Iraq (26 Feb)
All the stuff they forgot to print in the "normal" news:
- War is Boring discusses "Three-Block Wars"
- Long War Journal on reconstruction in the Baghdad belts
- Democracy Arsenal has some insight on exit strategy
- Iraqi Bloggers Central does an about-face on one blogger
- Eighty Deuce (who I saw on CNN-intl yesterday) vents his frustration as he finished up his tour
- Dadmanly is critical of Obama
- StarCMC not happy with Winter Soldier II
- Inside Iraq on the Arba'een pilgrimage from an Iraqi perspective
- McClatchy Watch on Mosul Ops and photos
- Chickenhawk Express not happy with Winter Soldier II either
- Hot Air talks about the Cordesman Op-Ed
- Iraq: The Purgatorium on his hatred of Fobbits, very good piece (hits a little close to home)
- False Motivation on those sleepless nights at the COP
- Matthew Yglesias says Obama's comments are credible
- Defiant Compliance happy with the Sadr ceasefire
- The Sniper discusses shenanigans in Anbar
- IraqPundit has some scathing criticism of Muqtada al-Sadr
- Blackfive isn't a big fan of Sen. Kerry
- Doc in the Box talks about separation from society while deployed
19 February 2008
Tuesdaze Bloggin' Roundup of Iraq (19 Feb)
Well Castro's out and the results of Pakistan's elections are being tallied, but don't forget that there's still stuff happening in Iraq. Check it out:
- Mudville Gazette has a song for all you hippies out there, hehe
- War is Boring discusses walking the fine line between Iraqi Police and the Sons of Iraq
- Talisman Gate discusses insurgent groups dropping the anti-Israel propaganda
- Brandon Friedman talks about the corporate ethics of Sioux Manufacturing
- Acute Politics has some dispatches from the Baghdad belt, here's one of them (highly recommended)
- Long War Journal explains Special Groups
- Informed Comment talks about the Sadr/Hakim truce not going so well
- Iraqi Bloggers Central states Al-Qaeda primarily kills Iraqi civilians, despite a lot of rhetoric against the US
- Irritated Vet examines our congressional priorities
- IraqPundit speaks of the Cordesman report that says Iraq will be a secure and stable state
- The Angry American discusses the joys of a patrol (a great milblogger, go check it out)
- Words from Warriors talks about the homefront while wars go on
- Hot Air talks about the Cordesman report as well
- Active Duty Patriot has info on Winter Soldier II
- Chickenhawk Express with the retort to Winter Soldier II
- StarCMC not so happy with the NY Times
- Eighty Deuce is about to rotate back to the world
- Disaffected and it Feels So Good talks about the true reasons for the Iraq war
- Captain's Journal says I should be getting paid more (works for me!)
- Last of Iraqis talks about trouble at the Baghdad Dentistry College
My VetVoice stuff this week:
- Free Press Under Fire in the Middle East
- The "Moral Authority" Trump Card
- The Surge a Year Later
- Foolishness in Washington
- Spinning the War in Iraq
- McCain is really Scaring Me
And finally, this tasteless video I made this week. I really hope Iraq gets better, seriously. But in the meantime, here's some satire to make you feel bad about it. If you haven't seen National Lampoon's Vaction with Chevy Chase, then you're probably too young to get the joke.
I'm probably going to hell for this, but I was headed there anyways, so whatever.
12 February 2008
Tuesdaze Bloggin' Roundup of Iraq (12 Feb)
Hmm... since Tuesday is my sorta day off, I managed to find the time to change my sheets. Hopefully this terrible rash will go away. I'm such a filthy SOB. Here's what the others are saying about Iraq that the MSM forgot to talk about:
- Michael Totten's new Fallujah post is up
- Iraqi Mojo says suicide bombing is against the Qu'ran
- Acute Politics is down in Arab Jabour, I just missed him when he was in the IZ, maybe next time
- Long War Journal dissects "Special Group" operatives in Iraq
- Jason's Iraq Deployment talks about coming to the IZ for 40 days (I told him despite being better, it still sorta sucks)
- War is Boring talks about the Sahwa councils
- Townhall gives an account of one motivated SGT (thanks CJ)
- Kokesh discusses a boxing match between GoE and IVAW for charity
- Little Green Footballs discusses the Al-Qaeda diaries released from Iraq recently
- Kaboom talks about the joys of counter-insurgency
- Doc in the Box regales us with Valentine's Day in Iraq
- Sancho Press has a video clip from John Bruhns that's worth checking out
- Iraqi Bloggers Central talks about whether or not life was better under Saddam for Iraqis
- Captain's Journal discusses force size in Iraq
Here's the stuff I did for VetVoice recently (note: lots of other good stuff on there from a variety of bloggers and activists, not just my crazy ass):
And I'm out!
05 February 2008
Tuesdaze Bloggin' Roundup of Iraq
Super Bowl and Super Tuesday keep sucking away attention from Iraq (predictably), don't forget there's a war on my fellow infidels. These sources have got the scoop:
- Iraq Partii is back in business up in Taji
- Army of Dude has some more badass photojournalism
- BlackFive wasn't too ecstatic about that Wikileak of Rules of Engagement
- Jason's Iraq Vacation talks about guilt
- Jules Crittenden discusses Acute Politics' Teflon Don coming back to Iraq
- Democracy Arsenal Talks about the Boneheadedness of the Pentagon
- South Puget Sound Libertarian wasn't impressed with the new $3.1 Trillion Budget
- Michael Totten has the latest from Fallujah
- McClatchy Watch has info on Mosul residents stocking up in preps for a big operation
- A Soldier's Perspective has info on a (*gasp*) General supporting milblogging
- Eighty Deuce discusses Ashura from a boots-on-ground perspective
- SGT Grumpy discusses the media being slow on the uptake regarding the war
- Iraq: The Purgatorium (this generation's Hunter S. Thompson) talks about serving time
- Kaboom's LT G discusses a soundtrack to war (I feel old, I haven't heard of most of the bands)
- Long War Journal offers some perspective on Qaeda's use of women with down syndrome as suicide bombers
- False Motivation discusses morale during a mortar attack
- Acute Politics rolls out to the badlands
- Iraqi Mojo questions the Oil for Food program
- Abu Aardvark discusses Sahwa councils
- Arrgghhh! talks about the morals of soldiers
- On Iran's "Slanted Drilling" enterprise
- On Crooked Contractors
- On the atrocious Pet Market bombings in Baghdad
- On the Cheapening of 9/11
- On LA Times calling all military peeps "rapists"
29 January 2008
Tuesdaze Bloggin' Roundup of Iraq (29 Jan)
Well it's my sorta day off, so I'm sitting in my trailer bored senseless, which is actually a nice change of pace. Check out what these other rockin' blogs are saying about Iraq:
- Milblogging.com references some fancy intellectual-type blog that gives it's synopsis of milbloggin'
- SGT Grumpy talks about the ubiquitous Call to Prayer
- A Soldier's Perspective talks about singing the National Anthem correctly for all the Roseanna Barr's out there
- OYE offers advice on customizing your own pixelated chickenhawk
- Adam Kokesh of IVAW talks about how great a place Iraq is for the US military (well, not really)
- Army of Dude, who's got the skills of a modern-day Vonnegut, talks about boredom in war
- Iraq The Purgatorium laments on how society is terrible
- Michael Totten's new post on Fallujah is up, a good read
- Vox Veterana's TF Boggs is getting out of the service, lucky bastard (just kiddin' Boggs!)
- Iraq Pundit talks about the economy of Iraq
- Michael Yon talks about the strain on our military personnel (no surprises here!)
18 January 2008
Bloggin Roundup of Iraq 18 Jan
Work has been kicking my ass lately for some reason, maybe I should stop drinking so much damn coffee. I'm going to try to get a post up on Vetvoice about the strange and weird world of how the Navy IA process works, so watch for that. In the mean time, check out these other groovy bits of insight on Iraq:
- False Motivation discusses rolling back to the FOB
- This Fucking War talks about the new n' improved Iraqi flag
- Iraq The Purgatorium laments the fate of the average GI
- Soldier's Perspective talks about tours shortening (maybe), oh and we're all murderers and rapists according to some
- Irritated Vet asks some tough questions about where the people are going to come from for future military operations
- Iraqi Mojo discusses stress
- Blackfive suggests another Petraeus for A-Stan (a good suggestion)
- The Captain's Journal talks about what the future of US forces in Iraq may look like
- Military Motivator simplifies problems, from an infantry perspective
- Iraqpundit badmouth the NYT
- Juan "Nothin' But the Bad News about Iraq" Cole talks about the Kurds angst
- Little Green Footballs gives props to Petraeus
- Alex on Vetvoice talks about Diyala Province (if you don't know where that is, I recommend checkin' it out)
Update: Finally finished that post about Navy IAs, check it out here.
18 December 2007
Tuesdaze Bloggin' Roundup of Iraq
MSM got you down, not enough news about Iraq. Check out what other non-traditional media has to say in these milblogs and blogs.
- Milblogging.com highlights This War and Me
- Hot Air discusses the TBIED attack on Mosul Dam
- Inside Iraq talks about the Teachers Strike
- McClatchy Watch talks about General Petraeus being the man of the year
- Civilian Irregular Information Defense Group talks about strategic communication
- Juan Cole talks about the US sanctioning Turkish airstrikes
- Long War journal shows publicly available statistics on Iraq
- IraqPundit talks about Zawahiri and anti-war media outlets sharing a similar agenda
- Long War Journal talks about Awakening movement clashing with Al-Qaeda
- War is Boring talks about rocket attacks in Basrah
- Irritated Vet talks about lack of military resources to fight 2 wars
- Talisman Gate talks about the shady Bunnia family in Baghdad
- Michael Totten discusses Fallujah in Commentary
- Long War Journal talks about the ISF in Basrah
- Jihad Watch talks about Iran and the Mujaheeden e-Khalq
- Captain's Journal discusses the debacle surrounding Thomas Smith in Lebanon
- Iraqi Bloggers Central talks about the second anniversary of Democracy in Iraq
- IraqPundit talks about increased oil production
- Juan Cole talks about the Kurdish Parliament limiting the freedom of the press
- McClatchy Watch asks why there aren't any Ernie Pyles these days in Iraq
- This War and Me talks about starting a new life after Iraq
- Crooks and Liars criticizes policies of throwing away letters for wounded vets
- HotAir talks about oil production increasing as well
- Inside Iraq talks about security improvements making a difference for the citizens of Baghdad
- IraqPundit ridicules Moqtada al-Sadr becoming an Ayatollah
- War is Boring heads to Basrah for the security transition to Iraqis from the Brits
- Juan Cole slams Republicans for criticizing Pelosi's "They Like this War" comment
- Inside Iraq discusses a trip from Falluhjah to Baghdad laden with security checkpoints
- Iraq Pundit criticizes WaPo article taking about the rise of JAM
- Captain's Journal discusses the merits of detainee release
- Iraq: The Purgatorium laments why the average GI makes so much less than "sports heroes"
- Long War Journal weighs in on the Amarah bombings suggesting it may have been Special Groups
- McClatchy Watch discusses Dems blocking defense funding
- Jesus General pokes fun at the GOP debates (just for laughs)
- Civilian Irregular Information Defense Group discusses Unsung Heroes in Iraq
- Michelle Malkin criticizes the KBR gang-rape allegations
- IraqPundit discusses shift in American opinion of the Iraq War
- Long War Journal provides an in-depth look at the CLC w/Map
- Inside Iraq discusses the hassle to use a generator in Iraq
Enjoy and stay in the know.