Showing posts with label Lime. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lime. Show all posts

Monday, 11 September 2023

Earl Grey Pear Chiffon Cake

 If I had a choice, I would rename the title of this post as "Earl Grey Honey Milk Tea Vanilla Pear and Lime Chiffon Cake" but that would be too long and a big mouthful to read out aloud 😆. But that's the true representation of this really aromatic, refreshing and yummy cake!

I made not just one but two such cakes! One for my dad's birthday and another for my uncle's birthday.

The pears on top are actually made of chiffon cake. This is the Instagram reel on how to make it:

The large cakes are made up of:
- Earl grey honey milk tea chiffon sponges
- Earl grey pear tea with honey agar jelly 
- Pear and lime compote with brown sugar and honey
- Chantilly cream

I have to thank Lizzy (@homecookinglizzy Instagram account ) for the inspiration for this cake flavour and the recipe for the pear and lime compote. It's amazing 😍.

I was trying out baking without using steam baking but with a different baking temperature profile to see if it works too. Fan mode was used when I usually use top and bottom heat only. My conclusion is, there isn't really much difference in results from my usual temperature profile which starts at a higher temperature and then gradually lowering it, while using steam baking.

Earl Grey pear tea
This is used for making the chiffon "pears" and the agar jelly.

1 large ripe Packham pear, peeled and grated
2 Earl Grey tea bags
1/2 tsp black tea powder (or 1 Earl Grey tea bag)
1 stick of cinnamon
1/2 tsp vanilla bean paste or extract
400ml water

1. Place all ingredients in saucepan and bring to a boil. Simmer for 5 minutes.

2. Turn off heat and leave it to cool completely. Discard cinnamon stick. Squeeze out the tea bags. Sieve the Earl Grey pear tea through fine sieve. Store in airtight glass container refrigerated until needed. You may prepare this 1-2 days in advance.

Earl Grey pear tea chiffon cake "pears"
Ingredients (makes about 15-16 pears):
Egg yolk batter
2 egg yolks
28g vegetable oil
28g Earl Grey pear tea
40g cake flour
Pinches of salt
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Green and yellow gel food colouring
1/2 tsp Earl Grey tea leaves from tea bag (optional)
Cinnamon stick cut to thin slivers (for pear stems)

2 egg whites
1/8 tsp cream of tartar
38g caster sugar

1. Wash egg shells and remove membrane inside. Air dry completely before using. Use silicone hemisphere tray, muffin cases or disposable cupcake cases to hold each eggshell upright.

2. Preheat oven to 120-130C fan mode.

3. Prepare egg yolk batter. Whisk egg yolks until pale and thick. Add oil and whisk until well combined. Add tea, salt and vanilla and whisk until well combined. Gradually sift in flour and whisk until no trace of flour is seen. You may add some tea leaves from a tea bag to the flour before sifting together to add black specks on the pear to mimic real pears. Set aside.

4. Make the meringue. Beat egg whites with cream of tartar until firm peaks or just reach stiff peaks, gradually adding sugar once egg whites are foamy. 

5. Quickly but gently fold meringue into egg yolk batter in three additions. Transfer into large piping bag. Cut a hole about 7-8mm. Fill the egg shells about 2/3-3/4 full.

6. Bake for 35-40 minutes. Increase temperature to 160C and bake for another 5 minutes. Leave to cool completely before cutting off the excess cake that rose out of the egg shell. Crack the egg shells with the back of metal spoon and gently releasing the cake. Adjust baking temperature and time according to your oven as each oven is different. 

7. Use a strip of cling wrap to tie a knot at where you want the "waist" of the pear to appear on each cake. Leave it for 10-15 minutes before untying it. I was impatient and didn't want to use so much plastic so I just did it one at a time, using the time to unmould each cake as the length of time to "strangle" the previous cake. The sponge would bounce back a little but I just shape it with my fingers again.

8. Insert a sliver of cinnamon stick for the pear stem. You may use chocolate if you wish but I prefer something that is less fragile and easier to handle in hot and humid Singapore. 

9. Brush the surface of the sponge with syrup (1:2 sugar: hot water) and store in airtight condition in the fridge. You may store at room temperature too if consuming within 3 days.

Don't they look cute?😍

Earl Grey pear tea with honey agar jelly
I portion the jelly ingredients such that the jelly layer I set in my silicone tray is about 7-8mm thick. My tray is about 8" in diameter.

270g Earl Grey pear tea
40g honey
5g agar powder
Zest of 1 large lime (calamamsi), optional

1. Put cold or room temperature tea in saucepan. Scatter agar powder over and whisk. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes. 

2. Add honey and lime zest. Bring to boil while whisking frequently.  Simmer for 3 minutes while whisking. 

3. Pour mixture through a very fine sieve into tray. Leave it to cool to room temperature. Refrigerate for at least 1 h.

4. Use a small teardrop shaped cutter (or any other shape you like) to cut out pieces for lining the sides of the cakes. Finely chop the remaining leftover jelly for adding to the filling in the middle with the pear and lime compote. Keep the cutouts and finely chopped pieces covered and refrigerated until needed.

Pear and lime compote 
3 ripe but firm pears, peeled and finely chopped
2 large limes (calamamsi), zest and juice
45g light brown sugar
15g honey
15g water
1/8 tsp salt

1. Place all ingredients in a saucepan and cook for about 15-20 minutes or until pear appears translucent.  Set aside to cool completely. You may prepare this a day in advance. Store in refrigerator if preparing in advance.

Earl Grey honey milk tea chiffon cakes
Ingredients (makes one 15cm and one 17cm chiffon cake in tube pans*):
Egg yolk batter
7 egg yolks
80g vegetable oil
110g Earl Grey honey milk tea**
1.5 tsp vanilla extract
1/8 tsp salt
5g black tea powder***
145g cake flour

7 egg whites
1/4 tsp cream of tartar
105g caster sugar

*Please scale recipe according to your chiffon cake tin size. Use 2 or 3 egg portion for 15cm and 4 egg portion for 17cm tin.

** Dissolve 55g of honey in 100g of milk by heating and stirring in a saucepan. Remove from heat once honey is dissolved and milk is steaming hot. Soak 6 Earl Grey teabags for 10-15 minutes. Squeeze out as much tea as you can from the tea bags. Portion out 110g for use. Top up with more milk if amount is not enough.

***Extra notes: You may replace tea powder with more Earl Grey tea bags if you don't have it, adjust amount according to taste and brand. The tea powder I use is able to dissolve in water. You may add milk powder if you wish the taste to be milkier. I omitted it although Lizzy added it, because the sponges are eaten with dairy cream instead of eaten alone or without pairing with something milky.

1. Preheat oven to 120-130C fan mode. Set oven rack to second lower position.

2. Dissolve black tea powder in Earl Grey honey milk tea if using. Set aside.

3. Prepare egg yolk batter. Whisk egg yolks until pale and thick. Add oil and whisk until well combined. Add tea, salt and vanilla and whisk until well combined. Gradually sift in flour and whisk until no trace of flour is seen. Set aside.

4. Make the meringue. Beat egg whites with cream of tartar until firm peaks or just reach stiff peaks, gradually adding sugar once egg whites are foamy. 

5. Quickly but gently fold meringue into egg yolk batter in three additions. Pour into chiffon cake tins until batter is about 1" below the rim. Run a chopstick along the base and sides of the tin to pop any large air bubbles.

6. Bake for 1h - 1h 10 minutes. The cakes don't brown at all in my oven at this temperature. Increase temperature to 160C and bake for another 7-10 minutes or until tops appear a little browned. Immediately invert the tins to cool completely before unmoulding by hand. Slice each cake horizontally into 3 slices. I sliced into 4 so that I can fill the hole in the middle with circular cutouts from the fourth slice.

Chantilly cream
You may use any type of cream or combination of cream you like according to taste preference and ambient conditions that you are serving the cake. Non-dairy holds up the best, is pre-sweetened and impossible to overwhip. Heavy cream tastes the best but may need stabilizers like gelatin and sugar, and tends to be over whipped more easily if not careful. You may also use double cream which has higher fat content than heavy cream, tastes great too but able to hold its shape better in warmer conditions. I use a combination of non-dairy and double cream to get the best of both worlds of taste, stability and ease of handling. I use a ratio of 2:3 for non-dairy : double cream.

Make sure sponge cakes are sliced and all filling ingredients are ready before whipping the cream. Use it immediately to assemble the cakes.

250g Whip topping (non-dairy whipping cream)
375g double cream (45% fat)

1. Whip non-dairy whipping cream until stiff. Set aside.

2. Whisk double cream until loosened and able to hold some soft to firm peaks. Be careful not to over whisk or it will split. That's why I recommend using the hand whisk instead of electric mixer for this.

Whisked double cream till soft-firm peak

3. Gradually fold in whipped non-dairy cream into double cream until well combined.

1. Place a slice of sponge on 7 or 8" cakeboard. Wrap an acetate sheet around the cake and tape it in place. Fill the hole with a sponge cutout if you wish.

2. Brush the sponge with some syrup from the compote. 

3. Spread a thin layer of cream over the sponge.

4. Slide agar jelly cutouts down the sides of the acetate sheet so that there is no air gap. Line the whole circumference of the cake with the jelly.

5. Transfer some cream into piping bag with a small hole (4-5mm) cut. Pipe cream around the jelly cutouts, making sure there is no air gap. Use a skewer or chopstick to nudge the cream if you see air gaps from the outside. 

6. Fill the middle with pear and lime compote and chopped bits of Earl Grey pear tea jelly.

7. Cover with cream and smoothen it relatively flat.

8. Carefully insert second sponge layer. Fill hole with sponge cutout if you wish.

9. Repeat steps 2-8.

10. Cover the top with cling wrap. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours before removing the acetate sheet. You may leave the acetate sheet in place if you wish until ready to serve. Keep refrigerated and consume within 3-5 days. 

My family loved the cake because it is so light, refreshing and fragrant, with a good balance of flavours! I thought the addition of lime to Earl Grey and pear an unusual one but it turned out very well! Here's a peek at the messy yummy slices!

To be honest, I would have filled the "pears" with some cream and compote as well but these cakes came at a very busy period for me with multiple deadlines happening around the same time. I decided to keep things simpler. If you would like to know how to fill the pears, you may refer to my apple black tea chiffon cake apples or chiffon strawberries posts.

with lots of love,

Phay Shing

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Sunday, 10 August 2014

Ombre Lime Chiffon Cake with Lime Curd & Cream Daisies

After my aunt saw the ombre lime chiffon cake with lime curd and cream that I baked a while ago, she wanted one too! Just for fun! Since it's not for any special occassion, I decided not to do the layers the "leceh" (troublesome) way with a few rounds of baking and washing, but instead take a risk and do it the way that Susanne did for her Ombre Hello Kitty birthday cake with one round of baking. My aunt is keen on trying it with lime curd so I had to come up with a creative way of including the curd without hiding all that ombre. So here it is! A lime flavored ombre green field with daisies!

Do pardon the amateurish piping :p

Close up view of a daisy against a background of different shades of green!

The recipe is adapted from Susanne's rainbow chiffon cake but I decided to scale it down to see if it works with large eggs. I find it's still better to stick with her 5 yolk 7 white recipe for a 17cm chiffon tin after baking this but I will just type out what I used here. I decided not to stick with my original cooked dough recipe as I personally prefer the more bouncy texture of regular chiffon, although the cooked dough method yields a very soft cake and goes well with multiple separate layers of cake and cream.

I didn't make a fresh batch of lime curd as I still had some leftover from the previous round that I froze. Recipe for yummy and super smooth lime curd and cream can be found here. I used non-dairy cream as I had some on hand as well that needs to be used up. Lazy me! :p

Ingredients (makes one 17cm ombre chiffon cake):
4 large egg yolks (65-68g)
24g caster sugar
52g canola oil
30g fresh milk
26g lime juice
3/4 tsp vanilla extract
Zest of 2 limes
80g cake flour
Green and brown gel food coloring

5.5 egg whites (use 6 if you find it troublesome to measure)
50g caster sugar
1/4 tsp cream of tartar

1. Wrap the 17cm chiffon tin with homemade cake strips made out of wet newspaper wrapped in aluminium foil. (Optional but it helps the cake to rise slowly and results in a taller cake. Reduce baking time by 5-10 minutes if you are not using.) Preheat oven to 160 degrees Celsius. Place the oven rack at the second lowest position.

2. Use a hand whisk to beat the egg yolks and sugar until pale and all the sugar has dissolved. Add oil and mix well until thick. Add in fresh milk, vanilla extract, lime juice and salt. Whisk until well combined.  Gradually sift in flour and whisk until no trace of flour is seen. Mix in lime zest.

3. Divide batter into 5 equal portions and add in green/ brown coloring into 4 of them with varying shades of green.

4. Prepare the meringue. Beat egg whites with elextric mixer in a clean metal bowl until foamy. Add cream of tartar and beat until soft peaks form. Gradually add sugar and beat until stiff peaks form and the bowl can be overturned without the meringue falling out. Quickly but gently fold in the meringue into all 5 portions of egg yolk batter in three additions. This may be tricky.

5. Carefully scoop the batter with darkest shade of green into the chiffon tin and gently level it with a teaspoon. Repeat with the other shades of green from darkest to lightest shade. This is my first time doing it and I tried to work as quickly as I could but I think it's still a little too slow as the batter did not fill the tin as much as I expected for a 4 egg yolk recipe.

6. Tap the tin a few times on the table and bake for 20 minutes before reducing the temperature to 150 degrees Celsius and baking for another 30 minutes. Immediately invert the tin to cool. Carefully unmould by hand. I managed to unmould the sides beautifully but got impatient and used the spatula for the base. Ended up with a slightly shaggy appearance for the base. O well :p.

7. I piped some daisies with lime cream as petals and lime curd as flower centers.

I left the cream in the piping bag in the fridge for too long (busy with kids) so it set into mousse-like consistency. As a result the cream petals appear a bit rough. But I like the fact that these flowers are decorative as well as refreshingly tangy.

Hmm... I think aunt would prefer more cream and curd I continued piping more flowers and some dots around the borders. I packed the leftover curd and cream for her just in case she wanted something with stronger lime flavor as I used much more curd and cream for my previous ombre lime cake. The great thing about baking just for fun is it doesn't have to look perfect. As long as it tastes good and looks decent enough, who cares :p.

My aunt only managed to eat the cake 3 days after I baked so the cake did dry out a bit in the fridge (store chiffon cakes at room temperature or freeze them. Refrigeration tends to dry it out. If you have to chill the cake for a more refreshing taste, do consume within 1-2 days of baking.) She said it was delicious and refreshing with extra lime curd and not dry at all. The texture was very much like my pulut hitam chiffon that's popular among my extended family.

 This post is linked to the event, Little Thumbs Up organised by Bake for Happy Kids and My Little Favourite DIY, and hosted by Diana from the Domestic Goddess Wannabe.

With love,
Phay Shing
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Friday, 18 July 2014

Ombre Lime Chiffon Cake with Lime Curd and Cream

My friend wanted me to bake a gorgeous cake she saw on the Internet and that's how this cake came about :). Presenting my humble 6-layered Ombre lime chiffon cake with lime curd and fresh cream.

I didn't follow the recipe as it looked really sweet and buttery but copied the cake deco as it is really beautiful. Since my friend prefered something less sweet, I decided to come up with my own version using a butter-based chiffon cake recipe, with lime curd added to provide a really intense lime experience.

I adapted the lime curd recipe from here and made it in advance. You may wish to serve the cake with cream alone.

Lime curd recipe
43g unsalted butter (room temperature)
112g caster sugar
1 large egg (65g)
1 large egg yolk
79g fresh lime juice
1/2 tsp grated lime zest

1. Beat butter and sugar with electric mixer for about 2 minutes. Slowly add egg and egg yolk and beat for 1 minute. Mix in lime juice. Mixture will appear curdy so not to worry.

2. Cook mixture over low heat until smooth, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Increase heat to medium and keep stirring until mixture thickens. It should leave a path on the back of the spoon. Do not boil!

3. Remove from heat and stir in lime zest. Transfer to a bowl and press cling wrap on surface of curd to keep skin from forming. Chill in fridge. The curd can keep in the fridge for a week and in the freezer for 2 months.

For the chiffon cake layers, I chose the cooked dough method to produce a really soft but not so springy cake. I thought this type of cake texture would be more suitable for a cake with so many layers and cream sandwiched in between.

Lime chiffon layer cake recipe
Ingredients (makes six 7" round flat layers):
6 egg yolks, lightly beaten
90g fresh milk
40g lime juice
2-3 lime zest
60g unsalted butter
1 tsp vanilla extract
115g cake flour, sifted
Green and brown gel food coloring

8 egg whites**(You may have to divide the ingredients for meringue by 2 or 3, or even 6 times depending on how many 7" pans you have and the size of your oven.)
110g caster sugar
1/2 tsp cream of tartar

1. Preheat oven to 160 degrees Celsius. Line the 7" round pans with baking sheet at the bottom. Do not grease the sides.

2. Cook milk, juice, butter and vanilla extract at low heat until all the butter has melted. The saucepan should not be so hot that you can't touch it with your fingers. Once the butter has melted, take the saucepan off the heat and pour in all the sifted cake flour. Quickly stir with a spatula or wooden spoon while the mixture is still warm.

3. When no trace of flour can be seen, gradually add in egg yolks to prevent the batter from separating. Stir in lime zest.

4. Divide the egg yolk batter into 6 equal portions and add green (or green and brown) food colouring until a desired shade is obtained for each shade of green, leaving one bowl uncoloured. Take note that the final colour will be lighter after the meringue is added.

5. In a clean metal bowl, beat the egg whites with an electric mixer until foamy. Add cream of tartar and beat for a minute or so (before soft peaks) then gradually add in sugar and beat until stiff peaks form. Sugar is added in earlier here as all the sugar is added into the meringue with none in the egg yolk batter. This is to ensure that all the sugar is dissolved by the time you reach the stiff peak stage.

6. Fold in the meringue into the egg yolk batter in three additions. Slowly pour the batter into the lined pans and level it.

7. Bake for 15-16 minutes. Remove cake from pan and gently peel off the baking sheet. Let the cake cool completely with a baking sheet over it it prevent it from drying out. Proceed to prepare the meringue for the next batches and bake until you have completed all 6 layers.

I only have 2 pans so I had to bake 3 rounds.

Assembling ombre lime chiffon cake
6 7" lime chiffon layer cakes
Some lime curd
400 ml whipping cream
2 tsp gelatin powder
1 tbs lime juice
1 tbs cool water
4 tbs icing sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Fresh blueberries
Fresh mint leaves

1. Sprinkle gelatin over a mixture of lime juice and water. Wait for a couple of minutes for the gelatin to absorb the water. Heat in microwave on medium high heat for 30 seconds or until gelatin has dissolved.

2. Warm up 4 tbs of whipping cream and add it to the gelatin mixture. Add in vanilla extract and mix well. Set aside.

3. Use an electric mixer to whip the whipping cream with icing sugar until soft peaks form. Gradually add in gelatin mixture until firm peaks form. Be careful not to overbeat or the cream will separate.

4. Place the uncoloured layer cake on the cake board. Pipe a layer of whipped cream and add some lime curd on top.

5. Place the cake with the lightest shade of green on top and repeat with cream, curd and cake from the lightest to darkest shade of green.

6. Top the last layer with cream, a ring of mint leaves (optional) and finally blueberries in the middle.

I am already drooling while assembling :p.

I'm linking this post to Bake Along for this week's theme of Chiffon Cakes jointly hosted by Joyce of Kitchen Flavours, Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids and Lena of Frozen Wings.

** Update: The cake was finally served about a day plus after I assembled. Here's the feedback I got from my friend... "Cake was very yummy! Good because not too sweet. Not too sour either the balance just nice! I like. Refreshing."

With love,
Phay Shing

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