Showing posts with label Lemon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lemon. Show all posts

Wednesday, 25 December 2024

"Peppy In Space" Coffee Chocolate Hazelnut Marshmallow Cakepop on Lavender Honey Lemon Cake

 My elder kid requested for Peppy this year as the subject of his birthday bake so I made these!

- Peppy as coffee cinnamon vanilla marshmallow coated chocolate hazelnut cakes 
- Lavender lemon honey butter cakes frosted with lemon ganache that's partially naturally coloured with blue pea flower. The acidity from lemon juice turns the ganache a little purplish but I needed to add a teeny bit of gel colouring to enhance the vibrancy. Tried to go for a subtle space theme since Peppy is a space dog

So glad that the cakes tasted great according to my elder kid who is a Star Rail fan. I nearly died piping some of the main characters in marshmallow form last year so I decided to go for something with a lot less details but a lot yummier since there's cake inside and the marshmallow is flavoured 🤭. Peppy is Asta's adorable pet dog. 

I used the same recipe for making Christmas bear with present for making Peppy because I didn't have to add any extra artificial colouring for Peppy's fur colour. I have an online class for it if you are interested in the recipe and visuals for making it. Click here if you are.

 Here's a closer look at Peppy...

Look at the tempting cross-section!

Here's a look at the marshmallows before dusting.

The piping video tutorial can be found in this reel:

Here's a look at the cut cross section of the cake...

A closer look at the slightly messy cut slice 🤭

It's yummy though with a nice mix of lavender fragrance, sweetness and tanginess from the lemon

A view of assembling neat layers with the help of acetate sheet.

A view of the mini cakes before putting Peppy on top!

I made the lavender honey lemon butter cake earlier this year and my elder kid loved it so much he requested it for his birthday. You may refer to this post for the recipe. I replaced the cream with lemon juice/lavender tea coloured with blue pea flower for the ganache and reduced the overall liquid: white chocolate ratio to make it a suitable consistency for frosting cake.

Here's the video of assembling the layered cake!

with lots of love,

Phay Shing

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Sunday, 14 July 2024

Pompompurin Lemon Bars

 This impromptu bake happened because I had extra egg yolks and lemons lying around!

I had exactly 4 extra yolks and 4 lemons to use up so it's about half the reference recipe I used from Serious Eats.
The only thing was I didn't want to end up having half an egg leftover from a bake that is trying to use up leftovers so I tweaked the ratios slightly to fit a pan size that happens to be slightly bigger than half the pan size in the reference recipe. So everything worked out well!

Although I made lemon bars before in the past over here for a sugar-free version, I prefer this recipe for two reasons. 1. The cookie crust remains crispy even after a few days due to icing sugar used instead of castor sugar. 2. There's no flour in the lemon layer so it's more like lemon custard.

Lemon Bars
Makes about 8 squares in 4x9" tray

Cookie base:
70g plain flour 
35g icing sugar
1/8 tsp salt
1 lemon zest
65g cold butter

🔸Blitz everything in blender until it resembles fine breadcrumbs
🔸Press into loaf pan lined with parchment paper overhanging off the edges for ease of lifting off the pan
🔸Bake at 180C for 22-25 min or until lightly browned

Lemon filling:
190g sugar
2 eggs
4 egg yolks
3 lemon zest
Pinch of salt
160g lemon juice (about 3.5-4 lemons)

🔸Whisk everything except lemon juice in a saucepan. Add lemon juice & whisk
🔸Whisk on low heat for 3 min till warm. Increase to med-low heat. Whisk until 77C & thickened
🔸Pour through a sieve onto baked cookie base
🔸Bake at 180C with foil covering tray. I used top heat only for 20min or until firm to avoid burning the cookie base
🔸Cool uncovered. Refrigerate covered for at least 1-2 hours before cutting into squares.
🔸Decorate with melted chocolate. I used my Pompompurin macaron template so I didn't have to pipe by freehand 🤭

Piping chocolate

I set the piped chocolate in the freezer for a few minutes before carefully using tweezers to place them on the bars.

The bars can be stored in the fridge for a few days.

with love,

Phay Shing

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Friday, 7 June 2024

"Grumpy's Bath" Macaron Cake

 It's been a long time since I made something out of curiosity and for fun! This project and experiment came about because I was wondering what I can make with the colours of batter for a batch of milk bottle macarons I had to make for a client's baby's first month celebration. The image of Grumpy Bear in a duck floatie came to mind and I started to giggle 🤭. 

I took this chance to experiment with making a 3D macaron tub. Although it would have made things easier if I had a silicone loaf pan, I decided to risk using metal disposable loaf tin wrapped in parchment and disposable paper loaf pans as experiments. So glad they worked!

I used my default Swiss meringue method recipe for making the macaron shells.

Here's the video tutorial of how I made the tub. Please read the captions in the reel for important technical details:

I coated the insides of the tub with a thin layer of royal icing to reinforce the thin macaron shell although this is optional. You may coat with a layer of chocolate instead. Did it turn out too sweet? Nope! That's because I filled the macaron tub as well as Grumpy and the duck floatie with a tangy lemon ganache. I included two layers of lavender honey butter cake as well in the tub. All bubble baths can't do without the bubbles so I made the foam out of aerated honey lemon jelly.

Check out some works-in-progress pictures below and the cut cross- section of the tub!

I have a sable cookie stool and some mini meringue duckies in storage I used as props.

I coated the base of the duck floatie with a thin layer of ganache to insulate it from the jelly

My kids loved the tangy macaron cake! It's been some time since they had a just-for-fun bake from me too!

Lemon ganache
(Adapted from here)
250g white chocolate couverture 
60g fresh lemon juice
zest of 2 lemons
60g heavy cream

1. Melt chocolate over double-boiler or in microwave oven. Set aside.

2. Heat the rest of the ingredients until warm (46C) in a small saucepan or microwave. Don't worry if it looks a little curdled because when milk/cream comes into contact with acid, this happens.

3. Pour warm lemon juice and cream over melted chocolate. Use an immersion blender to blend until smooth and emulsified. Press cling wrap onto surface of ganache.

4. Let the ganache firm up in the fridge for half an hour or overnight in air-conditioned room (22-24C). Transfer into piping bag.

Honey Lavender Cake
(adapted from here)
I baked the cake in the same mini loaf pans I used for piping the macaron bathtubs. I didn't want to grind the sugar with dried lavender flowers because I wanted to simplify things and have less things to wash/set up. So in my adaptation of the reference recipe, I made a concentrated lavender tea instead and replaced the yoghurt with that. I reduced the sugar by a little as well.

Ingredients (3 mini loaves):
50g unsalted butter
45g caster sugar
10g honey
1/8 tsp salt
1 medium egg (about 45g without shell), lightly beaten
75g cake flour
3/4 tsp baking powder
30g concentrated lavender tea*

* Steep 3g dried lavender flowers in 45g hot water for 10 min. Strain and squeeze out as much tea as possible from the flowers. Reserve 30g for the cake.

1. Grease loaf pans. Preheat oven to 160Cfan/175C.

2. Whisk together baking powder and flour. Set aside 

3. Cream butter, sugar, honey and salt until pale and fluffy.

4. Gradually add egg and mix until smooth after each addition.

5. Gradually add half the flour mixture by sifting over the batter, mixing well after each addition.

6. Add concentrated tea. Mix well.

7. Add the remaining flour mix gradually by sifting over batter and mixing well after each addition.

8. Pour into loaf pans and bake for 25 min or until skewer comes out clean.

7. Cool in pan for 10 min before tipping the cake out and cooling completely. 

I sliced the loaves horizontally till 1.5cm thick for layering in the tubs. I brushed the cake with a little lemon syrup too but this is optional.

Honey lemon foam
5g gelatin bloomed in 40g ice water
25g lemon juice
30g honey 
80g hot water 

1. Dissolve honey in hot water. Add lemon juice. Mix well

2. Melt bloomed gelatin and add it to honey lemon water. Whisk until well combined.

3. Set the mixture over an ice water bath and gently stir with a whisk for 5min to cool the mixture down and thicken it.

4. Whisk more vigorously to create the foam bubbles.

5. Chill in fridge for 5 min to stabilize the bubbles before scooping onto the bathtub to create the "bath bubbles".

You may watch the video of the process over here in my reel:

with love,

Phay Shing

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Saturday, 4 May 2024

Negiusagi Honey Lemon Vanilla Marshmallows

 A friend from Italy requested for me to create Negiusagi marshmallows for content creation in October last year but I only got around to making it in March this year. I am taking the chance to share a flavoured marshmallow recipe as well!

Photo dumping some shots I took of the marshmallows that are honey lemon vanilla flavoured!

Here's the reel for the piping process:

Honey Lemon Vanilla Marshmallow 
Italian meringue
60g egg whites
10g sugar
4g lemon juice

140g sugar
1/8 tsp salt
60g honey
10g lemon juice
30g water
1 tsp vanilla extract

Gelatin bloom
9g gelatin
15g lemon juice
20g ice water

Please read the captions of the reel for tips on working with character marshmallows in hot climates and if you are artistically challenged.

Flavour variations, keto-friendly sugar-free options, detailed steps and technical tips are in my Deco Marshmallows book.

 The book is already available in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand, and available for pre-orders in most countries.

with love,
Phay Shing 
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Friday, 22 March 2024

Kuromi Honey Lemon Marshmallows

 My friend requested for some Kuromi marshmallows for her daughter's birthday but she wanted something that tastes less sweet. I made the marshmallows in honey lemon vanilla flavour to fulfill the request!

Here are some works-in-progress photos before I dusted the piped marshmallows!

Watch the video tutorial of making these from the reel! Do read the captions for explanation for the technique:

Basic recipe and how to adapt it to various flavours and consistencies for piping can be found in my Deco Marshmallows book.

with love,

Phay Shing

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Sunday, 9 April 2023

Lemon Minions Bunny Egg Cakes


Sharing some cute Lemon Minion Bunny Egg Cakes with recipe =) ❤️ 

Ingredients (5 egg shells) 
1 egg yolk 
13g vegetable oil 
7g lemon juice 
7g milk 
1/4 tsp vanilla extract 
20g cake or all-purpose flour  
¼ tsp lemon zest 
Yellow and blue food coloring 

1 egg white 
25g castor sugar 
Few drops lemon juice 

Whisk egg yolk with oil, lemon juice, milk, vanilla, zest. Add sifted flour and whisk till well combined. Divide the batter 2 (yellow): 1 (blue). Whisk egg whites with sugar and lemon juice in a new bowl till firm peaks. Fold in the meringue into respective colored batter. 

Pipe yellow batter till 1/2 full, followed by a layer of blue batter in each egg shell. Bake at 140C for 30 mins. Crack open the egg shells when the cakes are cool. Decorate with melted chocolate. 

Hope they made you smile!!❤️❤️🥰 

Video baking/assembly reel here on my IG: @susanne.decochiffon 

With love,

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Tuesday, 15 November 2022

Sugar-Free Lemon Butter Cake with Mascarpone Whipped Cream and Lemon Curd

This is a baby Yoda- lemony- (partially), sugar free part 2 bake for hubby's birthday! 

Please see my previous post for part 1 for sugar-free lemon bar with baby Yoda grapes.

Baby Yoda is made out of kiwi this time!

Please visit Melly's Instagram page for the tutorial on how to make baby Yoda out of kiwi @mellyeatsworld.

Here's a peek at a slice of the cake!

This lemon cake is made of a dense and rich tasting lemon butter sponge that is full of lemon flavour but has a melt in your mouth texture, sugar-free lemon curd, and mascarpone whipped cream. I brushed the sponge with mixture of honey and lemon juice to add moisture and more lemon flavour.

I adapted Hanbit Cho's lemon cake recipe for this bake.  You may find his detailed recipe and video tutorial on youtube over here. I tweaked it by including egg separation method to include a meringue component in the batter, as well as adding a little more lemon juice. I replaced half of the sugar with erythritol. You may use Hanbit's recipe as it is too but I was going for something like Mrs SK Ng's butter cake where both creaming method and meringues are used, but with the weight of eggs similar to Hanbit's recipe.

Lemon butter sponge
Ingredients (makes two thick 6" layers):
152g unsalted butter, softened (around 20-22C)
50g castor sugar (I used erythritol)
A pinch of salt
24g honey
4 egg yolks* (large, room temperature)
34g finely ground almond powder
136g cake flour
3/4-1 tsp baking powder
8g lemon zest
35g lemon juice
1 tsp vanilla extract

2 egg whites* (large)
60g castor sugar (I replaced 15g with erythritol, may replace all with sugar replacements for totally sugar-free version)
1/8 tsp cream of tartar (optional)

* Total weight of egg yolks plus egg whites used about 152g.

1. Preheat oven to 165C. Line two 6" round pans with parchment paper at the base. I didn't have two identical pans that size so I used the paper cases for panettone.

2. Sift together almond, cake flour and baking powder, set aside.

3. Beat softened butter with electric mixer until loosened. Add sugar and salt and beat until light and fluffy. Add honey and beat until well combined.

4. Add one egg yolk and beat with electric mixer until well combined. Add a third of the sifted dry ingredients and beat until well combined.

5. Add the rest of the egg yolks one at a time, beating until well combined before adding more. Add in rest of dry ingredients and beat until just combined.

6. Add lemon juice, zest and vanilla and beat until well combined. 

7. Divide batter between two pans and bake for 25-30 min or until skewer comes out clean. Cool for 5 minutes before unmolding from pan.

For the cake assembly, I sliced each layer horizontally into two.

Lemon curd
3 egg yolks
100g lemon juice (about 2 large lemons)
80g sugar of choice (I used erythritol for sugar-free option)
100g unsalted butter, cut into small cubes at room temperature
Zest of 1 lemon

1. In a heatproof bowl, whisk together sugar and egg yolks until smooth. Add lemon juice and mix well.

2. Double-boil egg mixture and whisk until temperature reaches 80C. 

3.Sieve mixture if you wish. Add softened butter one cube at a time, mixing until well combined after each addition with a spatula.

4. Add lemon zest and mix well. Use it immediately or to store, keep in airtight container with cling wrap touching the surface in the fridge for up to a week or freezer for up to a month. 

Mascarpone whipped cream
Note that conventional mascarpone whipped cream has sugar added and non-dairy whipped cream is not used. I use some non-dairy whipping cream for added stability in tropical Singapore. It is also pre-sweetened and has stabilizer added so I didn't add sugar. I used double cream instead of regular dairy whipping cream for a milkier taste and better stability.

100g Whip topping (non-dairy whipping cream)
50g Mascarpone cheese
150g double cream (45% fat)
1.5 tsp vanilla extract

1. Whip non-dairy cream until stiff peaks. Set aside.

2. Whisk Mascarpone cheese until loosened.

3. Add double cream and vanilla to loosened cheese and whisk until well combined. Do not overmix. Once the mixture is smooth and creamy, stop whisking in with the hand whisk.

4. Fold in non-dairy whipped cream in 3 additions with a spatula. 

5. Keep refrigerated airtight until use or transfer to piping bag and use straight away.

I folded in lemon curd into some of the mascarpone whipped cream and added a little yellow gel colouring for piping the dots around the cake.


Get ready all the above and prepare a syrup made from honey and lemon juice with 1:1 ratio for brushing the sponge. You may refer to the reel on how I assemble the cake. Feel free to pipe it and decorate anyway you like! Hubby loves a mouth puckering lemon bake so adjust the ratio of mascarpone whipped cream and lemon curd on the cake to your preference. The sponge is sweet (but not overly so), mascarpone whipped cream mildly sweet and the curd is really sour. I kept the piping bags that are not in use in the fridge, and chill the cake in the fridge whenever necessary while working as Singapore is warm.

Refrigerate cake and best consumed within a week.

with lots of love,

Phay Shing

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Monday, 7 November 2022

Sugar-Free Lemon Bars with Baby Yoda Grapes

Hubby was craving for something lemony so I made sugar-free lemon bars for a simple birthday bake for him! A super early birthday bake because year-end schedule looks set to be really busy!

He's a Star Wars fan so I took the chance to decorate the plain bars with a healthier but cute topper, baby Yoda grapes!

Aren't they cute?

Many thanks to Melly for sharing her tutorial on how to assemble these. Do check out her Instagram account @mellyeatsworld to see her amazing work!

I adapted the lemon bar recipe from Sally's blog post over here.

I made a few changes to the recipe:
1. Used erythritol instead of white sugar for a sugar-free bake. Note that erythritol tends to leave an "icy" mouth feel so feel free to use other types of sugar if you wish.
2. Added lemon zest in the shortbread and lemon custard.
3. Reduced amount of sugar
4. Replaced plain flour with cake flour for a more tender bite.

I also used half recipe as my glass tray was 10x7".

Sugar-free lemon bars
Ingredients (makes one 10x7"tray):
115g unsalted butter
45g erythritol (or replace with regular castor sugar)
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla bean paste
132g cake flour (or plain flour)
1/2 lemon zest

Lemon filling
180g erythritol (or castor sugar)
3 large eggs (65g or more with shell on)
120g lemon juice (about 2 large lemons)
1.5 lemon zest
23g cake flour

1. Preheat oven to 160C. Line bottom and sides of glass tray with parchment paper large enough to leave an overhang over the edges.
2. Make shortbread crust. Mix melted butter, sugar, vanilla, salt and zest in a bowl. Add flour and stir to combine. Press into pan. Bake 20 min or until edges lightly browned. Poke shallow holes over top of warm crust using fork.

3. Make lemon filling. Sift together zest, sugar and flour. Whisk in warm eggs (around 40C, helps to dissolve sugar), then lemon juice until combined.
4. Pour filling over warm crust. Bake for 18-22min or until center no longer jiggles. Cool completely before refrigerating for 2 hours or overnight. 

5. Once cooled, lift parchment off pan using overhang on the sides. Cut off the uneven edges. Dust with powdered sugar (I used a sugar-free option) and cut into squares before serving.

Hubby couldn't stop snacking on the cut off pieces as I was still working 😆.

If you are a fan of lemon, do give this simple bake a try !

with lots of love,

Phay Shing

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Monday, 10 October 2022

Retro Chiffon Cake


*Recipe* Retro prints lemon chiffon cake!❤️💙💛

I had so much fun making this one! Who is a lemon cake lover? 🍋 Using @LorAnnGlobal’s Lemon Bakery Emulsion is the secret ingredient to adding bold, lemony, flavor to all your citrus treats.

Lemon Retro Chiffon Cake 
3 egg yolks 
4 tsp castor sugar (15g) 
2 tbsp oil (30g) 
2 tbsp water (30g) 
1 tsp LorAnn Oils (@LorAnnGlobal) Lemon Bakery Emulsion, product of the USA 
1/3 cup cake flour (45g) 

3 egg whites 
1/5 cup castor sugar (40g) 
1/4 tsp cream of tartar or lemon juice 

Video reel on the piping here on my IG

Head on to Lorann Oils website for step-by-step instructions!

With lots of love,

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Thursday, 16 June 2022

Solar System Macaron Ferris Wheel II

My friend requested for a solar system ferris wheel back in 2017 for her boss's birthday. You can see it in this post. More than four years later, her boss has since gotten married, has two young kids, and is about to leave the company. He is still an astronomy enthusiast. That's the backstory to this second solar system ferris wheel 😊. And yes his wife is a ballerina.

I made this second ferris wheel smaller than the first for more stability (lower center of gravity), and I mounted it on a giant macaron base. I chose a firmer filling too to help with structural stability in tropical Singapore: dark chocolate buttercream with freeze dried raspberry powder and crushed oreo cookies, and lemon white chocolate buttercream. Macaron structures like this one needs careful planning, execution and suitable choice of filling to prevent misalignment and/or collapse. I will be sharing the recipe for the fillings I used and the assembly process in this post.

I used my default swiss meringue method recipe for making the macaron shells.

Decoration is done using a little royal icing but the bulk of it is done using edible marker and vodka wash, or white paint made with white gel colouring, white powder colouring and vodka.

I make duplicates in case of butter fingers or accidental uglification.

The filling recipes here are more suited for macaron structures. For regular macarons, feel free to replace butter with whipping cream to make a ganache, and reduce the proportion of chocolate for a softer filling that will mature the macarons faster.

Dark chocolate raspberry oreo filling
150g Dark chocolate couverture (you may choose your percentage of cocoa according to preference)
30g Unsalted butter
1/8 tsp salt
30g crushed oreo cookie crumbs, sieved
10g freeze-dried raspberry powder

1. Melt dark chocolate with butter and salt either by double-boiling or microwaving at low power.

2. Add freeze-dried raspberry powder and sifted crushed oreo cookie crumbs and mix well.

3. Let it sit for half an hour at room temperature to firm up a little to toothpaste consistency before using. Refrigerate briefly if room temperature is too warm to firm up the filling.

Lemon white chocolate filling
70g white chocolate, finely chopped or use chips
15g unsalted butter
A pinch of salt
Zest of one lemon
10g lemon juice
1/2 tsp lemon extract (optional)

1. Melt white chocolate, butter and salt by double-boiling or microwaving at low power. Be careful not to overheat. stir between 10 second bursts of heating if using microwave.

2. Add lemon zest and extract (if using) and mix well. Gradually add lemon juice and mix well.

3. Set aside to firm up to toothpaste consistency at room temperature.

Filling the macarons with two types of filling.

Here's a short video of how I assemble the ferris wheel, originally posted in my Instagram reels.

Do have a look at the reel along with the caption as I provide more tips there.

with love,

Phay Shing

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Wednesday, 6 April 2022

Gudetama Chiffon Egg Cakes

Cute Lemon Egg Cakes singing & dancing 🥰💃

Which is your favorite?❤️😛

Lemon Chiffon Egg Cakes🍋
1 egg yolk
10g vegetable oil
5g lemon juice
5g milk
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
15g all-purpose flour
¼ tsp lemon zest
¼ tsp lemon emulco (optional)

1 egg white
25g castor sugar
Few drops lemon juice

@suncorefoods yellow safflower for the color

Whisk egg yolks with oil, lemon juice, milk, vanilla, lemon zest. Add in sifted flour and whisk till well combined. Add in yellow safflower powder and mix till desired shade.

Whisk egg whites with sugar and lemon juice in a new bowl till firm peaks. Fold in the meringue till well incorporated.

Pour the batter into 6 drained egg shells till 2/3 full. Bake at 140C for 30 mins. Unmold when the cakes are fully cool. Decorate with melted chocolate, sheet cake and sprinkles.

Hope they made you smile!!❤️❤️🥰

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Thursday, 24 February 2022

3D Rainbow Cloud Macarons (video tutorial)

Some bakes come about unplanned and this was one of them! I had leftover batter from a bake and therefore a chance to try out a technique by Melinda of missmelindasmakery (Instagram account) to create these 3D rainbow cloud macarons! 

Usually a strip of rainbow sour candy is used for the rainbow. But I created this popular treat using macarons only! 

Years ago back in 2016, I explored piping macaron batter on non-flat surfaces and tried 2 things. 1. Piping on silicone hemisphere molds. 2. Piping on rolled up parchment paper. With the first option, I have since made a variety of things like teacups, various animals including a hedgehog that appeared in my Macaron Basics book, hot-air balloon, solar system just to name a few. But I couldn't see what good I could do with the second option so I didn't develop that area. Melinda took it further by piping batter on flat parchment paper surface and molded the batter on a pre-formed contoured surface before baking. This opens up many possibilities and I was excited to try once again but didn't have the opportunity until now. 

This bake looks deceptively complex but is actually very simple and you can make do without a template like me too although it would be neater to use a template for the clouds. I made a short video of the process of making these! 

Some tips for successful 3D rainbow-making: 

1. Use an underfolded batter to pipe if you wish so the batter doesn't pool at the foot of the rainbow when you place the parchment over the rolled up foil. 

2. If you are using regular macaron batter like me, wait a few minutes or until a very thin membrane forms at the surface of the piped batter before transferring the parchment on top of the foil. Don't wait too long or the piped batter will crack when you place the parchment over foil. Don't wait for too short a time either or the batter will start pooling at the foot of the rainbow. 

3. Wait until the batter is completely dry to touch before baking. 

4. Bake as you would regular macarons in terms of temperature and time. 

5. Cool completely and remove the rainbows by  gently pressing the parchment away from the base of the rainbow. Don't rush this process or you may break the rainbows by accident. If they are really stuck, bake longer in the oven at a low temperature that doesn't brown it further, about 110-130C.

I used my regular swiss meringue method recipe for the shells and made a simple but yummy lemon white chocolate ganache for filling which I will share here. 

Lemon white chocolate ganache 
60g unsalted butter
80g white chocolate, finely chopped or use chips 
1 lemon zest
20-25g lemon juice (according to taste) 
A pinch of salt

Feel free to use more butter and a little bit more lemon juice according to taste and your climate. It is very warm in Singapore so the fillings I make tend to be firmer. 

1. Place all ingredients except zest and juice in a heatproof bowl. Melt over hot saucepan of water slowly without the bottom of yhr bowl touching the water. Do not overheat. Do not panic either if the mixture splits. Just let it cool down at room temperature and whisk everything together. It will become smooth and silky again. 

2. Add lemon zest and mix well. 

3. Add lemom juice 1 tsp at a time and mix well with each addition. Add as much or as little juice as you like according to taste, but add it in a bit at a time. You should get a smooth and silky ganache. 

4. Transfer to piping bag and fill the macaron shells. Store in airtight condition for at least 24h before consuming. 

This timeless bake is suitable for a variety of occassions like St Patrick's Day, Easter and of course birthdays and weddings if you wish! 

Follow me on Instagram at phay_shing as I am more active there and post more stuff there than on the blog and Facebook.

With love, 

Phay Shing

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Friday, 25 September 2020

Hello Kitty Donut Tower Chiffon


Knock knock!! It’s HERE! One of our all-time favorite Sanrio characters is here!

Introducing the Hello Kitty Donut Tower Chiffon Online Baking Class and Kit! 💖💖

Very thankful for the opportunity to collaborate with Sanrio on official licensed Sanrio baking classes.

In the online class, you will learn how to make a special two-tier pinata wavy pattern chiffon cake with a 3D Hello Kitty chiffon and a super delightful surprise! In addition, a new flavour refreshing lemon chiffon is shared!🍋 Official Sanrio Hello Kitty templates and downloadable recipe are provided.
Sign up in link is here
The online class is available to everyone, and launching at special promo price now.

Baking kits with pans are also available for delivery to your doorstep (within Singapore region only). 

Hope the cute cake makes you smile!

With lots of love,

Media features and more details of baking class:
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Monday, 10 February 2020

Gudetama On Toast (spherified lemon curd on panna cotta and lavender vanilla chiffon cake)

This is a bake I squeezed in for a young lady to bring her some cheer. She happens to be a fan of Gudetama. The concept of this bake was inspired by the first episode of season one of Sugar Rush, the baking competition. On that episode, one of the contestants made "egg on toast" for the confections round of the competition but the egg yolk was spherified pineapple curd on top of egg white (milk panna cotta), midori buttercream with marshmellows and a coconut pound cake (the "toast"). I was so totally amazed by how realistic the "egg yolk" looked and saved the idea in my memory until there was a chance to use it. So here it is! My version of "egg on toast"! Spherified lemon curd on vanilla panna cotta and lavender vanilla bean chiffon cake!

Just to show you how cool it is, I made a video of how the spherified curd is like but the curd and panna cotta are resting on an actual slice of bread because I didn't make extra "toast".

You can pick the "yolk" up and finally pierce it to let the inner goodness ooze out when you had enough fun poking at it! I know it looks awfully cruel 🤣

This bake looks simple but it has quite a few elements to prepare.

Gudetama's facial features are made from something inspired by Yuni Sweets, one of the queens of patterned deco roll cakes. I used her simple recipe for the patterned parts of the roll cake to create Gudetama's face.

Recipe for Gudetama's facial features 
10g unsalted butter, room temperature
10g icing sugar
10g cake flour
10g egg whites
Charcoal powder
White gel food colouring

1. Place template of Gudetama on baking tray. Line tray with teflon sheet or parchment paper. Lightly grease the surface with oil and paper towel. Preheat oven to 150°C.

2. Place butter, sugar, flour and egg whites in a small mixing bowl. Whisk together until smooth.

3. Divide the batter into 2 and add charcoal powder to one portion and white colouring to the other. I didn't measure but instead add a bit at a time until desired shade is reached.

4. Transfer each coloured batter into piping bag and cut a small hole at the end. Pipe the black parts, followed by the white part. Use a toothpick to nudge the batter where necessary.

5. Bake in oven for 6-7min or until batter appears dry. Cool completely on tray before storing in airtight condition. You may prepare this a day or two ahead of time.

Recipe for lavender vanilla chiffon cake
Ingredients (for 6x6" square pan) :
2 egg yolks
5g caster sugar
28g fresh milk (or lavender milk* if lavender oil not available)
28g vegetable or canola oil
40g cake flour
1/8 tsp salt
1/4 tsp cocoa powder
1 tsp vanilla bean paste (or extract)
2 drops lavender oil

3 egg whites
1/5 tsp cream of tartar
40g caster sugar

* to prepare lavender milk, heat 40g of milk with 1-1.5tsp of dried lavender flowers until the milk just starts to bubble. Let it steep for 10 min. Strain out the flowers and measure out 28g.

1. Preheat oven to 140°C and set rack to second lowest position. Line bottom of baking tray with parchment paper but leave the walls unlined.

2. Prepare egg yolk batter. In a mixing bowl, whisk egg yolks and sugar together until pale and thick. Add oil and whisk untik combined. Add milk, lavender oil, vanilla and salt and whisk until combined. Gradually sift in flour and cocoa powder and whisk until no trace of flour is seen.

3. Prepare the meringue. Place egg whites and cream of tartar in a clean metal bowl. Beat with electric mixer until firm peaks or just reach stiff peaks, gradually adding sugar once the egg whites are foamy.

4. Quickly but gently fold meringue into egg yolk batter in three additions. Pour into prepared baking tin. Tap the tin on the table a few times or run a chopstick around to pop air bubbles.

5. Bake for 30-35 minutes. Turn the temperature up to 170°C and bake for another 5-10min. This is to brown the exterior of the cake to make the "crust" of the toast. Usually I leave a tray of water at the base of the oven but I omit for this bake as I want the browning to happen. Note that time and temperature is oven dependemt so adjust accordingly.

6. Cool the cake upright. Carefully unmould the sides by hand or with the help of a spatula. Slice the cake till it is about 3cm tall. Carefully remove part of the crust at the flat face of the cake by gently rubbing off crumbs of the cake to create the toast pattern. It is optional to do so for the middle of the cake since the egg is going to cover it but I did it anyway for fun!

Did I totally fool you with this 😉? 

Store the cake in airtight container until ready to assemble. You may wish to brush the surfaces of the cake with vanilla flavoured simple syrup to moisten it if you wish as I purposely baked until dry on the surface for the toasted look. The cake will still not be awfully dry when you eat as it is eaten with panna cotta and lemon curd

I made more lemon curd and panna cotta than necessary so I placed them into cups for a refreshing pudding dessert for my kids.

Recipe for panna cotta
200g heavy cream
200g fresh milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
40g caster sugar
6g gelatin sheets (3 sheets) **
Some ice water in a bowl**

**you may use powdered gelatin. If using this instead, scatter same weight of gelatin powder over 50g of cold milk or water to bloom for 10 min before microwaving and stirring to dissolve the gelatin.

1. Soak gelaton sheets in ice water for 10 min. In the mean time, place all other ingredients in saucepan and heat and whisk until sugar dissolves.

2. Continue heating the cream and milk mixture until it just starts to bubble at the edges. Remove from heat. Squeeze excess water out from gelatin sheets. Add into saucepan and whisk until dissolved.

3. Pour the mixture into cups/moulds. I prepared acetate sheet rings with cling wrap at the bottom for the "egg white" portion of the fried egg. Sorry I didn't take any photos of it as I was working close to midnight for this part.

4. Chill overnight in the fridge or at least 4 h.

Spherfied lemon curd
I used this blog post as my reference for the spherificarion process.

Ingredients :
240g lemon curd (replace lime with lemon from recipe)
30g water
6g calcium chloride

800g + extra 500g distilled water
4g sodium alginate

1. Prepare lemon curd.

2. Dissolve calcium chloride in water but whisking them together.

I added a little turmeric to the lemon curd to make it a deeper yellow shade but you won't taste it at all

3. Add calcium chloride solution into lemon curd and whisk well. Transfer into silicone hemispherical mould. I used the 4cm diameter one

4. Freeze overnight or for 2 hours at least until very firm.

5. In the mean time, prepare sodium alginate solution. Scatter sodium alginate in 800g water in a glass loaf pan (or any other shallow tray). Use a blender to blend until no more gel lumps left. You may find it easier to do this in a measuring jug and then sieve the solution into the loaf pan but I was lazy to wash more things. Set aside to settle for 2h until solution turns totally clear.

Preparing sodium alginate solution 

6. When the solution is ready and lemon curd is frozen, prepare another bath of distilled water for rinsing the spheres. Pop the frozen spheres into alginate solution, a few at a time. Gently agitate the spheres in the solution for about 3 min. Remove with slotted spoon and rinse in distilled water before draining over paper towel and carefully depositing on top of panna cotta. You may find it helpful to dig out a small cavity in the panna cotta such that the "egg yolk" can sit nicely on it without sliding around.

Add on the facial features and you are done!

Keep the assembled creation in the fridge for up to 3 days. The spherified curd I made can survive for up to 3 days stored although what I have read so far for spherified juices needed to be consumed within a day. The spheres I made can remain intact and burst with oozy goodness even on the third day!

I recommend smearing the burst curd all over the cake/ panna cotta and eat together with panna cotta for a well balanced flavour as the addition of calcium chloride to lemon curd makes it sharper than it originally is.

With love,
Phay Shing

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