Showing posts with label Creative Baking: Deco Chiffon Cake Basics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Creative Baking: Deco Chiffon Cake Basics. Show all posts

Sunday, 4 March 2018

3D Panda Chiffon Cake (Video Tutorial and In-game baking)!

My kawaii Panda Chiffon Cakes, which is your favorite? =)

Super honored to have my Chiffon cake in a Computer game, and have my very own avatar! =p

My Panda Chiffon Cake is now in a computer game Home Street, where you can make the Panda cake in-game during the At Home in Japan Neighbourhood event (lvl 10+) to share with your friends, or even make your own REAL cake at home using the video tutorial!

Video tutorial for 3D panda chiffon cake is here:

Click here for my Panda Chiffon Cake recipe:

The 3D Panda Chiffon Cake is actually from Deco Chiffon Cake Basics, my newest cookbook focusing on techniques of Deco Chiffon Cakes with step-by-step pictures (available worldwide on book depository or in bookstores). You can see it on the panda on the cover below (bottom right).

And here's my avatar hehe =p. And more shots from the video. I love the cartoon so much! It really looks like the real panda!

Hope you have fun making the cake! =)

With lots of love,

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Thursday, 31 August 2017

Creative Baking: Deco Chiffon Cake Basics with Marshall Cavendish (Chiffon book 3)

*(20/11/17) First print run sold out in 1.5 months!! Thank you and thank God!!

(12/10/17) Good news! Deco Chiffon Cake Basics is finally available at all major bookstores in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand! It's also the first book to be in all Malaysia Popular!

Book availability:

Book depository/Amazon UK:     Book depositoryAmazon

Kindle / ebook:                          Kindle

Singapore:    Popular, Kinokuniya, Times, Naiise, Kinokuniya (online store)

Malaysia:     Popular, Kinokuniya, Naiise, Kinokuniya (online store)mphonline

Indonesia:          Periplus, Books & Beyond, Kinokuniya, Periplus (online store)

Thailand:           Asiabooks, Kinokuniya

Other Online stores:                   Localbooks online (Free shipping in SG & ships internationally)

*Cookbook giveaway on my instagram @susanne.decochiffon and fb - closed 15/10/16. Winners have been announced.

Simplified Chinese Edition <造型雪纺蛋糕 创作基础> available (1/3/18) in bookstores!! 

New features

(26/6/18) So honored to be on Good Morning America

(15/6/18) On Food Network! My Spongebob hidden inside a Pineapple chiffon cake! 

(2/5/18) So honored to be featured on @Tastemade! 

(1/4/18) Deco Chiffon Cakes featured in French magazine "Pâtisserie et Cake design"!

(15/2/18) Happy CNY! Honored to be featured on Instagram's official account!

(7/2/18) Honored to be featured on Morning Express on Channel 8 TV!
Catch the show here.

(31/1/17) Featured on Russian NTV! Watch the catch-up TV here.

Media features of my Deco Chiffon Cakes worldwide: 
US Mashable, Italy, Japan, ChinaCanada, Daily Mail UK, Korea Naver, Arabia, Taiwan, among others

(13/11/17) Top 10 Non-fiction Bestsellers in Kinokuniya!

(13/11/17) Bestsellers in Periplus (Indonesia) and Naiise (Malaysia/SG)!! 

(1/11/17) Rated Bestseller in Kinokuniya. Thanks for your support! <3

(5/11/17) Updated: Reviews/encouraging comments! So thankful for them!

(4/10/17) Honored to be on YES93.3! I shared about the new Basics cookbook and we had a challenge! Catch the facebook live here.

(28/9/17) Featured on Korea's major site Naver!

(18/9/17) Honored to be interviewed by Radio channel JIA88.3 FM on my cakes. Catch their facebook live here.


This Basics book is different from the first two Chiffon cake books in that it is centered around the Basics techniques (around 14) of Deco Chiffon Cakes. There are detailed step-by-step pictures for every recipe (e.g. bottom panel in the poster). The additional step pictures are also accompanied with special Deco/Troubleshooting tips for tricky steps in the recipe.

Hopefully this will help bakers and especially beginners alike master the Basic key techniques of Deco Chiffon Cakes. Here is the book cover!

Thank you Prima flour, Chew's eggs and Phoon huat for your generous sponsorship of the premium ingredients used in Deco Chiffon Cake Basics!

Thank God and thank all of you for your continued love and support! I am very grateful.

With lots of love,

My other Deco Chiffon cake books
Book II: Creative baking: Deco Chiffon Cakes

Book I: Creative baking: Chiffon Cakes

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