Showing posts with label Cinnamon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cinnamon. Show all posts

Sunday, 17 November 2024

Christmas Bear with Present Marshmallow Class

 This marshmallow creation not only looks good. It tastes great and is suitable as a cute festive gift!

The bears are made of coffee cinnamon vanilla marshmallows with no additional colouring added for the bear. The present is cinnamon vanilla coated chocolate hazelnut cake.

I have online and studio class versions for this. All studio participants get to have access to online class material at no extra charge. This is my first online/studio class introducing meringue powder as egg white replacement for my marshmallow class so some of you may be interested to know. I show you how to adjust the consistency of the marshmallow batter for different applications as well as how to create marshmallow coated cake.

Here's the link for studio class:

Here's the link for online class:

There's no expiry date for the online class version so you may refer to it at your own pace. The videos are in shorter segments to make it easier to follow.

with love,

Phay Shing

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Saturday, 2 November 2024

Sugar-Free Capybara Apple Pop Tarts

 I made these felt toy lookalike capybara pop tarts for hubby's birthday!

A peek at the insides!

I tried to make it as low a GI as possible without compromising taste and kept the use of artificial colouring minimal.

If this style of felt toy lookalike pop tarts seem familiar to you, it means you must have seen Melly's (Instagram: @mellyeatsworld) incredible pop tart creations a few years ago! I was truly inspired by her work and the pop tarts stood out because I have never seen anything like them before. I hope I did her style of work justice here to make the pop tarts good enough to fool you into thinking that they are handmade felt toys 🤭.

My hubby loves capybaras (actually everyone in my family does) and anything with apple pie filling so I took the chance to create these sugar-free pop tarts as his super early birthday bake. Hardly any sugar replacements are used because sugar is optional for this bake. Although sugar sweetens and helps with caramelization, it's not absolutely necessary for the structure. I relied on brown butter, cinnamon and caramelizing the apple to give this creation amazing flavours. It's naturally coloured too except for the 🍎 that the capybaras are holding.

Here's the template. Do tag me on social media if you create it!

Please resize the template till the height of the capybara is 10cm

I put a heart on the template instead of an apple for sizing purposes since I have an apple cookie cutter that's about 1".

Sugar-Free Capybara Apple Pop Tarts
(makes 4 pop tarts)

Apple filling*:
2 large Gala apples, peeled & finely diced 
A pinch of salt
1/8-1/4 tsp lemon juice (optional)
1/4-1/2 tsp cinnamon powder
1-2 tbs (8-16g) Alchemy fibre* (replace with sugar or omit)
25g unsalted butter 

1. Mix all ingredients except butter in a mixing bowl. Set aside
2. In a light coloured saucepan, brown butter over low heat 
3. Add 1. into brown butter. Cook until apple is translucent & slightly caramelized. Adding sugar helps with the caramelization but I want to keep the GI as low as possible
4. Cool completely before using or stored in the fridge until assembly

Tart dough:
180g plain flour
5-10g powdered Erythritol/icing sugar (optional)
Pinches of salt
1/2-3/4 tsp cinnamon powder
100g cold unsalted butter, cubed*
1 egg yolk
30g cold milk/ice water

Egg wash*:
1 egg yolk
15g water
1/2 tsp cocoa powder
5g boiling hot water

1. Whisk together flour, sugar, salt & cinnamon
2. Rub in cold butter until it resembles fine breadcrumbs
3. Whisk egg yolk & cold milk together. Add to 2. Mix well until a ball of dough forms
4. Portion out dough & colour:
Red: 20g + red gel color
Dark brown: 25g + 1/16 tsp cocoa powder + a few drops of water
Green: 5g + green gel color 
Black: 3g + 1/16 tsp charcoal+ a few drops of water
5. Wrap & refrigerate for at least 30min
6. Roll to 3mm thick for base dough for capybara's body & 1mm thick for the rest. Freeze for 15 min 
7. Cut out dough using template. Join small parts to main body by brushing some water/egg wash. Press small cutouts firmly into body. Freeze if not assembling yet

I had leftover dough which I used to make some circles 

8. Assemble with apple filling by adding 1 tbs of filling to the base dough cutout. Brush perimeter with water/egg wash. Press top dough cutout down firmly. Crimp the edges & egg wash stitches*. Pierce holes for nostrils & mouth to vent. I used a combination of a cake tester and a small knife to create the vents.

9. Freeze assembled tart while preheating oven to 170C fan/185C

10. Bake 10-12min. Rotate tray & bake another 10-12min or until lightly browned. Adjust baking conditions to whatever works for your oven as each oven is different.

* Additional notes:

🔸Alchemy fibre: A prebiotic fibre mix of inulin & edible gum. Glycemic index is not zero but has beneficial effect on gut health, glycemic load and cholesterol. Tastes mildly sweet

🔸The portion of apple filling is more than enough for filling 4 capybara pop tarts. I recommend serving the pop tarts with extra filling on the side as overstuffing the tarts may risk them exploding during baking. Other types of fillings that are rich like S'mores (milk chocolate & toasted marshmallows), or really strong flavoured like jams that are sweet and tart at the same time need not have filling top-ups

🔸You may replace some of the butter with shortening if your environment is really warm like mine (30-31C kitchen these days 🥵) for better shape retention 

🔸 Egg wash: Mix egg yolk with 15g water for a regular egg wash or to glue pieces of dough together. For the brown stitch egg wash paint, dissolve cocoa powder in boiling hot water, then mix in 20g egg wash. I used fine tweezers instead of a fork to crimp the edges for a more realistic stitch pattern. Fork tinnes tend to be a little thicker so it won't appear too "stitch-like"

🔸 Tarts can be stored at room temperature for 2 days or in the fridge for a week tightly wrapped. Extra apple filling can be stored in the fridge for a week. Reheat by toasting tart for a few minutes until sizzling before consuming it piping hot with extra filling. If you aren't diabetic, you may pair it with a caramel drizzle and vanilla ice cream 😋

Here's the video of the process:

with lots of love,

Phay Shing

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Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Tonkatsu Oatmeal Walnut Cinnamon Cookies (Refined sugar-free!)

For hubby's birthday bake this year, I decided to make something healthier and snackable so that it is a cute and special but also practical bake. I decided to make some yummy but healthy oatmeal cookies in the form of one of hubby's favourite characters - - Tonkatsu! 

Photo composition is inspired by wanwantea (Instagram account). I remembered being really tickled when I saw her Tonkatsu macarons in a frying pan some time back. 

How yummy can an oatmeal cookie be you may ask, especially one that is refined sugar-free? It is by making use of a variety of ingredients that add texture and flavour to the bake! Maple syrup is used as the sweetener for this cookie. You may replace with coconut sugar syrup. Both choices are much lower in GI than white sugar and impart a lovely flavour and aroma too! Apart from having a wonderful aroma, maple syrup is a good source of manganese and zinc. I added some walnuts in the cookie to give it an extra crunch as oatmeal cookies can tend to be on the chewy side. Cinnamon adds a lovely aroma. Both walnuts and cinnamon are great health foods as well. You can google for the health benefits of these. Not forgetting the main star of the cookies, rolled oats, is good for your health too! 

This recipe contains wheat flour so it isn't gluten-free. You may replace with alternative flours like coconut flour or almond flour but I like to stick with wheat flour as it gives the best texture in my opinion. 

I took pains to eliminate or reduce the use of refined sugar in this bake, including the decorative details. The nose and eyes of Tonkatsu are made out of cookie too! I will share the technique of doing so. No royal icing is used for these parts! I also took pains to use natural food colouring as far as possible. 

Recipe for oatmeal walnut cinnamon cookies
Ingredients (makes about 20 Tonkatsu cookies) :
85g unsalted butter, softened 
120g maple syrup (or coconut syrup) 
1 egg, lightly beaten
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp vanilla extract 
90g plain flour, sifted (I replaced half with cake flour for a more delicate bite) 
1 tsp cinnamon powder
1/4 tsp cocoa powder (optional, for a bit of added flavour and tonkatsu colour) 
1/16 tsp turmeric powder (optional, for added tonkatsu colour) 
110g rolled oats
40g finely chopped walnuts 

Note: make sure all ingredients are at room temperature before beginning, with the exception of butter which should be softened but still cool (about 20C) 

1. Preheat oven to 180C. Line baking tray with parchment paper. 

2. Beat butter until light and fluffy using electric mixer. 

3. Gradually add maple syrup and beat until combined after each addition. 

4. Gradually add egg and beat until smooth and combined. 

5. Add vanilla and salt and beat until combined. 

6. In another mixing bowl, whisk together flour, cinnamon, cocoa powder and turmeric powder. 

7. Sift the flour mix into the butter mixture. Fold in with spatula until no trace of flour is seen. 

8. Fold in chopped walnuts and rolled oats. 

9. Scoop a slightly heaped tablespoon (measuring spoon) of batter and drop it onto the lined baking tray. Use 2 metal teaspoons to carefully shape it into Tonkatsu shape, flattening the top until batter is about 1cm thick. Make sure there is a spacing of at least 2cm between drops of batter. 

Main body of Tonkatsu before baking. 

10. Chill the leftover batter in mixing bowl in fridge. Bake the tray of cookies for 12 minutes. Leave it to cool on tray. If you like soft chewy oatmeal cookies and gladly like to skip the decorative parts, you can stop here and store in airtight container. But I like my cookies crisp/crunchy too. If so, continue baking until really dry and firm at 140C for another 15 to 20 min after the first 12 minutes at 180C or proceed with step 11 if you are making Tonkatsu. Do not bake the extra 15 to 20 min at 140C if you are making Tonkatsu. 

11. Line a small tray with parchment paper. Quickly shape the leftover batter into small balls on the lined tray and freeze it. Return the leftover batter into fridge to chill if it turns too soft and sticky to handle. It is messy but don't worry, you don't have to be super neat because it is Tonkatsu afterall🤣. 

Balls of batter for arms and legs of Tonkatsu

Shortbread cookie parts
10g icing sugar
20g unsalted butter, softened 
28g cake flour or plain flour
2g cornflour (may replace with plain flour) 
A pinch of salt 
2-3 drops of strawberry emulco
1/16-1/8 tsp charcoal powder
1/2-3/4 tsp cocoa powder
Some water

Note: you won't need all of it to decorate Tonkatsu. You may chill excess dough and bake another day, or just shape cookies out of leftover dough and bake until slightly browned at the bottom at 160-170C.

Steps :
1.  Preheat oven to 150C.

2. Mix unsalted butter, salt and icing sugar together. You don't have to cream it until light and fluffy. 

3. Add strawberry emulco a bit at a time until a desired shade of pink is reached. 

4. Add sifted flours and fold it in until a dough is formed. 

5. Portion out about 1/2 tbs of dough and add cocoa powder, charcoal powder into it. Add water 1/8 tsp at a time into this mixture until a pipeable consistency is reached. Transfer this black/ dark brown batter into piping bag with a small hole cut. 

6. Shape the pink dough into Tonkatsu's nose shape and gently but firmly place it on the main body. 

7. Pipe the eyes. 

Adding Tonkatsu's nose and eyes. 

8. Carefully place the frozen arms and feet made from the oatmeal batter onto the main body. 

9. Bake for 10 minutes. Reduce temperature to 140C and bake for another 10-15 minutes or until the cookie is nice and crisp. Cool completely before storing in airtight container. 

 Bon appetit! 

With lots of love, 

Phay Shing

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Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Hidden Heart Hot Cross Bun Macarons (New Recipe for Low Sugar Macaron!)

Many of you may not know that I have been experimenting with super low sugar macarons for the past two to three years. I have tried a variety of substitutions and have always met with failures. Many have tried sugar substitutes but 100% of the verdict is it's bad tasting so don't bother trying. Those of you who have attempted cutting out sugar will also come to a conclusion that while zero sugar is not possible, low sugar is, but how low can you go?...That is the question which I think I have found an answer to. Presenting my version of hot cross bun macarons, with hidden heart candied cherry!

Before I delve into the topic of low sugar macarons, let me explain why I hid a heart in there. It's my personal preference to make something Christian themed for Easter. I thought of making simple spiced macarons hot cross buns style as a reminder of what Good Friday/Easter is all about -- God’s love for fallen mankind shown through the death of Jesus on the cross. And what better way to have both heart and cross in each macaron than what I did 😊. I filled the macarons with a spiced cream cheese based filling and used a delicious low GI sugar, so overall the whole macaron is not too sweet but oh so fragrant and flavourful!

Let me explain why sugar is necessary in macarons. Macarons are meringue based cookies and meringues need sugar for stability. Take sugar out and the meringue collapses easily. You may add an acid like cream of tartar, or semi cook the egg whites (Swiss and Italian meringues) to improve the stability of the meringue, but some sugar is still necessary.

You may ask then is icing sugar necessary as part of the dry ingredients? Answer is yes! I have made a couple of attempts with totally no sugar in the powdered ingredients and they fail miserably. If your meringue does not contain high amounts of sugar, your powdered ingredients portion needs the icing sugar to help the piped batter to form a membrane at the surface that is resistant to expansion during baking. This is necessary for feet formation. If the icing sugar proportion is too low, you will also end up with no feet, no matter how long or short you rest the piped batter before baking...

My attempt at hot cross bun macarons just before the successful ones

This is just a cookie, not macaron 😆

Icing sugar also gives macarons the melt-in-your mouth texture. The higher the icing sugar content, the more delicate the texture will be. As I reduce both icing sugar and caster sugar in my low sugar recipe, you can expect that the resulting texture will be less delicate but that's a small price to pay when the overall sugar content by weight is 35%! Most recipes have sugar taking up about 50% of total weight of ingredients. Some recipes have percentages that are even higher.

I have chosen the Swiss meringue method for creating low sugar macarons as it is more stable than French, and therefore requires less sugar in the meringue to be stable, but less complicated than Italian.

My older reduced sugar recipes for French, Italian and Swiss methods involve substituting part of icing sugar with rice flour and cornflour, which I adapted from for this low sugar recipe. How does this recipe differ from my older ones then you may ask. I substituted very safe amounts of icing sugar with rice and cornflour, while keeping the caster sugar amount relatively constant for my older recipes. In this recipe, my starting point is from my failed attempts, gradually increasing the amount of sugar until what comes out of the oven resembles a proper macaron with full shells.

Without further ado, let me share the low sugar macaron recipe, and a yummy low GI macaron filling! Feel free to upsize the recipe for macaron shells once you have adjusted the baking process to suit your environment and oven.

Disclaimer and important note: if you fail, it's not because the recipe doesn't work but instead, you need to tweak factors like drying time and oven temperature because my method here is very much oven dependent. Please also acknowledge me if you do publicise your work and people ask for the recipe because it has taken me a long time and countless failures to get here. Tag me on Facebook or Instagram with your results 😊

Hot cross bun macaron shell recipe
Ingredients (makes ten 4cm macarons, 20 shells):
Dry ingredients
55g almond flour
30g icing sugar (preferably with cornstarch already added)
8g rice flour
2g (1 tsp) cornflour
1/2 tsp cinnamon*
1/4 tsp allspice*
1/8-1/4 tsp cocoa powder*

Swiss meringue
36g + 1g (1/4 tsp) egg whites
24g caster sugar
1/8 tsp cream of tartar
1 drop orange gel food colouring*
1 drop yellow gel food colouring*

* Omit these items if making plain macaron shells.

1. Line baking tray with template and parchment paper. Stick parchment paper down with some batter later on when you have made it. Preheat oven to 60-70℃. Set oven to second lowest rack. I use top and bottom heat only.

2. Sift together all powdered ingredients. Set aside.

3. Make the Swiss meringue. Place 36g egg whites, caster sugar and cream of tartar in a clean metal or glass bowl. Set the bowl over a saucepan filled with some water. Make sure the water doesn't touch base of the bowl. Heat the water in saucepan using low or medium-low heat while whisking the egg whites. Use a candy thermometer or infrared thermometer to monitor the temperature of egg whites. I must stress that you should heat the egg whites slowly to make sure that all sugar is dissolved or your meringue won't turn out right. Heat the egg whites to 50℃. This should take about 5-8 min of continuous whisking over the stove. Remove from heat and beat the meringue with electric mixer on medium-low speed until stiff peaks form. Add gel food colouring and beat until evenly coloured. I don't use high speed to beat as a meringue that is built up slowly is more stable and has less large air bubbles in it. In fact for this attempt, I alternated between hand whisking (with the balloon whisk of my electric mixer) and beating with electric mixer to make sure that the meringue is always smooth and air bubbles are tiny.

This is how you test for stiff peak. The meringue should be upright at all points where you test, not just in the middle of the mixing bowl. Meringue should appear smooth and glossy, and the meringue should be able to form a foamy lump that keeps its shape when you use a spatula to gather it in the middle of the bowl.

4. Transfer the meringue into a bowl with wide base for an easier macaronage process. Scatter a third of powdered ingredients over the meringue. Fold gently until incorporated. Repeat for the other two-thirds in two batches.

Folding in sifted ingredients.

5. Once the dry ingredients are incorporated, add 1g of egg whites and mix well. Those of you who have made macarons before will notice that the batter is thicker than your regular one. This is because there is a significantly lower percentage of sugar in the batter. Adding a little egg whites at the end will help to loosen up the batter a little. Continue by pressing the batter against the side of the mixing bowl to deflate the batter. You may refer to this video tutorial for the macaronage technique. Be careful not to overdo the deflating as the meringue doesn't contain a lot of sugar. Check the consistency after each round of pressing the batter against the bowl. Instead of your usual lava consistency that you look for in regular macaron batter, you check the consistency by creating peaks in the bowl of batter and tapping the bottom of the bowl. If the peaks melt back into the batter, you are good to go.

6. Transfer to piping bag fitted with a Wilton #10 or #12 tip. Pipe rounds. Rap the tray on table to flatten peaks. Use toothpick to pop any stubborn air bubbles.

7. Dry in the warm oven until a membrane forms that does not feel sticky when you run a finger across the surface. This can take 10-25 min. Check every 5 minutes after the 10 minute mark. You may ask if it is all right to dry in air-con room or out in the open (if you live in a low humidity area). It should be ok although I haven't tried it because it's really humid here even with air conditioning so it would take too long to dry for my liking for a macaron batter that does not have much sugar to stabilize the meringue. I try to keep drying time as short as possible for this batter to prevent hollows too.

8. Once a nonsticky membrane is formed, increase temperature to 130-140℃ and bake for another 18-23 minutes or until feet do not appear wet. This membrane should be able to provide some resistance when you press it gently but not hard like baked shells. Cool completely on baking tray before peeling parchment paper away from the shells. If you dried your shells in the open/air-con room, bake in preheated oven at 150℃ for 12 min and reduce temperature to 130℃ and bake for another 5-10 min or until feet no longer appear wet.

I was jumping for joy at this beautiful batch! Nice even feet, relatively smooth tops and full shells!!

With significantly lower sugar in the macaron shells, I wasn't about to spoil it by using a super sweet filling (definitely no American buttercreams for me! Way too sweet!). I chose a cream cheese base as it is able to hold its shape quite well in Singapore's hot weather, and its tartness compliments the sweet shells. I used relatively low amounts of sugar in the filling and chose a low GI source.

Spiced brown sugar cream cheese filling recipe (adapted from here)
115g cream cheese, room temperature
55g unsalted butter, cut into small pieces
40-45g Masarang Arenga forest sugar**
1/8 tsp salt
15g icing sugar, sifted
1 tsp vanilla bean paste
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp allspice
Zest of an orange

** Replace with brown sugar if unavailable.

This is the sugar I used that is lower in GI but tastes great! It is similar to coconut palm sugar with a caramel flavour.

1. Beat cream cheese with electric mixer until creamy, smooth and soft. Set aside.

2. Beat butter and brown sugar until fluffy and well combined. (I don't soften the butter much before beating as Singapore is really warm)

3. Add icing sugar, spices, zest, vanilla and salt and beat until well combined.

4. Gradually add whipped cream cheese and beat until just combined. Refrigerate for an hour or overnight before using. You may need to stir the mixture to make it creamy again after resting in the fridge.

I decorated the macaron shells with firm royal icing (somewhere in between flooding and stiff consistency).

Some people may find that hot cross buns are incomplete without sultanas in them so feel free to add some finely chopped sultanas to the cream cheese filling. In my case, I added a simple twist to it by inserting a piece of candied cherry in the middle. I halved the cherries and tried my best to cut it into a shape that will present a heart shape when you slice open a macaron.

A halved candied cherry with conical bottom. I carefully reshaped the top as well to make it a little more rounded. Use only the bottom half of the cherry for this.

Fill the shells!

Store filled macarons in the fridge in airtight condition for at least 24h. Let the macarons sit room temperature for 10 min before consuming to allow the filling time to soften a little.

I am happy to say that reducing sugar by this much didn't change the texture too drastically! It's definitely less delicate than higher icing sugar content ones but not any chewier than some of my regular attempts. Longer maturing time with filling will make the texture more delicate so do wait for a few days before eating if you prefer it that way.

With love,
Phay Shing

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Monday, 18 January 2016

Solar System 2-tone Cinnamon Chiffon Cake (naturally coloured with Blue pea flowers and Charcoal)

Happy 7th Birthday to my dearest firstborn! I made a Solar system chiffon cake for my future scientist/geek who loves these! I also worked hard on my planetary facts and tried my best to get their placement/size/design as accurate as possible hehe. So from the Sun, they are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupitar, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto. God is amazing at making all these!

My MIL gave me two packs of Ceylon grounded cinnamon (which they say are the best), so I tried out these on the cake. I added 1 tsp cinnamon powder to my usual vanilla chiffon cake recipe (below). The taste wasn’t that strong so I would recommend adding 1.5-2 tsp (which other recipes use) the next time. In my case, I didn’t dare add more as it created a lot of brown specks on the batter.

5 egg yolks
33g sugar
65g vegetable oil
70 ml water
8 ml vanilla extract
100g cake flour
1 tsp cinnamon powder (recommend adding 2 tsp in future)

7 egg whites
75g sugar
1/4 tsp cream of tartar

I divided the batter 1/3 and 2/3. I added 1 tsp charcoal powder and blue pea flower extract (35 flowers in 10 ml hot water) to the 2/3 portion and only blue pea flower extract to the 1/3 portion. I made the blue-black boundary curved to represent the halo from the sun. The final colour was a bit dull, so I painted the whole cake with more blue pea flower extract (now have an abundance thanks to my MIL). Lastly for the planets, I baked chiffon cake in round cake pop molds of different sizes and created stripes, marbling effect and patches by spooning in the batter differently.

My son had great fun distributing the planets and telling everyone about them yesterday! Thank God so much for helping him grow.

With lots of love,

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