Showing posts with label Snow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Snow. Show all posts

Friday, July 12, 2013

More Old iPhone Pictures: Fun with Family and Friends

Here are a few more:

Krispy Kreme (2012) - A Family Favorite!

John and David swinging Michael (2012).

Some handsome men!

Date Night (in 2012).

John at urgent care in Outer Banks, NC (while on vacation in 2012).

All you can eat sushi with friends.

Mountain Man Rendez-Vous (2012) - It was so cold they didn't camp the night before.

David working at the Helaman Halls Creamery (2012)

Michael's First Scripture Chase (2012)

David's Eagle Court of Honor

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


We have had some strange weather this year. On Saturday, we had hail while John and I went to the grocery store. Funny thing was that there was no hail at the grocery store, but it was on the ground at home.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Snow in Southern California?

Yes, there was a significant snowfall here in Southern California on Sunday. We received a little over an inch (maybe 2 inches, I didn't measure it). Here are some photos.

AJ loved the snow so much, he went out while I was taking pictures to throw snowballs.

A couple of hours later, there was more snow on the car.

Here's a picture of our house on Monday morning. There was still a bit of snow, but it was gone by Monday evening.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Birthday, a New Nephew, and Snow

John had a birthday! He turned 38 on Tuesday. John is the best husband and father ever, and we are all so grateful for him!

Here are a couple pictures of him blowing out the candles on his cake (which, incidentally, I did not have enough of, so I created "38!" out of 34 candles atop the cake).

Also on Tuesday, my sister, Mandi, and her husband, Junior, had their first child. Their son was born 5 weeks early. He is healthy, although very small (4 lbs 15 oz and 17 1/2 inches). It is very special when a new child joins a family. You can feel his spirit and that he just left our Heavenly Father's presence. What a blessing! Congratulations Mandi and Junior!

Today, the kids' elementary school had a "Snow Day Breakfast." A local company was hired to provide "snow" which was blown onto the blacktop.

After a continental breakfast, the kids were able to touch the snow, throw snowballs, and feel what it's like to really be cold.

Michael and AJ were both hit by snowballs in the head/face. Michael bounced back okay, but, for AJ, the snow had lost it's luster.

Oh well. Getting hit in the head/face with a snowball is part of snow. Despite a little crying, we had a very good time.