Showing posts with label General Conference. Show all posts
Showing posts with label General Conference. Show all posts

Friday, October 18, 2013

General Conference - October 2013

Here are a few pictures from General Conference (well in the conference center before it started).

This isn't a picture of us, but John took it as we were leaving the conference center after the Sunday afternoon session of conference.

Baby, It's Cold Outside!

We were privileged to go to General Conference in Utah the weekend before last.  We were so excited that we went early to get a good seat. 

The only problem was that I get cold really easily!  I brought a jacket, but it was a California jacket (which doesn't do much in Utah).  So I bundled up as much as I could, and we waited.  It was worth the wait, but I was FREEZING! 

Here are a few pictures from our Saturday morning wait.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Pioneer Trek 2011: Preparation

When John and I went to the first "Ma and Pa" meeting, we learned there were quite a few things we needed to do to prepare for Trek. One was to make a family flag. I had some ideas, but just couldn't figure out exactly what we should have.

At a family dinner when my parents were in town, we were brainstorming (the day before we needed to give it to the Stake leaders) and David said, "If you want something simple, do something like wheat, that's simple, but has good symbolism."

I think he was joking, but I took his idea and ran with it. His wheat reference reminded me of Elder David A. Bednar's talk about gathering the sheaves into the storehouse (titled "Honorably Hold a Name and a Standing).

As a result, John made this. It's painted on a piece of rubber backed canvas with craft paint. I am so blessed to have such a talented husband!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Elder Quentin L. Cook

This Sunday, May 2, Elder Quentin L. Cook is visiting our stake and holding a special stake conference. What an opportunity this is for my children! An Apostle of Jesus Christ is coming to speak to us!

"An Apostle?" you may ask. Yes, just as in Biblical times, the organization of Jesus Christ's church has been restored to the Earth, and there are Apostles and Prophets as in olden times. And one of those Special Witnesses of Jesus Christ will be here Sunday, at 10:00 am at our stake center. I'll be there, front and center, listening intently!

John, Michael, and I will also be singing in the choir.

If you want to go, please email me, and I'll give you all the info. If you want to know more about the restored church, please visit or

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Coloring Easter Eggs

We were late coloring our Easter eggs this year. Usually, we have an Easter egg hunt and color our eggs on the Saturday before Easter, so that Easter Sunday is focused on the Savior and the true meaning of Easter.

This year, General Conference weekend was also Easter weekend. This was great, because we were privileged to hear from the living prophet and apostles while celebrating the Savior's resurrection. But it also meant we had less time to follow our normal pattern on Easter weekend. As a result, we colored eggs last night (Tuesday).

The kids still had a good time and didn't feel they missed out on anything.

My Handsome Men

John took the boys to the Priesthood session of General Conference on Saturday evening. Don't they look handsome?

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter and General Conference
This year, General Conference falls on Easter. What a wonderful way to celebrate Easter by hearing the living prophet and living apostles testify of Jesus Christ, and to give us counsel for us in this time, pertaining to the problems we face.
For those who read my blog, but are unfamiliar with General Conference, it is an annual meeting broadcast at LDS church buildings (stake centers), over the internet (, BYU TV, and on many cable networks (find the channel in your area at During this meeting, several speakers address a variety of subjects, all of which are timely and appropriate for the challenges we face at this time.
If you haven't watched it, I encourage you to take the time to watch it and feel the spirit associated with hearing living apostles and prophets speak.
In the spirit of Easter, I've posted some of my favorite pictures of the Savior below.
The resurrected Savior with Mary outside the tomb
The resurrected Savior with his apostles.

Jesus Healing the Sick at Bethesda

Jesus raising Jairus' daughter

Sunday, March 28, 2010

"Christ in a Red Robe" by Minerva Teichert

John and I have been searching for a new picture of the Savior to put in our new home. We saw this one at the Book Castle, and were thrilled to receive a 20% off coupon for their General Conference Sale. I picked it up on Friday afternoon.

It makes such a difference to see this when we walk into the house. As this is a print of the picture found in the Los Angeles Temple, it makes my home feel more peaceful and heavenly. I love it.

I took a few pictures of it, but none of them do it justice. If you'd like to come over and see it, just give me a holler.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

General Conference Packet

For those who watch the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, here is the link to a free packet your children can use during conference. It features activities to help your child retain the things they heard in conference.