Showing posts with label work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label work. Show all posts


it's the debil!

did you ever see waterboy? and they call the devil the debil? love.
 i have a list today of things that are straight from the debil.

first one topping the list: Zaxby's i may have a slight addiction. i think i could eat it every day of my life. and with just one meal topping out over 1,000 calories, it pretty much ruins a whole day of eating. it's like some magical force comes over and forces me to eat it....or forces me to think about it until i eat it. very, very bad....but oh so very good. you see my struggle?

second up....krispy kreme. this would be chris's "debil". there's one RIGHT by our place and he seriously cannot resist the hot and ready sign. it's like that magical force comes over and pulls the car right through the drive thru.


and my last devilish item of the day is yoga pants.
oh be still my heart.
i love me some yoga pants. it is my work outfit of choice being as i work from home.
but here's the problem: they're stretchy. so if you gain a few pounds here and there, they stretch with you.
and it's not until you try to put on real pants that you realize "uh-oh".
not that i'm speaking from experience or anything.
i just may have to start wearing jeans every day to work in just to keep my tummy in check.
we can't have that getting too far outta control, no sir!


what's the debil hanging over your head this week?


It's A Fab Friday!

happy friday lovelies! 
i couldn't be happier to see the weekend!
i've got goodness to share with you today friends.

i'm thankful for new adventures ~
so as you know, hubs and i moved to north carolina in april. we moved to be part of a church plant that we felt god was calling us to. and we love it. however, what i may not have shared is that chris was/is receiving no salary from our church. again, it was something we felt strongly about. the idea was that chris would do freelance work on the side to help out with additional income.we readjusted our budget so that we lived solely off of my pay - but in this economy, that's a scary burden. while on vacation a few weeks ago, we discussed this quite a bit, as the freelance work hadn't taken off quite like we hoped. and so, chris began looking online for creative job openings in our area. the only one he pursued was with earth fare - it's a health food supermarket like whole foods or fresh market. their corporate office is in our new town. an application and 2 interviews later, he got the job! he's the new visual media producer. he's in charge of filming and designing commercials/specials and anything else they might need. this week was his first week and he's so excited about it. yes, we're most definitely still at the church, but this allows us to build up some savings and i'm thrilled about that!

i'm thankful for provision!
in staying on topic with earth fare, we get an awesome discount on groceries. i can not begin to tell how excited that makes me! i get to buy all organic greatness for cheap! woohoo!

i'm excited for awesome opportunities
a few posts back i talked about doing more and talking less. well i'm so excited about an opportunity i have at the end of this month. each month, our church hosts a citywide women's event. it's ladies from all over the community and all other churches, where women can just be encouraged and refreshed. the event is called radiance. and this month, i get the awesome privilege to speak on my testimony regarding our struggle with infertility. my ultimate goal in doing this is to create a network of ladies struggling with the same and have an avenue to encourage them. it's so cool because i've already met two ladies in my church that have pcos. it's like i was meant to be here ;)

i'm thrilled for the weekend
there's a bbq festival this weekend y'all! we're planning on attending - it's in the next town over and apparently, it's a pretty big deal. and chris is all about a festival dedicated to meat! if we go, you better believe i'll post all about it next week!


It's good to feel wanted

the last few days have been quite the whirlwind experience, but honestly, i wouldn't have it any other way.
friday i flew out to texas to spend some much needed quality time with some of my favorites.
my precious cousin holli is getting married in just a couple of months, so we did her bridal portraits (i'm photographing her wedding).
i can NOT wait to share some of them with you, but it will be after the wedding of course!
i'm super proud of myself...i did her updo. wha???
i know!
we can now add updo hair styles to my resume!
she looked absolutely stunning.
and then we went shopping. holla.
old navy had a fabulous sale and i got some fabulous tops.
i think it needs it's own post.
i went crazy for all things striped.

saturday i headed out to my oldest brother's house and had a great time for my nephew's birthday party.
12 whole years old. yikes!
we had so much fun catchin up, talking about everything, and party prepping.
and let's not forget frog catching!

monday morning i spent some more time with holli. she got pretty sick over the weekend, so we just took it easy. we rented the life of pi.
ok let me just say....the movie is absolutely nothing like the previews.
it was soooo good. like i seriously loved it.
from the previews i thought it was all this randomly magical boat ride or jungle book like movie.
nope. not at all.
i mean it is on a boat, but the story is fabulous.
you should totally watch it.

as soon as i got home i headed to raleigh to train our interns for work.
so much fun.
you know i love any opp to get in front of people ;)

so all in all, it has been a great few days and it feels really good to be wanted at all of these places.
but then it's always good to get home too.

in other news, you can probably see we're creating a new blog design here. i've still got a few things to add and adjust, but it's heading in a beautifully right direction.
i changed it up a few months ago, but that was really just a starting point.
i wasn't crazy about it.
but this...this i love.
and it matches my new photography website so i'm all consistent.
we'll be launching that here very soon!
hubs did real real good on this one.
another reason why i love him (even though we typically fight hard core when he designs stuff for me).

so friends, fill me in on your life.


dandelions and mondays.

in exactly 4 months I will be 30. FOUR months!!!

how did this happen?
this is problematic, and let me tell you why.
i set these awesome 2013 goals, because it was the year of 30.
i have done none of them.

years ago i created my 30 before 30 list.
i have completed 8 things on the list. EIGHT.
what is wrong with me?

so now the pressure is on. not in a "complete everything you can" kind of way, but i HAVE to create a new way of thinking. i have 4 months to get serious about working out and being more healthy.
i refuse, and i do mean REFUSE to enter my thirties as a fatty.
they say your 30s are the greatest.
well then, i am fully prepared to let them be great!
next year is our 10 year wedding anniversary and i want to take a big trip.
and part of going on that big trip is me being skinnier.
let the madness begin!

and on another note...

frankly, mondays have a bad reputation.
everyone hates mondays.
so to lighten your sad monday, i give you.....


see, weeds can be beautiful.
so let your weed of a monday be a beautiful one.


Ahhh, Tuesday

Today is like Friday for me! Luckilly I only have to work 2 days this week. I could totally get used to this part-time thing full-time! :) So I've got a few things on my mind today.
This whole gas thing is freaking me out. Actually, I think it's really the whole 2008 election that is freaking me out. I am absolutely terrified of what will happen if Obama gets into office. Now, I'm not usually one to chat about politcs, but this is serious stuff right now. The fact of the matter is, we probably will have some sort of terrorist attack again. If that happens, who do you want in the white house to pick up the pieces and deal with it? I seriously doubt that Obama could tackle that.

Ok, I'm done with that now. On to happier things. Has anyone seen Burn After Reading? It's the new George Clooney and Brad Pitt movie. Chris and I saw it this weekend and it was pretty good. It was definitely a little twisted. The people who made No Country for Old Men made this one too and it was definitely a twisted piece of work! I really hated the way it closure!

Well, as I've said before this is my year of firsts. Actually I'm calling it "12 months of 25". I started making my list yesterday of everything I want to do, and let me just say I'm excited!!!

That is all.



So, seriously! Someone stole my stapler! Why people? Why would you do this? You came into my cube, onto my shelf and took my stapler....AND YOU DID NOT RETURN IT!!!
I am an administrative assistant. My job requires my stapler. I know I sound like the guy from Office Space, but come on people!


This is the Life

So I am officially starting my new work schedule since school is back in session and let me just say...I'M EXCITED!!! School starts tomorrow and the next week I will only be working 3 days a week! That is fabulous! I took today off because I had a lot of overtime this week and I have just loved it! I went yard-selling with Chris's mom, then we had lunch, ice cream and now I've paid bills (at least I can say I did SOMETHING productive). Now if I could just completely quit work! Hmmm.......