Monday, May 20, 2024

Mother's Day Weekend

Mother's Day weekend was so busy and sunny and fun. 
The highlight might be the Northern Lights making an appearance.

We sat on the roof and watched them. They are a lot more subtle and slow than pictures make them look.
We did a time lapse video to see the movements sped up. 

We had soccer, then birthday party, then Galbraith, then hole digging, then basketball, 
and lots and lots of chatting in between it all with friends and family.
It was just such a great weekend. 

Sunday morning.
Andrew always makes me a coupon book. He's so sweet.
He "made me breakfast" and by that I mean he put a (something I can't remember what...and I can't even tell what it is in this picture) and cut it up with a fork and knife. 

This last picture is my favorite of us. 
A rare sighting of teeth.

Jim made us burgers and we ate banana cream pie
and the kids were nice to me. 


Tuesday, May 7, 2024

It's Gonna Be May

Ooh dang April flew by! 
It has been such a good and full month. I have appreciated it so much because 
EVERY child is in a sport and every child is loving it.

I think back to last year and man was that rough. 
Evan was downtrodden, I was so sad for him, my soccer team was DIFFICULT.

Compared to this year:
Evan had a blast with track. I don't know if he learned a whole lot. The main coach was pretty dysfunctional - but ALL  his friends did it and they had fun messing around together after school. 

My team is a dream. They are so coachable and work hard and have gelled together. 
I have so much fun with them. 
PS we are not very good. We have yet to win a game. Once we only lost 2-0 and we were stoked on that. haha
But they are learning! And they are so pleasant. No know it alls or children who think they are better than everyone else. 

Avery loves tennis and is sad it's over. She is improving so much.
She is on the varsity team, so it's pretty hard! But also it's so chill. No pressure at all.

Andrew is in soccer and he doesn't love it, but he doesn't hate it.
This spring team always does so well because all the forces are united and so we win a lot. 

So to sum up: sports sports sports this spring is great great great.  

Here is another sport the boys are into:
They just started digging holes out in the field behind our house and it's awesome.
I love when boys do boy things with zero objectives. Just blisters on the hands and giant holes for no reason. 

The whole neighborhood is in on this, plus the Blacks, plus the Dicksons. 

Our house is taking FOREVER at this point.
It's just a lot of internal stuff.
But also paint!

Inside is still a bunch of studs. and wood beams. 

I didn't get to watch any of Evan's track events because of soccer. 
Other moms sent me lots of pictures and vidoes!

Here is something that is giving me butterflies this month:
My dad had a valve in his heart replaced. 
He did great! His veins are healthy, so he had the simpler procedure through the thigh and home the next day. He is recovering well.

During a CAT scan they found a tumor on his kidney, so next month he has another surgery to remove the kidney. His other kidney is healthy and so far it's isolated.
We are so lucky to have had a heart situation so that they could accidentally find this kidney situation!

But it still gives me butterflies and I will be happy when he is recovering from that surgery. 

I love the month of May. 
It's the busiest, but also such an exciting month. I'll take it all - the sports and the fullness and the busyness. 
It kicks off my favorite time of the year. This is what I look forward to when we celebrate solstice. 
THIS RIGHT HERE! All this sunshine and digging into the beautiful rich soil of my life. 

(Cinco De Mayo Party)
I loved how the big kids had their own table and did their big kid thing. 

Regarding current events:
This country is in such a state. The most baffling thing is the Pro Palestine protests on campuses. 
When they said Evil would be Good and Good would be Evil, I didn't realize the pendulum would swing from the subtle and ambiguous 
to the obvious and the glaring
in the same breath. 

I recently listened to this podcast with Hamas's father's son who defected. 
It was enlightening and sad. 

Heaven help us.