Monday, November 22, 2021

I is for Imagination

There are two versions of my kids: 
a kid on a device
a kid not on a device

When they are on devices, it's mostly quiet and calm and clean around here. The 3 C's.

When they are not on devices, they make messes, they problem solve, they argue, they cooperate, they are loud and silly.
You can see the dilemma right? So I guess we will just continue with a little bit of both. 
It's going to be fine.

Andrew is always writing and drawing things, 
then comes along and tells anyone who will listen all about it. 
I have to shoo him away: "It's my turn to talk to Lisa".

Avery's version of playing is this:
Bea comes and knocks their secret knock on the door. Avery goes outside and they walk up and down the street talking. Sometimes they sit in their spot beside McKenzie's house and they talk. 
Middle school stuff. 

Here is a sampling of Andrew's work, depending on what he's obsessed with at the time. 

He made up his own planets on this day.

Evan has been making elephant toothpaste. 
He expects it to be a big exciting chemical reaction like the ones Mark Rober does, but every time it's just very similar to vinegar and baking soda. 
But that doesn't stop him from pouring and running, like it's going to explode.
"Everybody stand back!"

So last week we had a cancelled day of school because of the crazy rains and flooding throughout the valley. 
With the kids home, I declared that they could not get on devices during the hours they would have been at school, and my house exploded with imagination. 
Toys, experiments, noise. 
Me and Avery spent an hour making this marble run. She is so fun to be with. 
She teases and jokes and is so smart. 
She also jumped out of the picture, darn her. 

I would say cars are the toys my kids play most consistently with. 
Cars and Legos.

They go through Pokemon obsessions still.

This particular day they were playing "flip it or rip it".
It is a version of Russian Roulette where you pick between two cards and you have to rip the one you pick to rip, no matter how valuable it is. 
I suspect they watched a YouTube of this because Andrew is wearing this headband reminiscent of the Russian Roulette scenes in The Deer Hunter.

So what brought this weird/terrible game to an end is when Andrew ripped one of his very favorite cards and was in tears about it. 
I put an end to that. I hate when they destroy their toys. It is just gross. 

A lot of Avery's time is spent texting with her friends. She has so much fun with it. 

Koda is a big part of our play. The kids pet her until she gets overwhelmed and runs away from them. 

Andrew had to disguise his turkey so that it doesn't get eaten on Thanksgiving.
He chose to dress it as a race car driver. 

Evan spends a lot of time drumming. 
For band in 6th grade you have to choose an instrument. He wanted percussion, but A LOT of kids want percussion, so they do try outs.
He didn't think he would "make it" but he did! And he loves it. He's getting pretty good at tapping a beat on every hard surface in the house. 
I grew up with tappers in my childhood home, so I know how to cope. 

Sunday, November 21, 2021

G is for Good Day

Good morning Friday November 19, 2021 
We all meet in my bed for scriptures. 
Evan goes and gets Koda from her kennel and she jumps on top of us all licking and nibbling. 
We call the nibbling "corn on the cob" because she uses her front teeth to eat us. 
She cries like a baby because she is so happy. 

Jim makes a smoothie, the boys empty the dishwasher.

Andrew's daily log. This week has been weird with the early release and no school due to heavy rains and floods. 

7:35 Evan is my car starter. He gets it all warm and defrosted. 

There is always a bottleneck at the train tracks. Evan gets nervous when we cross the bridge because he thinks it's going to break.

First I drop off Andrew. We all say "tuck and roll Andrew!" as he jumps out. 

Then I drop the big kids at their big kid middle school. 

The morning light is so pretty. This time of year there is usually low hanging fog.

I spend a lot of time in the car since we quit the bus, so I listen to books. Currently this is the one that plays.

Time to tidy the house. 
This flavor smells so good, especially around holiday time. 

I get this weird text from my neighbor. 

I got this best ever vacuum the Christmas before COVID.
It was the most perfect timed item because as soon as school shut down, this house got so messy. 
Kids dirt was everywhere, at all hours. 
And THEN we got a dog, so I vacuum about 20 times a day. I can't even remember life before. Did I sweep all day? Did I wind and unwind a cord like a peasent?

You can't tell in pictures, but it's the kind of day where the roof tops and fences steam in the sun. 
I love sitting and watching it rise and evaporate. 

I do a quick Sydney leg workout. I love her I hate her. 
Mostly I love her though. She's a game changer for me. 

Roxanne picks me and Lisa up and we run at Point Whitehorn. 
We do 4 hill sprints and that's all we have time for. Thankfully ha. 
Look at that curly tree trunk. It's insane. 

It's such a pretty day. 

I change my clothes and go to Bellingham with Jim. 
Last night we were watching Ironman (the first half), and the part when he escapes from his captors he wants a hamburger, made us crave a hamburger, so here we go, getting a hamburger. 
Plus Jim needs to go to Lowe's. 

Who doesn't love a burger and fries? It's the best. 

I follow Jim around while he searches for a toilet flange. 
How does everyone feel about coming to these kind of stores? It's not my favorite. It's always a search for something that doesn't excite me. 
I do like hanging out with Jim though.

We make it out of there without having to go to the bathroom.
You know what I'm talking about. 

Time to pick up the kids from school. The light has changed from this morning. 

There are my little honey bears. 

Evan and Andrew fight. 
Evan doesn't scootch over, so Andrew has to climb over him.
We pretty much fight the whole drive home. I tell Avery she gets a Dilly Bar when we get home, but the boys don't because they fight too much. 
That doesn't help anything. The boys are extra incensed now. 

I swear we typically have a pleasant drive home, but not today. I hate fighting kids. 

Andrew shows me the book he made at school about two Jello squares who are best friends, have a falling out, then become friends again. 

Finally I say they can eat their darn Dilly Bars. 

Jim works on the toilet. The seal around the bottom was corroded and stuff.
He's got a cute little plumber crack. 

The kids have some down time.
The usual rule is: no devices until the sun goes down,
but they are dummies and can't follow a rule ever.
But it's also Friday and I want to take a nap so I ignore them and get secretly mad. 
But whatever, I'm gonna go lay on the couch.

Devices make the house nice and quiet so we can both sleep. 

Dinner time. 
I harvest a pomegranate and cook some chicken burgers. 
I do not like cooking anymore. It's a problem. I've been snubbed too often by picky children, so I give up. 

Avery keeps ignoring my plea to come eat your dang dinner, so I Facetime her. 
Come eat, you filthy animal. 

Lisa asks us if we want to meet at Paso for dinner. 
We are still so full from our lunch burger, plus we have to get Evan to basketball at 7:00, so we make it a quick meet up. 

We run home, get Evan and Koda and head back to Blaine for the first basketball practice. 
Evan is so nervous, he tries to get out of going because "his knee really hurts" and he limps effusively to show me how much he isn't able to go to basketball. 
I tell him sometimes exercise is the best thing for a hurting body part. 

While Evan does basketball, we take Koda to Lincoln Park to run around in the pitch black.

We find this weird white furry thing in a tree. It looks like a muppet. Is it an insect home or a mushroom?
 I identify it and it's Lion's Mane mushroom!

It feels so good to be out in the fresh night air, flashlights bobbing around and Koda sneaking around like a wolf. 

We fetch Evan from ball.
His face is red from running around and his knee feels better!

We eat a bed time snack of Lucky Charms.

I'm bushed.
One last mirror picture of the dismantled bathroom, then I'm going to spend the evening in bed. 

I shower and get cozy.
The kids come in and out of our room. Avery chats with me about bracelets she's giving her friends for Christmas. 
Around 10:00 I hug them all good night and shut my door. They put themselves to bed now days.
Me and Jim finish watching Ironman. It is as I suspected - the origin story is over and now the boring fighting scenes begin. Invincible fights invincible which is so pointless.

The End