Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Andrew's Baptism

Andrew's baptism was small and simple. 
I think because of Covid, I knew that we could weed out all the unnecessary parts of a baptism that stress me out. 
It may have seemed extra extra simple (Avery made a few comments about it wasn't going to be special), 
but here is a secret: it was the most special because the mom was totally present and relaxed. 

Andrew was so heartbreaking nervous. When we took this picture of him and Jim, he was shivering with nerves. 

This was the "program" I quickly wrote up for Joe so he knew how it was all gonna go (he was the bishopric presence). 

One thing Andrew requested was a treats afterwards. So we had treats and visited. 

Maybe you didn't know this about Andrew, but he hates buttons. They give him the creeps.
He was such a good sport about this shirt. He tried so hard to meet me in the middle. There are only two buttons right? So he pretended to be ok with it. He just held his head high above the buttons where he couldn't be near them or see them. 
I watched him walk around with his nose in the air with a fake smile, trying to make me happy.
I laughed and offered to cut the buttons off. He was so relieved. Once those buttons were off, he could wear his head normal. 

Later for dinner we took pizzas up to the Samish Overlook. 

There's Rainier out there. Can you see?

Do you think my dad was more interested in the ocean/islands or the Skagit Valley farm land?

Later that night, we talked mountain bikes and trucking and dairies and guns.

(comparing bullets)

I just published a ton of posts, cranking them out so that they don't get lost or forgotten. 
But I left so many details out...I therefore give myself permission to go back at any time and add in memories. 
Like just now I added the thing about Andrew's buttons. 


Tulip Festival

This year my mom and dad came to see the tulips!
The main objective of the trip was for Andrew's baptism.

We got scones and ice cream in La Conner.

Dad taught Evan how to shoot this thingy. Whatever is it called? 

Spring Break

The flight was fun because the Blacks were also on board. 

We played at the park lots. It's a mighty hike up "heart attack hill" to get there. 
The view of Zion and that one blue mountain is also killer. 

Me and Avery realized the ants are dropping individual pieces of dirt off outside their hole, then turning around to go fetch another grain. Small and simple things. 

We spent a day in Cedar City. 

We died, dead on the sidewalk, of nostalgia. 
Everything was so much the same and so much different! 
And there were our children there - proof that we had grown up and left this place and lived our great lives. 
All the memories. All the doorways in and out of buildings. In and out. up and down the stairs. How many times did we stripe the campus walking back and forth. 
It's like we took a time machine. We were the oldest people there. 

Of all the beloved places, I think the Braithwaite is my top. 
Remember climbing these stairs and being breathless at the top?

By chance I saw my cousin Shellee outside doing a class. Ha! Great timing.

When we got back in the car with our SUU merch, I read my texts...
Aaron had got into an accident at the dairy. 
My stomach dropped right down to the ground.
Happy to report he is doing great. Miracles.

That's his hat on the top of the old barn. 

On the way home we High to Kolob. 

The boys went home with G and G. 
It was fun to have some alone time with Avery. She talked about how excited she is to go to SUU. 

The last night there, we circled up around the fire and had a lovely roast. 

The next day we dropped the kids of at the Kelvingtons...
Then me and Jim went and had a weekend sans kids. 

This year we stayed at the Red Rock.
It was so hot and so fun doing whatever in the whole world you want to do.
We hiked along a desert wash - my favorite. It was hard and hot and so fun to clamber around the rocks, up and up and up.
Then a nap and laying by the pool and good food. 
I loved it all so much.