Tuesday, June 30, 2020


June 2020 ends tonight, so here is a compilation of what we have been doing all month.
It is the same 3 or 4 activities, over and over:
There is a "take the dog on an adventure" activity, 
neighborhood shenanigans,
ride/run at Galbraith, 
and the one that is pictured the least: playing on devices. 

Here is a "dog activity".
We have our 4th dog obedience class tomorrow. She is such a good, smart dog. It's fun watching her learn. 
But she's still a naughty puppy who ignores us sometimes. 

Here is a "Galbraith ride/run" activity.
The Foxglove wild flowers are going off this year! 

Here is a "neighborhood shenanigans" activity.
Today there was a rumor that the ice cream truck was coming to our neighborhood, so every single child hung out on the street today playing, waiting for her to show up.
She showed up at 7:00pm. We spent ALL DAY waiting. That was our summer activity. 

This is another dog activity, except with Scout.
The Blacks live on a dormant golf course, so we often run around the trails burning lots of energy.
Then I go home sneezing and itching from the grass allergens. 

We spend a lot of time on the porch with Koda. 
It's so fun to be loved so much by a dog. 
Her ears are so expressive. She lays them flat on the back of her head when she is happy to see you. It's a sign of submission, and I just love it. 
Then when she's on duty or at full attention, her ears stand strait up, letting you know that she is dead serious about things. 

The weekly beach activity. 
Would you believe the sand comes right off her? 

Andrew is sooo good at Nintendo.

This was one of the last days of school. There at the end, Avery struggled. 
School work would usually end in tears and rants. 
I hate distance/crises learning. 

More beach.

We've had a few sleepovers. We love the Dicksons. 
We would NOT survive Corona without them. 

One day it rained ALL DAY. And then this rainbow showed up, and the whole neighborhood came out to freak out about it. It was so so bright. I've never seen anything like it. 

Father's Day! 
I love how much Jim loves animals. He always has. 
We would not own a dog if it weren't for his harebrained idea.
One day he was like: we need a dog in this family, and the next thing you know he has the perfect dog picked out and in our home. 

For father's day, the boys played lots of MarioKart together, then we went and had dirt church with our bests. 



dogs getting wild in the creek, 

Galbraith ride, 

trail run.

Round and round. These are our early summer activities on repeat. 
There is not much else we can do. But also not much else we want to do. 

This day we ran up Chuckanut Mountain. 
I had such an itch to climb a mountain, and this satisfied. 

The Red Huckleberries are in full harvest right now! They are everywhere. We fill our bellies. 
Did you know huckleberries cannot be grown agriculturally? They only work when grown in the wild.

Koda likes them too. 

This is Groot, the Dicksons Frenchy. He is Koda's neighborhood buddy. 
He comes over and knocks on the door and asks if Koda can play. 

Yesterday we ran a new trail at Galbraith, and this viewpoint was SHOW STOPPING. 
It's just so beautiful out there. 

This was us all day today...up and down the streets with all the hood friends. 
Currently they are gathering blankets and pillows and filling the Dicksons truck bed for a "late over". 

That's a wrap, June 2020. 

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Last Day of "School"

Weirdest school year ever.

The best part of our "school"days was the 11:00 lunch bus rendezvous. 
The moms loved it, the kids loved it, the dogs loved it. 
It was such a great socializer for Koda. She learned to lay calmly while all the kids and bikes and cars swirled around her. 

I was blasting Alice Cooper "School's Out" right about now. 
Evan loves when I do that on the last day.