Saturday, August 31, 2019

Family Pictures

We got family pictures taken. 
My photog friend was doing a fund raiser for her friend with cancer, 
so all the money went to the family. 
I do not love getting family pictures taken, but I do love having these pictures. 
I told my friend "we do not do family pictures. we do not know how to pose. we are awkward." 
You'll have to wait until your Christmas card to see the official family picture. 


The last month of summer has come and gone, my friends. 
 It was busy and went too fast, of course.
We took family pictures...

I ran a half marathon in Chilliwack with my high school best, Amber.
It was so weird to be together again because it was just like 20 years hadn't even passed - except that we talked about our kids.

I PR'd my time by 2ish minutes! I really thought I was going to make it under two hours, but I came in at 2 hours 3 minutes. My legs were soooo sore. I think I did permanent damage to the muscle. 
Just kidding, but wow. I should train better if I'm gonna try and beat my time like that. 
Amber came in a million minutes before me (1 hour 45 minutes).

After the race I had to hurry home, get cleaned up, and head to Arlington for a special meeting with Eldar Rasband.

That evening, our friend Frank rode up on his motorcycle and handed me two giant crabs. They were freshly caught and cooked a few hours ago.
I was so stoked! 
I ran inside and ate till my belly was full.
It was the best post race/church meeting meal ever. 

The kids watched the meteor shower from the bed of the Dickson's truck...

Last beach day. 

During dentist visits, we go out back and eat blackberries and play on the skate park until it's the next child's turn to get their teeth cleaned. 

One day Andrew was being "Bug the Pug". 
(that's a cartoon character I think? he is a dog and he wears sunglasses? and he's "bad"? I think?)

We got a ring doorbell. 

Wild blackberry crumble.
Evan said he knew the best place to pick blackberries, so we got a bucket and we jumped on our bikes, and we picked the best blackberries. 
I think Evan is my favorite child to pick berries with. He's calm and talks to me. 

I don't even want to tell you this, but we didn't go berry picking this summer. Not once. 
I think it's because we have our own raspberries and strawberries and blackberries...but it's a summer tradition that I just didn't do. 

One day we went to Padden WITHOUT THE BLACKS, can you believe. 
Joe's knee is still healing, so we took the Chambers instead. 
I documented a "mid Padden diaper change" because Jessica doesn't know this, but soon Maggie will be out of diapers and soon there will be a stroll around Padden WITHOUT A STROLLER.
It really does happen. I used to bring the big ugly purple one. And Lisa used to bring the big beautiful double one. 

A huge portion of the last part of August was spent prepping for the Ward Carnival. 
The young women auxiliary was in charge, and Lisa was the spearhead, so we had about 3 or 4 "pre-party" parties. 
Jim and Joe were in charge of making corndogs again, so we met at Franks and had moose burgers and practiced corndogs and shucked 100 ears of corn. 

Jim got stung by a bee. 

A trail run,

and a birthday party.
(Evan and this boy, Jasino, jockey for Christopher's attention all the time. They are all three in the same class. haha)

One day, near the end of August, me and Jim just look at each other and say "and that is the end of summer". It happens on it's own and very naturally. The kids just get sick of it and I get sick of the kids getting sick of it. 
And we move on to the next.