Friday, November 30, 2018

I is for Imagination

Veteran's Day Weekend is the perfect controlled experiment to see how my kids' imagination is changing and evolving. 
It is the first weekend that isn't a summer day and isn't filled with soccer games. 
My race was the weekend before, so this weekend is the first where we find ourselves with nowhere to be. It's kind of chilly and rainy outside, so they have to entertain themselves inside - for the first time in months!

The constant in my kids' play is cars and buses. 
Every morning during this four day weekend while I leisurely prepared breakfast, the boys would dump out the cars and play,
"The race of the World Grand Prix!"
They set the cars up in a starting line,
announce "WELCOME to the race of the World Grand Prix!"
then in a normal volumed voice: "say say say say say say"
(I don't know why they say "say say say"),
and then they "race" the cars. 

Andrew had to finish emptying the silverware before he could play. 

These are the commentators: Darrell Cartrip, Bob Cutless, and Natalie Certain.

Some other ways they entertained themselves all weekend:
dress Avery up like a boy,

then back to a fancy girl.

Read chapbooks.

Play school.
This was a big one. It took up many hours.
Andrew always plays school. He is Teacher Andrew, and he does the morning carpet routine that he does in kindergarten. 

But this time he got us all to be students. 

Morning number 2: More Grand Prix.

A big part of our play at this time in our lives includes friends. 
Usually on a Saturday we hang out with our favorite Blacks, but they happened to be out of town for the whole weekend! So again, it was up to US to entertain OURSELVES. 
Jim mountain biked while we played at the park. The kids managed to have fun even without friends. 

Pillow fighting is a fun dark and rainy day activity. 

Morning number 3: More Grand Prix.
say say say, say say say

I went to church early for a meeting,
and found this meeting going on with the Beanie Boos when we all got home from church. 

Family Home Evening.
We wrote down things we are thankful for and put the slips of paper in that turkey behind Avery. 

Morning of day 4: more Grand Prix.

Day 4 Jim had to work, and I took all the kids to the Grandview pool to swim. The big kids have so much fun swimming and playing tag in the lazy river. 
I had to stay right next to Andrew (pool rule, even though the water is ankle deep), so I spent a lot of time people watching. I noticed how HAIRY the men were. So many hairy backs and shoulders. And I noticed how beautiful all the women were. There were a few mamas with bare pregnant bellies. 
One lady was smiling down at her belly while the baby inside was moving, and even from a distance I could see the orb of belly moving and stretching and bumping. It's crazy and beautiful. 

After we got done swimming, we go play at the Blacks house (they finally returned!) while Jim and Joe go mountain biking. 
The dads returned with four boxes of pizza for dinner,
then it is back to school the next morning. 

To see how our play has evolved: 
(dipping into the archives kind of breaks my heart)

Thursday, November 29, 2018

V is for Visage

School Pictures are here!
Evan is retaking his pictures this very day. 
Look how crooked he is sitting, and it's like they asked him a question, then snapped the pic mid sentence. He's such a handsome kid - we can do better than that. 

We had parent teacher conferences last week. 
I'm so proud of my kids. They are amazing. 
Andrew can read. His favorite books to read to me are Green Eggs and Ham and Pete the Cat's Shoes.
This Veterans assignment by Evan cracked me up. He gets pretty rambly about dying and not dying in order to fill the page. 

Avery is on the 45 line in bright yellow.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

I is for I

 I am going to try and write 38 things about me, since I'm 38. 
Like Nettie does on her kids' birthdays.  

1. I can't even think of a first thing.

2. I am sitting here next to Jim while he watches a movie. The kids are asleep.

3. Avery stayed home from school today and yesterday with a cough and messed up ears from the flight Sunday.

4. I washed my hair every day of my life for about 37 years, then a year ago I bought this great shampoo (Monat) and now I only wash about 2x a week. Combined with dry shampoo, my hair is the best it's ever been.

5. See? boring.

6. I love The Great British Baking Championship. Me and Avery watched about three episodes today.

7. I also went grocery shopping today. I bought this combination of a snack that is awesome. Jamie brought it to Fallon: thin rosemary crackers, fig jam, and goat cheese. 

8. I am going to give that combination as a gift to my kids' teachers for Christmas.

9. We are playing black light dodge ball in the gym for mutual tomorrow. The deacons are in charge. I don't even know how that is supposed to work, but I'm not in shoulder shrug. 

10. So...there is this family in our ward. They are very Herdman-y in that they are very poor and very dirty. They live in their RV in the campground near our neighborhood. If you walk through a forest you can get to our house from their RV. The parents are very loving, but also have some mental issues.
They have a daughter named Sarah and she is Avery's age. She is kinda crazy because she has ADD and hypothyroidism, so her medication is all over the place and she is all over the place.

Anyway, Sarah hasn't been baptized yet, and she is currently taking the missionary discussions. And since their living situation is rough, they do the discussions at our house. It has been way interesting but also....frustrating. Because Sarah rolls all over the floor during the discussions - feet in the air, roll around, run up the stairs, etc. I use my teacher voice to get her to come sit (she sits just fine at school). The lessons last about 15 minutes. She will be getting baptized pretty soon. It's been a cool experience for Avery - she has sat in on every lesson and is learning a lot as well. 

11. That one was worth 2.

12. I was supposed to sub in Evan's class tomorrow, but it got cancelled. Equal parts stoked and bummed.

13. My favorite podcast currently is "Heavyweight". Go listen right now. Start at season one, episode one. I love Jonathon Goldstien. 

14. I was just talking to my top neighbor, mom, friend Lindsay this morning after the kids got on the bus, and she was saying how annoying it is that Bea's textbook from school was referring to Native Americans as Indians (ps she's native). She said it's not a big deal to be called an Indian casually, but when it's in an official textbook, they should probably stick to the PC term. Especially when there are many real Indians from India living in our community. 

15. Andrew loves show and tell at school. This week he took Chick Hicks to show. Last week he took his little beanie boo kangaroo "Kipper". It's cute because the kanga has a little baby in her pouch, and Andrew always says "Kipper and her little Joey".

16. I don't think I'm gonna make it to 38.

17. Today Avery told me that she and her cousins refer to "boobs" as hippopotamuses. And "bras" as the water (because it protects and hides the hippos). haha I don't even know. 

18. Oh my gosh 20 more to go?!

19. It's pouring rain outside.

20. This play room is a mess: legos, Andrew's shoes, backpack and school papers etc. I am twitching. 

21. While in Fallon, I got a pomegranate and seeded it - which is kind of an arduous process, as you know. Then I set the bowl out for snacking, and the big girls came in and ate the whole bowl in like 30 seconds. In the middle of the scarfing, Abbey stopped and said "I feel bad we are eating all these. Somebody worked really hard on these and we are eating them all." Isn't that so thoughtful of her? Yes I did work so hard on those! haha, but I am happy they ate them. They're good for growing teenagers. 

22. Well, I hit a wall. I might go to bed and finish up tomorrow. Maybe by then I will think of something more to say. 

23. Good morning! All the kids are off to school today. I just finished mopping the floor and vacuuming the stairs. Last week, the vacuum wasn't sucking properly, and I emptied and unclogged everything as best I could. Then I called in Jim to help, and we found this secret compartment in the bottom that was clogged. It was so so satisfying pulling out a clog of hair and fuzz and string. Then the vacuum commenced sucking. In a good way. 

24. Yesterday I was helping Avery with her math homework, and she was writing so sloppy - I couldn't tell what numbers she was writing - so I lectured her, and she shut down, and we fought, and she said "I'm getting away from you", and I said "I'm getting away from YOU too." Then I went for a run, and she finished her homework by herself, and we met up after it all and smiled and made up. 

25. Back to show and tell...The first week they had show and tell (it's only been going on for three weeks now), Andrew forgot to bring something to show. I was subbing in Music and Motion. It was the end of the day and Mrs. Thomas's class (Andrew's class) came to Music and Motion. I said "hello!" and gave him a hug, and he promptly started sobbing. "I forgot my show and tell!" I think he would have held it together, but since his mom was the teacher, he fell apart. 
For the next 15 minutes he sat in a ball crying. All of his classmates were so nice in helping him feel better, "Andrew I forgot mine too!" "Andrew you can bring one next week!"
I snapped a picture of Eva patting him on the back and hugging him:

The other kids are laying like flowers. We just finished doing some yoga poses (you are a cat, you are a lion, you are a mountain, you are a tree, you are a flower...). Also the little girl next to Andrew - her name is Penelope. Isn't that an adorable name?

26. Last night before basketball practice, me and Evan went to the library and checked out a bunch of books. I got "Indian in the Cupboard" in hopes that someone will take to it. I loved that book in 5th grade. I think they should change the name to The Native American in the Cupboard. haha jk

27. I just cleaned this play room because I couldn't stand it for one second more. Now it is so zen in here. 

28. I am trying to finish The Book of Mormon before the end of the year. I am accomplishing this by listening to it audio while I do chores. I just got to the book of Ether. 

The end of the BOM is so dramatic and violent and poetic. Mormon has found a way to make a lovely metaphor out of the destruction of the people: 

Mormon 4:18 "And from this time forth did the Nephites gain no power over the Lamanites, but began to be swept off by them even as a dew before the sun."

I think as far as actual writing goes, Mormon is my favorite section of the whole Book of Mormon. It is a beautiful and mournful part. 

29. Anytime I get home from being with my family (Thanksgiving in Fallon) I miss everyone so much. Our texting threads are currently way more active than usual. 

30. I have a bunion.

31. I won a gift certificate for a full body massage at my triathlon back in June and I still haven't cashed it in. Isn't that crazy? What am I waiting for?

32. We are looking for a new dining table and new couches to replace our beat up ones down stairs. I cannot find the exact furniture that I want. I can see them in my head, but I haven't found them out on the market. I like clean, strait lines in my home decor. 

33. so close.

34. Next year's triathlon, I signed up Jim, Joe, and Jake to do the relay. Joe will swim, Jim will bike, Jake will run. It's gonna be fun to have some folks at the starting line with me. 

35. Whenever I sub for Andrew's teacher, Andrew asks "does Mrs. Thomas need a break?"

36. I'm making pulled pork salad for dinner tonight.

37. Wednesdays are the worst.

38. Jim and I are going to go snowboarding one of these days when Baker opens up for the season. It's been a good decade since we've gone, so we will see how big of a wimp/old lady I have become. 

Done! That was fun. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

G is for Galbraith

While the kids are in school, 
Jim and I go to Galbraith Mountain. 

He mountain bikes,
I run.

We meet at the parking lot when we are done. 

Monday, November 19, 2018

S is for Soccer

The girls had a super team this year: two teams for games, but we practiced together and coached together. 
I love coaching now that we are at this level. 
The girls catch on so quickly and they are funny and smart. 
We won our last game 9-1. I should have instituted a rule that they could only use their left foot. 

Awards night...

K is for Kids at Work

I tasked the kids with getting rid of the rotting pumpkins at our door and you would have thought I tasked them with going to Disneyland. They were so excited. 

Flat tire on the wheelbarrow, just fix that up. 

They are hoping all the smashed innards will translate to tons of pumpkins growing here next year. 

Then they came home and played Hoot Owl Hoot.