Thursday, June 28, 2018

Easy Start

We are a week and a half deep into summer and it has been slow and easy,
lots of lazing around and playing inside. 
I believe the World Cup is to blame for all the indoor activities, but I am ok with that because the kids are ok with that. 
Also: the Dicksons are out of town for two weeks, so the kids don't have their usual neighbor playmates.

The house is typically a wall to wall gauntlet of toys - legos and train tracks and all the little pieces. It is acceptable because the kids are actually playing with all the little pieces. Sometimes you literally cannot walk anywhere upstairs without tip toeing carefully. 

I realize that this easy, slow schedule is going to end soon. As soon as July comes along, we will be moving at breakneck speed from one vacation/visitor to the next. 
I am marinating in all the delightful lawlessness in our home. 

We ran around this park after watching Incredibles 2. 
I give that movie 2 thumbs down. I hate fight scenes and action scenes. They just go on and on pointlessly.
At one point I had my head in my hands mumbling "when is this going to end?"

We ride our bikes down to the "ball forest" when we need a break from all the World Cup and all the tip toeing through tiny lego pieces. They search for pellets in the dirt, then put them in their "habitat".

This tree nook is the ball habitat. 

One day they played school.

Evan was the librarian.

Our local library has a summer reading program...if you reach your goal you get a free book.
Evan completed his reading chart in two days. He gets laser focused on stuff like that to earn his reward.  

One night at Padden, Avery and Bailey wore dueling t-shirts. 

Our neighbor friends have the cutest baby in the world. 
Everyone loves Maggie Rose. 

Summer Solstice comes along, and I'm not sure how to feel about it. I realize that this is the beginning of the end. Every day shorter from here...but let's not talk about that because the weather is awesome, and we can stay out forever and ever because it practically never gets dark. 

Documentation of the messy house:

Every day me and Avery and Andrew go out and check the raspberries. Today there were three ripe, so we each picked and ate. 
Andrew exclaimed "oh my goodness!" and clasped his hands together at the delight that is plucking ripe fruit off a vine. 
Andrew is a treasure.

Padden Tri: done and done.
Not my best time. Not my worst time. 

I have a pattern of doing really well every other year, so next year will be better.

Reminder to myself: you must swim train! you think you don't need to, but you do.
Also, implement a good meal plan. I ate a lot of crap while training for this tri. 

They played with the dinosaurs while waiting for me. 
Avery was at a stake activity days event.

And lastly, yesterday we hike down to Pt Whitehorn with friends. There are always great forts to play in, and sea creatures to poke at. Us moms were so hot, so we stood in the cool water talking and talking. We talked about how great it is that we can do our mom thing while the kids are off doing their kid thing. 

Saturday, June 16, 2018

June: The In-Between

The last few weeks of school in June are like a 2 week push and pull. It's an in-between - not school, not summer. 
There are so many concerts and performances and field trips. The kids are reluctant for it to end - to say goodbye to their precious classroom families.  

Yet summer is very much in the air. I end the street games prematurely and put them to bed with hours of daylight left in the sky. 

The alarm goes off at 6:45 and I have to remind myself what it's for - oh yeah, school. 

It's a hard month for Evan. I think he gets over tired vacillating between the two places. 
Every year at this time...we struggle. 

Today was the first day of summer break, and he seemed more zen and balanced. 
He rode his bike with me while I ran, 
then constructed a seesaw.

This pic is the seesaw in mid-crumble.
It was so fun to watch them upgrade and fix the structure. Eventually a problem was solved with duct tape...

He did chores (clean the house top-to-bottom) without any problem - quickly and efficiently, 

and was an all-star at picking strawberries. He continued picking even though his back hurt from all the bending over. 

Then we went to Berthesen Park and he ran laps around the trails, trying to beat his best time. There was nary a fight, nary an issue. 

**Side note about Berthesen Park: for some reason we always play there at the beginning of summer. It is our "summer kick off" park. This year we met up with our neighbors/friends the Chambers. It was so easy and pleasant.
At one point the kids wanted to go explore some of the trails through the woods, and since Jessica was holding a sleeping baby, we decided they would be fine going it on their own. 
They were gone kind of a long while, and I was getting nervous thinking that maybe they were lost?

Soon Evan and the two little boys emerged from the trees. Evan was wearing Avery's shirt. 
I inquired.
"Where's Avery?!"
"She died."
He said it without cracking a smile and there was little to no explanation. I had to wait for Avery to come tell me why Evan was wearing her shirt? (she had a tank top underneath). 
I guess she was sneaking up on them and leaving her shoes and clothes and such on the trail for them to find. I don't really know, but it was funny/strange.**

I dare say it was an awesome first day of summer.
Jim spent the day mountain biking, dinner, and movie with Joe: a father's day date. 

So now let's flash back to the beginning of the month when the kids were still in is us in early June:
One evening just me and Evan went on a bike ride to Halversen Forest. In size 4t pajamas. 

Many times while all three kids were at school, Jim and I would take off on a day date. 
This day found us in downtown Bellingham for some pizza. We discovered this back alley mural. It's called "Bird Alley" and I love it.

Jim working on the fence. Almost done. 

Riding a bike is the hardest thing in the world for Andrew. He cannot get it. His legs cannot pedal. He cannot steer. We went on the longest walk and it just didn't click. So frustrating. 

He basically just rides while we push. 

Evan helping pick fence planks. 

I found an egg shell in the mountains. 
I've been training for the past two months for the Padden Tri coming up. Next Saturday. 

Take home reading - Evan started reading chapter books on his own. 

Everything in bloom. 

Jimuary is in full effect. Tomorrow is father's day. 
Jim is such a problem solver. If something needs puzzled out - take it to him. He makes everything work. Everything. Bikes, food, grass, fences, computers. He will figure it out. 

So there you have it. 

A Tale of Two Months.