Monday, April 30, 2018

Tulip Festival

  This spring tradition is different every year as the kids get older. In ways it is easier, in ways more difficult.

*Easier because the kids just go out in the fields and explore and enjoy themselves. No baby backpacks, no naps to dodge, no bags of toddler supplies.  

*More difficult because school and extra curricular activities every day make it so that we really have to squeeze it into the schedule. Today the kids didn't have school, so even though Jim had to work, me and the kids went anyway. The bloom is almost over, so it was our last chance. 

It's just so beautiful and I love spring so much. 

Do you see all three kids over there?

Of course we ate at Olive Garden. Tradition. 

And La Conner for ice cream.

They added this cool time line to the cross section. The tree was 800 years old!

This was us eating our treats: Evan running up and down the ramp,

me and Avery sitting on the table, cuddling because she was cold,

and Andrew standing on the table bench. 

This ramp was made in good ol' Blaine. 

Sunday, April 22, 2018


Lots of things 
has been going on, so it's hard to sit down and pound out a post about the mundane,
but "the mundane" is the most interesting to me when I delve into the archives,
so I will carry on dutifully with the cataloguing of the mundane.

Baseball has started and it's been a rainy season so far.
I need to get a picture of their new uniforms. They look so cute. 
The past two Saturdays, Lindsay takes the boys to the baseball game, and I take the girls to the soccer game because they are at the same time and our husbands are working. Divide and have the village help raise my children. 

PS my/Avery's soccer team is still undefeated. They are soooo good. 

One weekend Lisa was out of town, but the Blacks came over to work on bikes and play anyway.
Everyone had a play mate but me. I just kind of wandered around bored while the rest of them spent hours in their happy place.
I am thankful for friends. Loneliness is not my happy place. (not that I was lonely this particular weekend...but in my life when I have been's no fun. So, all this to say: I'm thankful that I am never lonely.)

He wanted his picture taken. 

We did a Pinewood Derby! 
Evan's car placed about halfway down the roster. I don't know what the magic bullet is to a winning car because Jim applied all the YouTube tricks to this thing. 

It's recorder season. 4th grade. 

We did our best to listen to conference together. The boys were loud. 

Family Home Evening. I can't remember what her topic was. 
I'm sure it was awesome, and I'm sure the boys were turds the whole time. 


We went running in the POURING rain. 
The first half was exciting and pretty and the rain felt good,
the second half I was over it and sick of being wet and tired of jumping over puddles. 

Someone built this pretty bridge. It smelled of fresh cut wood. 

Do you remember all of the handmade dresses Avery wore when she was a little girl? Grandma Larsen made so many, and Avery wore them every day with crocs. 
Well, my friends secretly picked out all the seams and used the fabric to make a quilt for me. It was such a nice thing to do. I can't even believe someone would do such a thing for me. 

X box. 
They play Minecraft and have a pretend world going on. For the most part it's cooperative and creative. 

More scouts. 

Tonight for Earth Day/FHE, Avery gave a lesson about the creation. 
Then for the activity, she gave us supplies and had us "create" something.

Jim braided some yarn,
Evan made a paper Allegiant airplane and drew in pics of each of us, plus a "random person".

Avery drew a diagram of her "lucky money machine" invention she is going to make. If you find money on the ground, you can cash it in for double via the lucky money machine. But it knows if the money was found on the ground, or came from your wallet, so don't try and trick it. 

My boring old go-to doodle. A tree. 

FHE is rough because Avery has so many meticulous plans she wants to execute, but the boys cannot handle all the little details or the amount of time she wants to extend. There is a lot of fighting and complaining and threatening and bad moods. 
Strangely though, by the time we get to the "make/draw/create" section of the FHE, everyone seems to get a second wind and things are pleasant. 

Also in April, I want to go on record saying that I don't know how to raise children. It's too hard. They are too hard. I can't do it. 
So if you wonder "what happened to the Larsen children?" this is your answer: I don't know how to do it. They have come to this earth with their own personalities, and I don't know much more about it than that. I will put a roof over their heads, but beyond that, I got nothing. 
If you would like to pray for them, that would probably help. But again, don't take advice from me because I am all question marks over here.