Monday, October 21, 2013

Stoney Ridge 2013

Look how they've grown!
They're always so somber when I make them line up for these pictures.
Little Evan is killing me over there.

Stoney Ridge Farm is my favorite fall tradition.
 I brought my big camera all set to take tons of pictures of my kids in the pumpkins, but, oh, I left the battery at home charging.
I'm losing my mind.
It's not that big a deal since we have our phone cameras, but I was looking back through the past two years, and pictures at Stoney Ridge are such a time stamp. I can't believe how much the kids have grown, and I wish I got more and better pictures this year.
Oh well.  

This is still my favorite view of the valley. I get the giddiest feeling inside.

Look at these time stamp side by sides...

Little Evan! You little rock thrower.

Evan on the left, Andrew on the right.
Same jacket, same daddy.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Such a Ruined Day

We were supposed to spend the weekend in St. George for Joe and Susan's reception. 
We got all packed up - suitcases full of clothes. 
Avery said, "Grandma has so many treats at her house. She's lucky she lives in a house full of treats."
Evan held a handful of his underwear and talked about showing "Grandma Arsen" his "unnies". 

We knew we were racing the fog, and the whole drive to the airport was patchy. Right smack on top of the runway it was super thick. As we sat in the car watching the flight info, it got thicker and thicker. 

Then our flight got cancelled.

She said, "This is such a ruined day!"

and, "Let's go home and make a calendar of all the ruined days, and this is one of them."

For a minute, Evan's frown was so frowny. It looked like an upside down U.

It was sad. 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

What This is Really About

Jimi got diverted to Seattle tonight because the fog is so thick here.
So he's there and we are here.
But that's not what this post is about.

Avery got sick the exact morning we were supposed to go to the pumpkin patch on a field trip. 
I came downstairs in the morning and she was snuggled up in a blanket laying on the couch. I took her temperature and she had a doggone fever. 
We were both so so sad. I really wanted to go on this field trip with her. 

Five or six days later, she was still sick. She started complaining about her ear hurting, so we put a coat over that nightgown and took her to the doctor. 
If you have a cough, you must put these masks on in the waiting room. She whispered to me that she was kind of embarrassed about wearing it, so I put one on too. 
She finally got to go back to school today after missing three days of school and church. It just breaks your heart.
But that's not what this post is about either.

Today I got to go with Evan to the pumpkin patch!
I got to ride the bus with him and everything.
(I don't know how deep that finger is, so lets just pretend it's a nose scratch)

On our way to the bus, we stood outside Avery's classroom and watched her. Finally she saw us and got so excited. We all smiled at each other for a while, then went on our way.

Teacher Laura is my favorite. See her there with Evan? She is amazing. You have to see her in action to know what I mean, but I just love her. So does Evan. He always says her name.

I was talking to one of the teachers about how happy I am that he's doing so well, but sad that he might not qualify for next year. 
She told me "Oh we never turn out kids. Once they are in, we keep them until they go to Kindergarden."
Ta Da! Such great news. I didn't know.

Here's a frustrating tid bit about Evan:
He behaves 90% better if he's not around me. 
He was kind of being naughty before this little presentation, so I knew I had to get away from him. I sat him on the front row and moved away. And he was a perfect little angel. frustrating. Knowing that I am the reason for most of his misbehavior? What am I supposed to do? 
I don't know.

But that's not what this post is about. 

We ate lunch in this barn and I loved the pictures up on the wall. 
Up high, lots of frames...

I'm kind of inspired to make a wall like this somewhere in my home.

But that's not what this post is about either. Stay focused.

This post is about how much I love that we get to do these things and go to this beautiful place at this best time of the year. 
I swear I can't get over the beauty of this place. I might even start to get obnoxious about it, but especially this time of year. My whole life I grew up putting together Charles Wysocki puzzles with the apple trees and the pumpkin patches and the trees lining the horizon, and the big barns with big words on them, filled with pumpkins and friendly people selling bunches of flowers...and now I live in those puzzles. 
And I love following Evan around while he explores the pumpkin patch and corn maze. He yells out his friends' name each and every time he see them.
"There's Kaden!" 
And sure, it's a little exhausting that he threw a fit about being dragged away from feeding the chickens (other kids need a chance!), but then his great teachers swoop in and redirect him,
"Evan, did you get to feed the chickens pineapple? I mean pizza? No? What did you feed them?"
And he smiles and gets over it, and we go on a wagon ride.

It's just a lovely thing to do these things with my kids. Evan fell asleep with his little head resting against my arm on the way home. 

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Back to Cherry Point

We went for a family nature walk out at good ol' Cherry Point yesterday.
It's fun to see how the forest looks with the changing season.

The teeter totter is still there.

He's sitting in the "non-chokable" area of the beach. 

I love when kids wear winter hats.

The treasure tree.
Take a treasure, leave a treasure.

She gathered a bouquet of giant leaves.

The moss and mushrooms are lovely this time of year. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

There's a Chill in the Air

Mother Nature is starting to get Halloween-y. 
One morning we woke up to fog. When I walked the kids down to the bus stop, the neighborhood was so quiet and kind of spooky. 
All the spider webs (and there are lots of them!) were covered in dew drops. It was really cool. 

Fall is such a great season.
In order to make it bearable to say good bye to summer, they had to come up with a whopper of a season to come next. So they came up with Fall.

Between sessions of General Conference on Sunday, I took Avery and Evan down to Semiahmoo. Jim stayed home with sleeping Andrew and got ready for work.
It was a glorious day. You can tell because Baker is out.

Duh duh duh dunnnnnnn! Evan is potty trained everyone!
I figured out where my mom funk was coming from: potty training.
It's just so overwhelming. There's no right or wrong, and the mess it makes is...devastating. 
Your vigilance is the key to avoiding poop and pee all over your house. That's a lot of pressure with all the other things going on as a mother. It is constant, constant vigilance. 

But we did it! It just kind of clicked one week. I decided to set my alarm every hour, and every hour I would drag him (sometimes kicking and screaming) to the pot.
One day I felt confident to send him to school with undies. 
Eventually he was sounding the alarm when he needed to go. 

The clouds have parted, and I am back in the mom groove. My house is even clean right now. Relatively. 

Anyway, so we came out to the beach to get some fresh air.
Oh I love the beach. 

Avery found some rocks to take home. It cracked me up how stuffed her little pockets were.

Then as we were heading home, someone told us there was a baby seal on the beach. 
We went down and watched it flop around on the rocks.
Side note on seals: is their body shape some kind of cruel joke? They look so awkward trying to move around. But I guess they do better in the water, huh. 

I wanted to get closer, but the other adults were telling their kids not to get any closer.
So I was all, "uh, yeah...yeah kids. Stay right here. Uh yeah."
You can barely see him. He blended in so well.

I could have watched him for hours, but we had to get back to Andrew so Jim could go to work.

We went to the kids' open house.
It's so fun to see their home away from home.

We got to pet Maggie. 
See how scared Evan is of the nice doggy?

Yesterday while on a run I found these magical mushrooms.
