Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Also in St. George...

The post dinner hang out.

Sun salutation on the rocks.

Breakfast with Grandma.

Space invaders.

Jimi was inside the bike shop getting his bike, and I was snooping around in his dad's truck...
I came upon this cool old tin.
I guesstimated it is from the 60s.
Grandpa confirmed it's from about 1963!

Remember last year my bike ride led up to the butte "Mollies Nipple"?
There she is.

And this is what she looks like in real life.
Her other nipple is in the Grand Canyon.

You should see Sharley's work place.
It is a wizard's laboratory.

She's amazing! We came back later that night for dinner, and this night stand was all finished and awesome looking.

keeping cool/throwing rocks

St. George in the morning.
Evan wakes up bright and early.
Wakes up the whole household.

Happy Birthday Grandma!

The solar eclipse party...

At full eclipse.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

St. George Tri 2012

So, the tri.

I felt like I was running in a fog. The swim was fine. I wasn't at all in shape for it, but I always like a good swim. The bike was fine - on the look out for Jim the whole time. Found him on the hill - he was speeding down, I was laboring up.

The run. I was so pathetic and schleppy. I started feeling really beat and sick. I shoved a few mouthfuls of food down the hatch while transitioning, and grabbed an apple to eat on the run. I looked at the route and pouted. I would way rather sit down. Or lay down.
I felt like I was dragging a few pianos. I love seeing my family along the way though. I noticed Avery let Sharley put a french braid in her hair.

 On the turnaround I went to the bathroom in a gross port a potty so I could sit down for a minute. I didn't care at all about going fast, I just shuffled my feet along and whatever.

As I was reaching the finish line corridor, I saw Jimi. He was talking about beards with Micah.

After crossing the finish line, I walked around sipping my box of chocolate milk looking for a familiar face. I finally saw Jimi walking toward me and he hugged me for a good minute. I just wanted to stand there and be hugged.

Here are our times:

Friday, May 25, 2012

Mother's Day

This mother's day, I specifically asked for breakfast in bed, please. You see, I couldn't hang around in bed until 10am without something in my belly because I am pregnant.

I haven't decided if the pee stick picture is gross or not. It's gross, isn't it?

Anyway, so this mother's day I got a fruit and yogurt parfait in bed. Then I rolled over and went in a sick-pregnant-writhe-around-in-misery sleep.

So it was good, but you know.

I'm still only sevenish weeks, but I choose not to keep these things very secret. I like to complain about being sick too much.

The question is, can this mama really handle one more little yayhoo in nine months?
I hope so.
I do love my babies.
I love to watch them play when they don't know I'm watching.
I love to kiss their cheeks and smell their smell. Both kids have distinct smells. I could pick them out of a room blind folded.
I love to look at them while they are sleeping. Ahhh, so quiet.

I'm currently yelling at Evan to quit throwing rocks in my garden.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Kelvingtons Yo!

In the airport, this kid drags his pillow and blanket around wherever. Kind of really gross, but leave me alone about it. I don't even wash it when we get to where we're going.

Checking out the cockpit...

My favorite view of the flight was Mount Rainier,

and Evan asleep.

Ok, so hanging out at the Kelvingtons is the funnest. It's like we never left.

Us adults ditched the kids and went to dinner. We really did have fun, I promise.
Just, it's nice.

Boys downstairs,
lots of boy colors and activities.

Girls upstairs.
Lots of girl colors and activities.
Plus Jamie's trying to read scriptures, bless her.

These two like each other.
Avery had a peach beginning green thingy in that tea pot and kept calling it her "baby". She would rock it to sleep and gaurd it from Evan.

This is Sammy's spot. She's hilarious.

I'm not joking. No one else is alowed to sit there.

And she chews her fingernails JUST LIKE HER MOM AND DAD.

Then we went swimming at my friend's house. It was so fun and crazy to be back in the old neighborhood. Wagon Wheeeeeeel!

Oh look at my fun friends. I miss them.

For some reasons both kids wanted to go down this totally steep, scary slide. Both kids went and both kids cried.

Alright, everyone, who is the funnest aunt ever?
It's Jamie! It's Jamie!
She does the greatest things to keep the girls entertained.
(Sammy chewing her fingernails.)

Like I said, she is hilarious.

We missed Reesey's first birthday by a few days, but I gave her this little thingy.
(Avery always calls things "thingys". haha! She learned it from watching me, alright? She learned from watching me.)
Oh, and that dolly got put away because two girls were fighting over it.

Come on in, Oakley. We miss Piper anyway.

Speaking of Piper, I left her with my friend who has 6 kids, all of whom want a dog. Piper had a blast, bless them! I got this text later in the week with the question:
"ummm, are you sure you want this dog back when you come home?"
It made my trip so much more relaxing to know Piper was happy.

This kid NEEDS one of these.

We NEEDED Cafe Rio. Yes.

Ahhh! I love hanging out with cousins and sisters and family.
It's my favorite.
Top 5.

(Sammy's hair? hahaha!)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Some Goings On

A princess waters my squash.

Just got done with a colossal play date.

I might never have to push these two in a swing again.

Blond eyebrows.

The couch is awfully comfy today.

Nettie, do you like the play room decor?

This looks like a good place.

Buddies on the porch.

Neighborhood watchdog.

My neighbor handed this to me, over-the-fence style.
It keeps the slugs away.
The tape-made-label reminds me of my Grandma Sorensen.

She's getting so good! I love watching her learn.

Fly catcher.

Ok, Mary posted some pictures of her and Robbie's garden, and it did NOT look like the pathetic display found in my garden.
So I realized I did something wrong: planted too early and planted incorrectly.
Robbie face-timed me and taught me how to plant a furrow. You take your finger and make a line about 1/3 of the way up the furrow wall, sprinkle in the seeds, and cover with the bottom line soil.
Bada bing.

I know that seems simple and obvious, but it wasn't to me. A light bulb has been turned on. My brothers are gardening geniuses!

I replanted, and so far so good!

Avery was my hair twirler,
Evan is my blanket feeler.
I think it is so cute how they take "hits" on their comfort obsessions.

I am about to put away every book and toy for good.
Always all over the house for no reason.

Time to bring them in - just in time for Mother's Day!

Nary a cloud in the sky today.

Looking at my fresh mowed lawn.
There is little I love in life more than a mowed lawn.
That's not true, but it's in my top 20.

From Jimi:
This is what half time looks like in a mom-soccer-league.

Crater Lake

This location means bellies full of good mexi food.
Right on the Canadian border.