Friday, December 30, 2011


Evan loves the cows. 
He found it hilarious how skittish they were every time he lifted his arms.

For some reason Avery wore her nice clothes to go walk in the manure dust.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Seasonal Fun

There is a lot of fun going around right now...

How about getting the mail this time of year, eh? I love it.
It's how we checked blogs before there was the internet.

Every morning we look for our elf, Vincent.

Look how cute he is sitting there on that precarious ledge.

Speaking of precarious ledges, pretty much 60% of my day is spent getting Evan off the table.

The church library had a "free" sign on this globe Sunday.
People here love to give stuff away via the "free" sign. It's great.

You know the best part of White Christmas, the "Minstrel" number? Well Avery wanted to watch it again and again. Then she started dancing along. She is my daughter.
(Mandy! There's a minister handy!)
 I've never realized how darn skinny Judy is. That's not healthy. She looks like a barbie.

I made Evan a new stocking. I did not like the one I made him last year. Blech.

When our friends drop off a plate of goodies, we all surround it like a pack of lions until every last morsel is consumed. We barely take a minute to pour a glass of milk because it all might be gone when we get back.  

G and G Larsen and Joe come tomorrow! Woo hoo!

I love Christmas when it falls on Sunday. We aren't going to open presents until after church AND until Jimi gets home. It's gonna be impossible!

Monday, December 19, 2011

You Know It's Christmas...

...when the kids play with the FedEx deliveries
and the Fontanini nativity set.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Wait, Wait, Wait

Is it too late to publish this picture of Thanksgiving?

This Christmas season is going way, way too fast. I can't stand it. Only one week left and I haven't even watched White Christmas, The Grinch, or Muppet's Christmas Carol.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Get an image of Godzilla in your mind.
Stomping on cars, swing arms, knocking over buildings, putting innocent bystanders in his mouth...

something about like this:

That's exactly what Evan is like.

He roars through the living room stomping on toys, wiping stuff off the couch, putting figurines in his mouth, swiping at Piper, screaming at top pitch.

Jimi pegged him as Godzilla. Crazy little boy.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Tree Farm

Walk through the grove of Christmas trees,

mmmm they smell good,

chase the chicken,

pet the goats, gawk at the camel.

Hot chocolate, donuts.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Frosty Morning

Some mornings are pogonip mornings.
Everything is hairy with frost.

Then the sun turns the frosty rooftops in to smoke.

It's winter magic.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Ye Olde Christmas

Like our new winter coats?
($15 dollars total for the both of em. Mmm hmmm.)

There is a park in Ferndale with lots of presevered old cabins, decked out in olde Christmas fashion. 
We wrote a letter to Santa, then put it in the old Post Office mail box. 
(Which is inefficient if you ask me. He was sitting in a cabin right across the way.)

Jimi opened a door to one of the storage cabins, and there was this old man with a long beard lighting gasoline lanturns. It was kind of startling, like we intruded upon his home or something. "I opened the door to the 1800's" Jimi said.

There he is to the right of the picture, delivering the lanturns.

This is what Evan thought of the whole thing. Not even the big horses or model train could make him happy.

We stopped in at Santa's house.
Mrs. Claus offered us some homemade apple marmalade on a cracker.
Santa was so nice to Avery, even with Evan kicking and screaming in the background.
(I wouldn't let him play the old antique piano that had a sign on it "do not touch").

We are getting so excited around here!