Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Second Attempt

Here we go again.

Tonight during family prayers, Avery's prayer went like this:
"Heavenly  Father, thank you for dis day, thank you for mommy and daddy, help me be good girl, help me go potty in the toilet, amen."

So maybe this time it will happen.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Our House

Since moving here, Avery's imagination has blossomed. I don't know if it's because she can play outside all day or what. When I was looking for houses, this play thingy was nice and all, but whatever. It wasn't really on my list of "home must haves".

Turns out, it's one of my favorite features. Sometimes it's her castle, sometimes she's a pirate, sometimes she's going to a surprise party for sherman the wormen, and this is her boat (that she can hold in one hand).

Sometimes it's where lunch is served.

And because they got to eat outside, Avery actually ate.
Today the weather was "hot". 81 degrees.

Here are some more pictures of our house. I always like to see the insides of people's homes, so here's a little tour.

Avery's room

Evan's room.
There isn't much of a fight over who gets what room, huh? It's pretty obvious. I was pleasantly surprised by the paint jobs. I had no idea that was included.

This is one of my favorite features (minus the pool table, but we have been able to find other uses for it). Especially the magical little room off to the side? See that? That is my special room...


Off that room is this fun little porch thingy.
I love that we park in a driveway, not a parking lot.
I love that I have a real mailbox with a flag.
I love that there is no freeway hogging all the quiet noise.

A funny thing happens when you have all your stuff and husband and kids all in one house - that place becomes home no matter how long you've lived there. I was surprised at the flight back from Vegas, I got a cozy feeling of being home when we landed in Bellingham.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Vancouver BC

For our anniversary this year, we took a trip to Vancouver Canada.
The city is off the hook beautiful.

We went to this park for a good view and picnic.

See the flower peace sign?

peanut butter honey

Then we drove through downtown Vancouver with the windows rolled down, elbows out.  We stopped at a red light, and a bus pulled up along side us. The driver politely called out,
"welcome to Canada!".
"Are you lost yet?"
"Not yet."
"Enjoy your visit."
Very friendly.

Ok. Then we went to Capilano Suspension Bridge. I can't really describe for you what this thing was like. I imagine something Indiana Jones would fight with bad guys on. It's swingy and high above a raging river.

In my mind it was creaky and about to flip over or break any minute. About a fourth of the way over, Evan was doing the alligator roll to get out of my arms, and the guy in front of me was trying to make it sway back and forth, so I freaked out and turned around. Like, I really really freaked out. My hands were shaking and I thought me and my family were on the verge of dying.

We had to take a ten minute break so that I could gather my courage to try again.

The second attempt I made Jimi carry Evan, and I held Avery's hand. She was seriously so brave. I didn't look down - just walked as fast as I could talking us over the crazy swaying thing. This kind of thing would not exist in America, I'm sure.

Here we are on the other side. Evan is crying because he wanted to go back across. These kids are fearless!
Later I read something that said a line of elephants could go across the bridge tail to nose, no problem (for the bridge - good luck with the elephants). So, not so scary I guess. Tell that to my adrenaline.

Then we walked all through the rain forest on bridges, treehouses, and such.
We were pretty much on the Forest Moon of Endor.

Evan absolutely loved it when Jimi would pick him up and show him what was down there. His face lit up every time!

And then this girl would march around leading us to the next sight. She would often turn around and come back to me and Evan saying, "don't worry, I'll help you!", and then guide us along.

This was really cool, but I think only foreign countries or Indian reservations could get away with building it.

Me through clenched teeth: "hurry, this thing is going to fall any minute"

There was a bunch of cool glass outcroppings. This one had a cute little waterfall behind it. Try not to have a heart attack when Evan full body bangs on it.

What a fun day, huh Avery?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

9 Years

I love Jimi.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Answer

If you were wondering where this hair comes from, here is the answer:

Monday, July 18, 2011

Reese's Blessing

We flew to Vegas on our beloved Allegiant for Reese's blessing. When we got on the airplane, Avery walked up to the cockpit and said, "where's daddy?".

Vegas is just as hot as I remember it, so we went to Mt. Charleston for some reprieve. We went on a little hike, and the whole time Avery pretended she was Dora and Evan was boots, and they were going to look for the "big red chicken!"

Look at Sammy already getting into my stuff. Just like old times.

We didn't bring a blanket to sit on, so we used police uniforms, naturally.

And then some little rascal put dirt in Evan and Avery's hair, so we went back and got washed up via slip n slide. Also like old times.

It was so weird being back and knowing that I don't live here anymore. But that means we got to spend the night at Sammy's!

Reese is sweet. Not one peep during the whole blessing.
The other kids...lots of peeps. Good thing Grandma had smarties.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Apprentice

Favorite moment of the weekend so far:
Avery sat right by Jamie and the two of them "fed their babies" together.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Whatcom Falls Park

This park in the middle of Bellingham is so pretty (i've run out of adjectives, so you get 'pretty').

Just don't mind the hippies posing for a picture, in the river, with a cat on their shoulder.
*edit: i didn't actually take a picture of the hippies, but they were there with two cats on a leash, and the cats were balancing on their owners' head while another hippie was taking a picture of it. basically i am saying it's hippie central around here.*

The kids' hair got really curly for a few hours.

These boogers are everywhere.