Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Party Girl

Avery got to go to her friend, Ryan's, birthday party Saturday.
Cupcakes, bouncy house, slide, crowns...she had so much fun.


On Sunday, I went to peek on her in nursery. They were singing Old McDonald Had a Farm.
She was in the back totally rocking out. Arms akimbo, hips a-swayin'...she had so much fun.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Evan's Blessing

Check out this dapper little boy in the cutest little tuxedo ever. It even has tails.

It was made by Grandma Cook:

Everyone in attendance

Then as we were about to get a picture of our family, Avery fell down the step and proceeded to throw a good little tantrum.
Poor girl.

Still mad and yelling "no!"

I love my little family.

Friday, March 26, 2010

On Location

This is Avery's snack spot.
Today's snack: chocolate power bar. Her choice.


Also, I am officially marking today as the day Evan gave us a real smile!
I love him, the little stinker.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The SUU Onsie

On Evan now...

...and on Avery a few years ago.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Little Brother

...and then this is where I have to intervene.

Monday, March 22, 2010

6 Weeks Later

 And postpartum....complete.

It is so crazy what a difference 6 weeks makes. Almost to the day, Evan is a more content and easy going baby.

Also, I am out of the postpartum fog of hormones, cabin fever, and weirdness. I still don't get any sleep, but I just feel more...energetic.
I get to start excersizing again, and it's a good thing because we have a (sprint) triathlon coming up in 2 months...um, yeah.

The other night, Evan was laying under the jungle toy, and he started cooing. It was the first time hearing something besides crying and grunting. It is so cute.

Also the other morning he woke up and was just laying there happy. I usually have to jerk myself up and feed him, but we got to lay there and just hang out.

One of my favorite things is waking up next to my baby and just be.
I believe they are at their cutest in the morning.

I am going to say it...I don't like the first six weeks of life with a newborn.
They are just so much more fun after that time.

It makes me so happy that he will lay next to Avery and be content.
(for a little while, anyway, until she starts putting her hands all over his face) 

All jammied up and ready for bed.

On a Sunday Afternoon

Avery wanted to wear her tutu today.

The Baby Bjorn: best discovery ever.

Hmmm, no picture of Piper. She's around here somewhere.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Me and Mine

with grease in my hair, and puke on my shoulder...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Going for a Walk

Sounds easy enough, right? Get the kids in the stroller, put Piper on a leash...
get Avery some books to read, a snack to eat...
Well, by the time we were all settled in and everyone had a spot that would keep them happy, safe, and free from getting faces kicked or hair pulled, Jamie and I were sweaty.

Plus it is like 80 degrees here already.

Where to put the 5 week old?

In the cargo area, of course!
Nice and snug.
Fits like a glove.
Sleeps like a baby.

Once I tried laying him down there on the floor where Avery's feet are, but you know...
those little feet can't help but land on his face.

So we moved him to the cargo hold.
Everyone was happy.

No, no. Not everyone.
Avery gets really antsy after about 15 minutes in the stroller. She wants to get out and walk with us.

So I let her out, just to see how it would go.
She wanted to walk down the hill.
Then she just stood there.
Meanwhile, Evan is screaming. And I am pretty sure Sammy is mad too.

I just want to get out and go on a walk, children! Geez Louise.
Good times.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Have a Playdate

(If you watch as much Nick as I do, you know the jingley tune to that title)

We have finally been able to get out of the house lately. We have an awesome play group.
We eat lunch, pick up pinecones, and go down the slide (over and over and over).

It's lovely to get out and be with our friends.

Meeting Evan for the first time...

This is what they're oogleing at. So sweet...I like when he's asleep.

Speaking of getting out...we made it to church today for the first time.
Here is a little secret about the woman's lounge: it is also a place for quick therapy, vent sessions, and woman comradarie.

Today me and the girl I never met before became instant friends as we traded stories about lack of sleep, etc.
It's so nice to know that I am not the only one awake in the middle of the night, repeating Backyardigan songs obsessively because that is what I have been watching all day long.

Remember with Avery I repeated weird words in my head in the middle of the night? Now it's NickJr.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Things I Don't Want to Forget

  • The first few days of life, Evan lost his voice. Or rather, he couldn't figure out his vocal cords, so his cry was a silent sound.
  • My nurse during and after surgery was the same nurse who "caught" Avery. She also wears a CTR ring and has 9 kids.
  • When we brought Evan home, Avery's reaction was breathing in deeply, as if in awe.
  • G and G Larsen went and bought some newborn outfits for Evan because I was only prepared for a big baby. They took Avery with them, and she got a new balloon. When she walked in the house with it, she was so excited, she flailed her arms around as if she was swimming to show her excitement.
  • My mom and I watched a lot of olympics in those first few days, especially curling. She googled the rules, and we were hooked.
  • When Avery came to the hospital to see us, she had to stay in the waiting room because of Swine Flu scare. As I came out to see her, we lifted Evan up in the hallway so she could see him. Then G Larsen stayed with Evan while me, Jim, and Avery rode the elevator together.
  • The first night home, I was getting Avery ready for bed (something I really missed while in the hospital). She stood on the changing table, and we hugged for a good long time. I really missed her.
  • While I was in recovery (which lasts close to 2 hours), Jimi brought me the camera that had lots of pictures and videos of Evan. It made me so happy.
  • Then they finally brought me Evan. It's so neat to have the baby in my arms, and no more weight or movement in my belly.
  • Avery seemed like such a big girl to me. Especially in the new outfit and shoes G Larsen got her.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

In the Mail

Lookey what the UPS dropped off at our doorstep yesterday!

...useful for getting the mail.

My friend Lindsay gave Evan this outfit, and he fits in it now!
He has an affinity for airplanes.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

1 Month

Evan is 1 month old today
Does he look bigger?
At his well check today, he weighed 9.11 lbs.

We might even be able to start wearing non "newborn" size clothes soon!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Evan and His Grandmas

Grandma Cook

Grandma Larsen

Grandma Sorensen

It is really lovely having Grandmas around.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


This little hand...

...and these little feet

are growing like crazy.

And he is growing on me.
I really really like him.
I think we will keep him.

I might need to double check with Avery though. This morning while I was feeding him, she climbed up on the couch and put her feet on his head, trying to shove him off me.
He cried, and she got in as much trouble as a mom in the middle of nursing can mete out. Not much.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


(she loves to drink out of Jimi's camelback when he gets home from a ride)

If you were wondering why Piper's farts stink so bad lately, it's because Avery has discovered the joy of feeding her doggy treats.

She goes to the pantry, comes out with one in each hand, and yells, "Piie!"
Piper comes running down from her perch upstairs, and before I can stop her, Avery gives her 2, sometimes 3 treats.

Why doesn't Avery say "Pip-per" yet? Well, she only puts forth the effort of one syllable in all her words. There is no word that warrants the energy of multi-syllables.
mah (mom)
dah (dad)
da (doll)
wa (water)
kie (milk)
di (backyardigans)
side (outside)
pa (passi)

That's just a small hadfull of her "vocabulary".
Sometimes even single-syllable words get shortened somehow. But I can't think of any right now.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

3 Weeks

Sleepy Evan
3 Weeks Old