Friday, February 27, 2009

The 9 Month Old

Avery is 9 months tomorrow!
She has 3 teeth,
crawls around like a pro, usually with a toy in her hand,
feeds herself grahams, bananas, and cooked vegetables,
and stands up wherever possible.
Oh yes, and her poop smells like buttered popcorn. Seriously, I swear I'm not just saying that because she's my daughter and her "poop" don't stink. I mean it. Buttered popcorn.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Self-Imposed Prisons

I love this...her sleeves are rolled up. You want to know why? Jimi fed her lunch today. He also challenges himself "not to have to use a bib".
Although I have been frustrated with Avery lately, I promise these confinements were her own doing.
Nuts, she escaped...

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Network

My blog probably makes a lot of people roll their eyes.

"another picture of Avery?"

"blah blah blah, talk about something else"

"she thinks her baby is so cute..."

If this sounds like you, get ready to let the eye rolling rip.

Being a mom is hard and weird. What worked yesterday doesn't work today. Nap today, no nap tomorrow. And about napping...why do I obsess about that dang nap? It's like the measuring stick of whether or not you are a successful mom.
So tonight, I got together with a couple of gals (who also happen to be really good moms), and let me tell you - it is so dang comforting to know I am not alone in this crazy mom land (which isn't that crazy, but crazy enough).
I have had an issue on my mind for a good month now: it is that Avery used to put herself to sleep when I would lay her in her crib, but now that she can sit up, stand up, and hold on to the bars, she wails and wails until I go in there and lay her back down or rock her back to sleep.
(that was either a really complex sentence or a run-on. I dare someone to try and diagram it)
I mentioned this new enormous problem to the gals, and guess what? 70% of them have the same dang problem! I didn't even need to hear a solution, I just want to hear that I'm not the only one.
A toast: to all the moms out there breaking wooden spoons and cursing because their baby didn't nap well today.
P.S. Avery napped for 2 hours today.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thanks, Googled Doula Answer

This week, Avery got a major a cold, and her top tooth broke through the surface. She has been sad and kinda clingy, but nothing too extreme. Then today, I lost my patience with her over the dumbest thing in the world, and I blame parenting books.
Here's why:
I put her down for a nap at 9ish and a half hour later, she woke up. I got so mad (I broke a wooden spoon). I googled "my child only naps for 30 minutes" and received the epiphany of the week. A Douala said, if your child only sleeps for 30 minutes, that is all he/she needs! If she is happy and healthy, then biologically, that is all she needed right then. You can't make her sleep longer. that stupid parenting book I've been reading, which states she should be napping for 1-2 hours isn't the say all on how to be a good mom? Whenever Avery takes a short nap, I'm not a failure and shouldn't wonder what I am doing wrong?
I shake my fist at that dumb book. It has been a useful guide, but geez. I need to get a grip. Thanks, googled Doula answer.
(I know most of you are saying "duh" or maybe "honk choo", but yeah...)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Real Cousins

Here you go, Nettie. Some pictures of the real cousins.
oops, the dogs snuck into the pictures too.
See Piper and Oskar in the wee background chasing a ball?
I don't know what got into Piper, but she wasn't afraid of anything. She even climbed the stairs to go down the slide.
Kim and Aaron, do you remember how afraid she was last time you came to visit? Back then, Jimi (embarrassingly) had to hang out with Piper on the outskirts of the park until she got comfortable enough to inch closer.
But enough about dogs. This post is about the real cousins. (psst...there is a new cousin growing in Jamie's belly by the way...)

Avery's first swing ride. She loved it!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday, February 6, 2009

Cute Little Boy

Today we were out in public, and this lady standing behind me (too close...invading my personal bubble) said,

"oh what a cute little boy!"

I said, "she's a girl".

This is her exact outfit. Maybe she didn't notice the pink little pants or the bows on each foot or the cute knit sweater, but I think she doesn't look anything like a boy today.

When daddy came home, I had him assess the situation. He agreed: she is definitely a cute little girl.

(sigh) Don't worry Avery, I know what it's like. I have been referred to as "sir", "that boy", or "he" many times in my life.

(but not since I've been nursing, wink wink.)

It's mostly due to haircuts like this? That's what I tell myself.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

That's Right

That's right, my baby is biting the toilet seat, and all I can do is get a picture of it.
Earlier today she was playing near the dryer. When I went to fetch her, she was standing! That's right, STANDING.
Also earlier today I was a substitute teacher (aka scum of the earth). It was at Basic High School in my old classroom. That's right, my old CLASSROOM.
I definitely really don't miss it.
I did miss that little girl though.
I absolutely very much broke the speed limit driving home.