Showing posts with label classic Maori beauty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label classic Maori beauty. Show all posts

Friday, December 28, 2018

Wisdom of an Elder, a Wise Woman

" I grew with Elders who administered Spirit Medicine to those suffering with these malais. Spiritual hygiene I call it ... keeping the Heart clean of toxic debris and being kind to ourselves in this great Spirit journey as Source Beings." - Mereana Taki 11/20/2015 

"Children of this realm are not property or belongings ...nor are they your private slaves because they came through your body ...they have come with their own Spiritual Sovereignty ...their own Soul path it upon your own head if you transgress that which existence has bestowed upon itself as Love pure and unconditional." - Mereana Taki May 19, 2014  

Mereana Taki in August 2015. 

Makutu ~ Sorcery/Occult/Lower Realm ritual and fetish ... all done in the name of Greed for power ... it's not clean or healthy or whole ... those elements in Life which grow in the shadows bent and misshapen * and what is the purpose of this energy in the larger Cosmic Why or is it simply without meaning and beyond the comprehension of other than the Soul? Positive and Negative energy fields run into each other and overlap with supreme accuracy. Do they belong to Humanity to fix and unfix? What happens when Humans have unravelled the fabric of existence, can they repair it? Howsoever it is begun is how it will end itself. That is Cosmic Law. What is begun in Makutu is itself subject to and restored to Makutu. - Mereana Taki August 25, 2015

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Gods Teaching.

Mereana Taki's natural beauty. 

Gods are not found in theories or systems of thought. They are deeply personal and intimately woven to one's own seed descent.

Ancients and ancestors used symbolisms as guides and sign posts though each unique one comes to the Gods, the multiverse and humanity in their own way. There is no forced uniformity, nor is it valued as a social good. It may be useful in the early stages of pedagogy... though it will soon become obsolete when self mastery is attained.

Discussions or observations about Gods is not a rejection of other beliefs here. It is instead a reminder to restrain oneself from imposing a belief system on anyone.

Ancients and ancestors caution against demeaning others in their beliefs. I am instead reflecting on many many attempts on my Soul sovereignty by people calling themselves Christian. In reality it is a violence against my sacred responsibility to walk in my own truth.
Mereana Taki October 8, 2017

Maori woman of old day.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Unexpressed as breath!

Mereana Taki said, "I want to remember my Star bones inasmuch as my Earth clothes touch the face of multiple Ancients and Ancestors who do not have human to disturb their Spirit or contemplate the square root of existence." 

Angella Piercy Tenjo
Stars of the Universe inside...

Stars have to show their elements, their essence within a woman's body, as well a man's spirit shows in the stories of his life. It is mystery that holds us together; it is spirit that holds the body accountable for its deeds, and agreements made as a Being! - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories Oct. 2, 2017 

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Ancient Wisdom Today

hat worn by an elegant Black woman.

"There is no competition to be 'the most oppressed People on Earth'. Lets be clear. Resorting to what Predators do to undermine our own uniqueness becoming an opposite pole of victimhood to the Oppressor is not liberation at all. Indigenous People are not against anything in order to be for our own sacredness. To support and encourage, protect and uplift our own People on this Earth Mother is indeed 'normal'. This is who we always were and will strive to remain whatever is put in our path."

- Mereana Taki
sept. 19, 2016

Maori woman's involvement with her life is her mystery.

"... of the deeper mysteries is time. The way time is it is not. It can be held for a time and hold still in moments of great danger just long enough for each involved in their death struggle to see clearly within the slowed expanse of time. It is an uncanny ability being alive with time on each side and a part of every endeavor to stay alive. . ." - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 9.20.16

Gayle Ann Crosmaz-Brown, drum maker.

At the closing dialogue we were asked to listen not just with our ears. As Grandmother Beatrice shared her talk about taking time, the ancestors gave me this message which I shared with grandmother Margret:

"Take Time to Share Wisdom"

The 13 International Indigenous Grandmothers symbolize the sacred number of completion. We, the Grandmothers of the globe symbolize the 14th Grandmother. We are presently at zero point, that limbo just before the new beginning. As the 14th Grandmothers we are the unified foot soldiers, the Rainbow Warriors who must step forward and teach the younger ones so that they can create the new era, the new beginning.

This was the message from the ancient ancestors who also were in attendance at the Wisdom of the Origins conference in New Mexico."

Gayle Ann Crosmaz-Brown 
September 19, 2012

Thursday, July 14, 2016

the Miracle of a Mystery: a Tribute to Mereana Taki

Mereana Taki in 2007 
"Something outside of the realm of words wonderful and compelling the journey and the stories that have taken turns showing in your eyes, expressions and within and upon your face. Each of them had their moments and left something to ponder, admire, or puzzle over. One cannot say one face is more precious, or beautiful than another seen in another time. No. One cannot. Beauty and maturity are an evolutionary process, an unfolding from a fold, and an ever upward motion from then to now that is compelling, beautiful, mysterious in a truthful way that is sacred. . ." 

- Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 7.13.14 

Mereana Taki on June 21, 2014 

Friday, July 1, 2016

From A Grandmother to MEN

"The enwisened Man is not an age ... a colour ... a geography ... a personality type ... a slave to societal precepts about who he must become as a Soul immortal in a dispora of spiritually transformative possibilities. He must of necessity break the chains of his deeply taken for granted conditioning, which made of him a being for serving the needs of others while his own are seriously neglected and often rendered secondary to an imagined collective. And it is imagined ... as all attempts to unify Humanity down the ages can testify to. How he learns to nurture the Love which he is, will temper how he touches the lives of others. How he stands fast to honour his own Soul evolution often against great odds in the social climates around him, will assist him to involute himself as the centre of his own power. May he know tenderness and grace all the days of his Earthly life.

The evolved Man is at peace in the alms of his Divine Mother ...he's not tearing up the planet so his ego can be inflated to the size of a major galaxy." - Mereana Taki 7.31.14

Maori woman sitting on the beach !!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


Mereana Taki

What movement speaks.
June 30, 2014 

You can't handle this 
without your illusions
your voyeuristic blues
that denies its origins
as sex acts on demand
you want a south pacific
red light district to go 
with your drive in take out
hole in the wall hijacking
you can't handle this
without your illusions 


What spirit speaks.
2 hrs 

Sunday, June 12, 2016


Mereana Taki

June 9 , 2014

"Beauty is a manifestation of secret natural laws, which otherwise would have been hidden from us forever." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 

Maori woman sitting on the beach.
from Mereana Taki's galleries 

Saturday, March 19, 2016


 October 31, 2013 
"Strength of character comes through in the strength of body and the form of one's stance. When the body fails the eyes tell the story of strength or defeat." I have been know to have said. But, strength is as much an illusion as beauty or security. The strength of one's character and moral fabric is evidence, not of a strong body, but a strong constitution formed early in life and developed throughout one's life! Strength of character dramatically comes through in the strength of body. When the body fails the eyes tell the story of strength or defeat. When challenge to strength and life comes the strength of intent aids the strength it takes to make a stance, or have a voice." - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 2.4.14 

Malayasian Franklene sitting in a car

Mereana Taki in red teddy on light blue sheets.

Helen Mirren in red gown clutching gold purse. 

Monday, February 1, 2016


Mereana Taki on the first day of 2016.

I wonder. What do you see? What is coming? Are you prepared for it, long for it, or did you decide to wait for it to come to past? - Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories 1.25.16


Friday, December 25, 2015

Yesterday Today.

Mereana Taki on December 7, 2015

I want to remember my Star bones
inasmuch as my Earth clothes
touch the face of multiple Ancients and Ancestors
who do not have human
to disturb their Spirit or
contemplate the square root of existence.

Mereana Taki, Maori Wise Woman


Sunday, December 6, 2015


Middle age woman commanding attention.

From the beginning a woman's body that showed the signs and evidence of birth, of holding children was revered. The evidence of fullness of Life was breasts full and ample, youth, inner drive, vibrancy, the hips, a look in the eye. Vibrations and other things told the story of a woman's potential to give new life to the People. Reverence is taught through birth, and birthing is the revelation. It is eternal life. If one needs to be reminded of the power of Life coursing through our blood a woman will. - Gregory E. Woods 2.10.13

Mereana Taki is a wild woman's song

Michelle 'Sujai' Harvey in the mirror at Dress Barn Oct. 7, 2012

Anais Zanotti is a French model and stunt woman of French and Italian ancestry who lives in Miami, Florida.


Friday, October 2, 2015

We Come From The Land of the DRUM!!!!

Fijian women from Mereana Taki's galleries.

Mrs. Angela Hunter in green mini dress!!!!

Sinclair, you said, "The sound of the drum is healing and therapeutic. Through its sound, one is able to reach into their inner being to bring meaning and clarity. It is the drum that calls and resurrects that which is discarded and/or dead. The drum is the womb that brings forth life. Never neglect or overlook its power. I could go deeper but for the sake of this post, I won't."

I know the real reasons why you won't go further. You know your audience. Your're a pastor who knows the fears and superstitions of the people he ministers to. I am a drummer, and a Keeper of Stories. I know this story intimately.

You told a powerful story, Sinclair! It goes deep into the essence, the core of Black Americans, and throughout the African Diaspora. The language of the drum is deep within many powerful ways we have historically walked the Earth paths as Africans. The Drum, as a living entity, walks in the spirit of our being. The Drum is a Healer. The Drums open the sound the mysteries the Creator's revelations makes, and the drum deep with powers ties and connects all the elements of Creation, Revelation, Balance and Sacredness. The Drum is the Word. It's sound is power and birth, giving and receiving, the mother and the father, and the circular patterns of rebirth!

I appreciate you saying these words, sharing this ancient teaching. It is fundamental to the whole. I am fully aware of what many Christians fear from the drum, Sinclair. I respect you more for saying simply what is essential to the spiritual walk of people of African descent. It is a missing and disrespected piece.

- Gregory E. Woods, 
Keeper of Stories 10.26.13

pre-Christian Maori couple from Mereana Taki's galleries.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Natural LIGHT

Mereana Taki has a glow upon her that dances your aura

"... my life transforms again and takes me deeper ...profound Love has this amazing power." - Mereana Taki, Sept. 13. 2013

Mereana Taki wearing a Pounamu (jade) in shape of a bird Manaia a sentinel from Spirit,
symbol of leadership granted by one's people

Sunday, August 9, 2015


The Four Agreements

1. Be impeccable with your word.
2. Don’t take anything personally.
3. Don’t make assumptions.
4. Always do your best.  

― Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom

Maori woman sitting on the beach

“If someone is not treating you with love and respect, it is a gift if they walk away from you. If that person doesn't walk away, you will surely endure many years of suffering with him or her. Walking away may hurt for a while, but your heart will eventually heal. Then you can choose what you really want. You will find that you don't need to trust others as much as you need to trust yourself to make the right choices.” 

― Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Mereana Taki
August 13, 2013
My jaw initially dropped astounded, and pleased at the revelation of so mysterious a woman! Head, and thoughts spinning the beauty of your form in my mind before it began to think was overwhelming until I saw something a bit beyond the enormous range of your sensuous powers. That is a longer way of describing the way a combination of things comes together within your body, and what I just said is a way of avoiding speaking as a man seeing how powerful and beautiful you are as a vulnerable, and strong, and mature woman.

One of the more profound things to suddenly see anew within you, Mereana, springs from a well spring of not only expectation, but wonder! It is not enough to note how good you look, but to see the framework of a divine formula that expresses and captures an intangible Mereana, and the forceful presence of Ngaronoa Mereana Taki. It is a task pulling everything the other senses does to my sense of masculinity, and what it enlightens within the scope of what is divine to my spirit, beautiful to my eye, and immeasurably an embrace.

Somehow we are kindred souls. I acknowledge that. Your sharing is bold. It crosses boundaries, and lanes polite society deems important in an effort, perhaps, to lighten the burden of subjugation of mind, and spirit as the body, the physical body learns to speak from a language contrary to deception, or lust into the cauldrons of eternal souls who see you.

Still that is a long way to react to how good you look, Mereana. I am glad you shared this picture. It allowed me to share these perspectives.

- Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 

Mereana Taki on August 16, 2013

August 16, 2013

Saturday, April 18, 2015


Warning - Extremely Hot Girls, Guns & Body Art

Twyla D'Vine by Eric Ahrens - Photographer (2014) body art

"As a body of art is a better way of seeing tattooed bodies. Expression is sought by both the living and the dead. One form of existence is as important as another. One form of expression is as important as another to speak for the life needing to tell a story of substance about themselves, who they are, what they perceive and understand. To believe in the permanence of tattoos is the illusion of form. Art changes as well as our bodies changes. When a person ages their form will change and their tattoos take on new life. At this point in time seeing requires other story-songs to become a new form of artistry, or way of expression. This is how the body of art is the art of the body and the soul." - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 7.9.13

tattooed body of a Maori woman blowing a conch shell by Ngaronoa Taki

tattooed Maori woman by Ngaronoa Taki

tattooed Maori woman by Ngaronoa Taki

"Today there is a sense of self-indulgence that engages the ancient art of body tattoos with its contrasts, and lines of definition that creates friction between the depths of ancient symbolism, and immature cries for recognition and validation outside of the structure of initiation. One of the modern approaches to spirituality, to the spiritual core of Earth wisdom is an accumulation of wreckage unable to put itself together to become someone whole! The angst of alienation has long been a part of the hip expression of restless children who became beatniks, and hippies, and revolutionaries, junkies, Gothic chicks, pin up girls with angry glints in their eyes, and men tight with grim realities they come from and cannot help but recreate for others that became popular during the 20th century to the present.

How our children evolve into their sacred, and necessary initiations, and arise into the higher realms of being conscious and a part of the Circles that govern the mysterious outside of the pain of Western angst, and indulgence is yet to be seen en masse. We  hold out hope that the arrogance of assumption is seen in its skeleton form and the culture births more people who will be receptive to the teachings of the Old Ones, the Elders Who Know, and in time become whole." - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 7.9.13

body art on an Asian woman's body

tattoo of body ugly

Thursday, March 19, 2015


Maori woman of maturity - Kauae moko moko kauae

Mereana Taki in black

"Beautiful is only one word, but beauty is a formless shape of things that come together in our perception of, and relationship to what is beautiful to the soul, the eye." - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories (Dec. 19, 2014)

Maori woman, Hana Morgan is an exquisite beauty


Wednesday, March 4, 2015

A Look At Her Within

Maori elders

She stopped for a moment
to collect the pages of a life
while she put back together
a home all run down and tired
it was a ritual of her healing ...

putting this house in order
taking down and releasing
letting go of what is all done
and she began every day
with a renewing sense of joy
that sacredness gave hands
and divinity changed for wings
~ Mereana Taki
Dec. 1, 2014

Mereana Taki in or of the Light