Showing posts with label Mereana Taki. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mereana Taki. Show all posts

Friday, December 28, 2018

Wisdom of an Elder, a Wise Woman

" I grew with Elders who administered Spirit Medicine to those suffering with these malais. Spiritual hygiene I call it ... keeping the Heart clean of toxic debris and being kind to ourselves in this great Spirit journey as Source Beings." - Mereana Taki 11/20/2015 

"Children of this realm are not property or belongings ...nor are they your private slaves because they came through your body ...they have come with their own Spiritual Sovereignty ...their own Soul path it upon your own head if you transgress that which existence has bestowed upon itself as Love pure and unconditional." - Mereana Taki May 19, 2014  

Mereana Taki in August 2015. 

Makutu ~ Sorcery/Occult/Lower Realm ritual and fetish ... all done in the name of Greed for power ... it's not clean or healthy or whole ... those elements in Life which grow in the shadows bent and misshapen * and what is the purpose of this energy in the larger Cosmic Why or is it simply without meaning and beyond the comprehension of other than the Soul? Positive and Negative energy fields run into each other and overlap with supreme accuracy. Do they belong to Humanity to fix and unfix? What happens when Humans have unravelled the fabric of existence, can they repair it? Howsoever it is begun is how it will end itself. That is Cosmic Law. What is begun in Makutu is itself subject to and restored to Makutu. - Mereana Taki August 25, 2015

Sunday, October 14, 2018

From Space Comes Knowing.

pregnant potential sparkiling
find me here gathering Light
travel inwards I am becoming
radiance tell my story medicine
spaces in between ravelling joy
no jealous skies open this secret
transformation is the secret of love. 

~ Mereana Taki
August 26, 2015 

Mereana Taki's art work 'Weaving the Spirit Song'.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Unexpressed as breath!

Mereana Taki said, "I want to remember my Star bones inasmuch as my Earth clothes touch the face of multiple Ancients and Ancestors who do not have human to disturb their Spirit or contemplate the square root of existence." 

Angella Piercy Tenjo
Stars of the Universe inside...

Stars have to show their elements, their essence within a woman's body, as well a man's spirit shows in the stories of his life. It is mystery that holds us together; it is spirit that holds the body accountable for its deeds, and agreements made as a Being! - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories Oct. 2, 2017 

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Question to who we are in this world.

Até a próxima is: until the next time, in Portuguesa. But, what and who do we bid this send off to if we are doing the work, and our work is for the People? - Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories 9/23/17 

Maori woman's stance

Mayan way. Grupo Sotz'il from Guatemala, Mayan calendar ceremony
in Maryland, September 2017.
photo by Teko Alejo. 2

Mereana Taki says this old man's face is an Ancestor house urging the willing forward...

"Medicine teaching: We are our Medicine Wheel and our Sacred teaching." 
- Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 4.19.17
photo taken on Bulgarian salt flats by I know not who! 

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Ancient Practice

Mereana Taki shared this:

Celestials and they serve a purpose with respect to balance in the Cosmic family. They represent masculine energetics, the creative power to render into materialised forms. The immortals.

"These are Celestials and they serve a purpose with respect to balance in the Cosmic family. There are many words for this kind of representation, remembering they are forged out of the children of Great Forests Tane Mahuta, deity of Great Forests on Earth and in the Cosmic Forest. As such it also represents masculine energetics, the creative power to render into materialised forms. When Carvers create the immortals they usually do not use human forms. In this case they are to remind ourselves where we come from and what we are capable of. I often put these deities up for my own nourishment and protection, Spiritual cleansing of space and as sentinels on the cyber highway." 

Mereana Taki
September 19, 2016 

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Give To Life

full bodied Black woman

Life involves challenges
laying them down strategically
as much as answering their inner calling
such challenges create movement
and this movement belongs to the Soul ...

and it will activate within us change
because to live is to change
and to live long, is to change much.
~ Mereana Taki 6.8.15

Maori warriors from Mereana Taki


Monday, September 5, 2016

more than ...

mystical birth of a woman

 "Medicine Spirit BEloveds can weather any storm ...they live inside each others Heart and fly through difficulty upon each others holy Spirits. Medicine Spirit BEloveds accept the imperfections of BEing Human as Immortal Soul BEings on Earth. There is NOTHING they cannot overcome as they are woven of the same fabric of the Divine and perfume of the Sacred on Earth."  - Mereana Taki 

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Critical Theory

crit·i·cal the·o·ry

noun: critical theory: a philosophical approach to culture, and especially to literature, that seeks to confront the social, historical, and ideological forces and structures that produce and constrain it. The term is applied particularly to the work of the Frankfurt School in Germany. It is a School of thought of Theorists and their Works who were interested in theories regarding the role of the State in civil society and the economy and the ruling elite manufacture of the peoples consent to their own oppression through ideology and institutional power and control over them.

Definition: Critical theory is a social theory oriented toward critiquing and changing society as a whole, in contrast to traditional theory oriented only to understanding or explaining it. Critical theories aim to dig beneath the surface of social life and uncover the assumptions that keep us from a full and true understanding of how the world works. It was developed by a group of sociologists at the University of Frankfurt in Germany who referred to themselves as The Frankfurt School.

Critical theory is a school of thought that stresses the reflective assessment and critique of society and culture by applying knowledge from the social sciences and the humanities. As a term, critical theory has two meanings with different origins and histories: the first originated in sociology and the second originated in literary criticism, whereby it is used and applied as an umbrella term that can describe a theory founded upon critique; thus, the theorist Max Horkheimer described a theory as critical insofar as it seeks "to liberate human beings from the circumstances that enslave them."[1]

In philosophy, the term critical theory describes the neo-Marxist philosophy of the Frankfurt School, which was developed in Germany in the 1930's. Frankfurt theorists drew on the critical methods of Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud. Critical theory maintains that ideology is the principal obstacle to human liberation.[2] Critical theory was established as a school of thought primarily by five Frankfurt School theoreticians: Herbert Marcuse, Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer, Walter Benjamin, and Erich Fromm. Modern critical theory has additionally been influenced by György Lukács and Antonio Gramsci, as well as the second generation Frankfurt School scholars, notably Jürgen Habermas. In Habermas's work, critical theory transcended its theoretical roots in German idealism, and progressed closer to American pragmatism. Concern for social "base and superstructure" is one of the remaining Marxist philosophic concepts in much of the contemporary critical theory.[3]

Mereana Taki Definitions

The two meanings of critical theory—from different intellectual traditions associated with the meaning of criticism and critique—derive ultimately from the Greek word κριτικός, kritikos meaning judgment or discernment, and in their present forms go back to the 18th century. While they can be considered completely independent intellectual pursuits, increasingly scholars[who?] are interested in the areas of critique where the two overlap.[citation needed]

To use an epistemological distinction introduced by Jürgen Habermas in Erkenntnis und Interesse [1968] (Knowledge and Human Interests), critical theory in literary studies is ultimately a form of hermeneutics; i.e., knowledge via interpretation to understand the meaning of human texts and symbolic expressions—including the interpretation of texts which themselves interpret other texts. Critical social theory is, in contrast, a form of self-reflective knowledge involving both understanding and theoretical explanation which aims to reduce entrapment in systems of domination or dependence.

From this perspective, much literary critical theory, since it is focused on interpretation and explanation rather than on social transformation, would be regarded as positivistic or traditional rather than critical theory in the Kantian or Marxian sense. Critical theory in literature and the humanities in general does not necessarily involve a normative dimension, whereas critical social theory does, either through criticizing society from some general theory of values, norms, or "oughts," or through criticizing it in terms of its own espoused values.[citation needed]

Thursday, July 14, 2016

the Miracle of a Mystery: a Tribute to Mereana Taki

Mereana Taki in 2007 
"Something outside of the realm of words wonderful and compelling the journey and the stories that have taken turns showing in your eyes, expressions and within and upon your face. Each of them had their moments and left something to ponder, admire, or puzzle over. One cannot say one face is more precious, or beautiful than another seen in another time. No. One cannot. Beauty and maturity are an evolutionary process, an unfolding from a fold, and an ever upward motion from then to now that is compelling, beautiful, mysterious in a truthful way that is sacred. . ." 

- Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 7.13.14 

Mereana Taki on June 21, 2014 

Thursday, July 7, 2016


"That is an old, old old woman. There is barely a glimpse of her beauty in her face. It, her face and its beauty changed into something else whose dependence upon beauty does not exist superficially, but in an arena unknown to youth and their dreams of ideals. She has seen the Ancients and not lost the little girl and the younger woman she was. How can she? They lived to be old!" - Gregory E. Woods 8.10.14

old, old Old Woman

"Great beauty smiles out of this face to me and knowing and psychic seeing so deep it's compassion strong it's loving that beauty is all that is left in her wizened Womens' eyes." - Mereana Taki 8.10.14

Thursday, June 23, 2016


Maori children playing early 1900's

Mereana Taki said, "Last century we were publicly declared 'the dying Maori race' by our Colonisors. This is the underbelly of Imperial elitism, planning for the demise of the planets peoples unless they become adherents of the refrain 'theft is holy'." 

"Does the race really die, or is it the numbers dwindle while new ones are born to cultivate depth of more or Mauri existence!" Apache Cheynne asked. 

"Numbers indeed fell dangerously close to extinction ... and yes renewal through two population explosions in quick succession ensured against all attempts to erase the Nativez from their Ancestral lands and environs (Mother and Elders)." - Mereana said in response. [6.16.14] 

Maori pride 2 - Kiaora whaea

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Thought Outside Colonist's Concepts

Maori woman from across the pond

"Being 'strategic' can also mean not becoming a fat head when you get a little political power according to a social role. It might mean remembering at all times, you are assisting the redistribution of resources and are not licensed to adjudge other humans because they are traumatised by the relentless institutional domination and oppression they are facing. Learn what STRUCTURAL oppression and domination IS, before victim blaming and power tripping on the casualties of Empire building." - Mereana Taki

Mereana Taki


Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Eagle by Corinne Parks

Within one of our Lakota origin legends, a young Lakota warrior scouted desperately for food as the Hohe (Flathead) closed in on him. Beyond mortal help, he cried out with a prayer, “Great Mystery, allow my brothers and sisters to hear my voice before I am destroyed!” As a traditional Lakota warrior, he recognized his impending death. He cried out “Great messenger whose feathers extend beyond ...the heavens, remember me!”

The eagle hearing these cries responded, “Brother, I am your sister. I will call upon our family’s strength to save you.” Immediately thereafter, this proud Lakota warrior humbly saw fifty eagles descending. Yet it took only six of the eagles to save this Lakota warrior. They flew him high up in the mountains to the Lakota and the eagles’ ancestral nest. Few among the Lakota today realize the significance of the nest which represents the perfection of the Great Mystery.

-Wanbli Sina Win

Mereana Taki says, I don't hate white people. I challenge every single national myth (they've) erected in (their) own name at the expense of my people...

Humans have been deeply conditioned to fear their own Souls ... question their own Spiritual integrity supported and encouraged by the terrorism of Feudal occults in organised crime families they call 'religion'.

Look at the state of humans sucked into the Fairy Tales of Europe which romanticise the Terrorising Royals who have construed their robberies, rapes, violating transgressions of the human condition as 'progress' and 'civilisation' under the banner of Common Wealth an...d crudely disguised as Capitalist 'fair play' ... when it is their elite strata and design as exoterrestrial occults ... humans harvested in child hood to optimise the energy of innocence then transforming it into fear, debauchery, sadism and every form of depravity available to EAT THE SOULS OF HUMAN INNOCENCE.

Perhaps the 'Fairy Tales' of Europe need to be taken LITERALLY as the story of the ruling elites and not simply childhood 'myths' and supposedly outrageous 'stories'?

Who is benefitting from all of the generational suffering perpetrated upon humanity in the name of 'religion' ... material paradigms of 'riches' ... energy rape and pillage of the Divine Earth as if legitimate and ethical ... all of this FEAR is feeding the Predators and keeping the Fantasy Nightmare of alien rule over the Earth alive. - Mereana Taki (4.6.16)

Artist Hale Woodruff's Amistad Murals - The Revolt is the depiction of Sierra Leone's national hero Sengbe Pieh, known as Joseph Cinque in the West.

Well said, Mereana. My mother taught me the European stories on purpose to learn their ways from the inside out, as strategy and knowledge for tactical thinking. It was and is still important to take advantage of Colonial education because hidden amongst the dogma, the grief and terror, etc. are clues, the bread crumbs leading to our freedom of thought, mind and spirit. . ." - Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories (4.6.16)


Saturday, March 19, 2016


 October 31, 2013 
"Strength of character comes through in the strength of body and the form of one's stance. When the body fails the eyes tell the story of strength or defeat." I have been know to have said. But, strength is as much an illusion as beauty or security. The strength of one's character and moral fabric is evidence, not of a strong body, but a strong constitution formed early in life and developed throughout one's life! Strength of character dramatically comes through in the strength of body. When the body fails the eyes tell the story of strength or defeat. When challenge to strength and life comes the strength of intent aids the strength it takes to make a stance, or have a voice." - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 2.4.14 

Malayasian Franklene sitting in a car

Mereana Taki in red teddy on light blue sheets.

Helen Mirren in red gown clutching gold purse. 

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Song Unheard

Sacred Woman

"See here in my own hands is the creative power of life and death and renewal
sing me out of this pregnant potentiality onto flesh and bone."
- Mereana Taki 12.6.15


Monday, February 1, 2016


Mereana Taki on the first day of 2016.

I wonder. What do you see? What is coming? Are you prepared for it, long for it, or did you decide to wait for it to come to past? - Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories 1.25.16


Sunday, December 6, 2015


Middle age woman commanding attention.

From the beginning a woman's body that showed the signs and evidence of birth, of holding children was revered. The evidence of fullness of Life was breasts full and ample, youth, inner drive, vibrancy, the hips, a look in the eye. Vibrations and other things told the story of a woman's potential to give new life to the People. Reverence is taught through birth, and birthing is the revelation. It is eternal life. If one needs to be reminded of the power of Life coursing through our blood a woman will. - Gregory E. Woods 2.10.13

Mereana Taki is a wild woman's song

Michelle 'Sujai' Harvey in the mirror at Dress Barn Oct. 7, 2012

Anais Zanotti is a French model and stunt woman of French and Italian ancestry who lives in Miami, Florida.


Monday, November 23, 2015

Remember the Soul!

"Remember that imagination is the faculty of the soul and that when it suggests new pathways to us we are being invited to explore the territory of the soul in ways that will certainly change and re-enchant us. You are facing in the right direction. All you need to do is keep on walking!" - Jerry Straley (Red Hawk)

braids of a Native woman with African blood.

Maori warrior stance says, summon your awesome dread, immerse yourself in the Spirit of Ancients, align with your life force, well of being you came forth as aliveness to experience itself...-Mereana Taki

Morkin boys in the mountains.


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Natural LIGHT

Mereana Taki has a glow upon her that dances your aura

"... my life transforms again and takes me deeper ...profound Love has this amazing power." - Mereana Taki, Sept. 13. 2013

Mereana Taki wearing a Pounamu (jade) in shape of a bird Manaia a sentinel from Spirit,
symbol of leadership granted by one's people