Showing posts with label Gregory E. Woods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gregory E. Woods. Show all posts

Sunday, June 30, 2019

All About Them Mysteries.

Karolina Kurkova by Matt Jones

White women stare into the camera lens of their phones with an idea of themselves that will not, or won't change. If they feel their image thrust upon other women is the center of their powers they don't understand how change creates the flow pattern for the return of power to those whose powers were taken by aggression, mean spirits and a specific kind of envy. Power like water returns to its source. Land upon water is land upon water because water allowed land to surface from the below. Awareness is water and moves this way in our state of being alive.

White American women's assumptions of superiority are mere assumptions standing in the water which in itself is impossible to do unless one is standing in shallow waters. At what point does this type of womanhood stand in the depths of water with the grounded strength of being whole in a fluid form? This mystery is a riddle, the riddle being one of existence, and one to ask of the womb! - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 6/30/18 

[I wrote this a few days before a stroke, and days after returning to the States from Puerto Rico.]

La Toya Seduction by Roland Dawson, the mystique. 

The mystique has long been an asset for a woman in cultures that held authoritive advantages over the influences of the feminine energies. It is a startling recollection to those among us not cognizant of the vast range of world history on this subject. Sometimes, Roland Dawson, you do this stirring of the intellect and the imagination in simple settings...

You imply a lot in little spaces. That is quite the gift your way of matching; no playing with the sensual tease and the intellect!.... - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 11/30/18 

TIME defined by Wonder.

Naked. Marilyn Monroe.
"There are wonders and wonderous things, some are tireless, others are timeless. How Marilyn Monroe became a timeless equation in the art of elegant womanhood rests somewhere within what we need and needed to define in our humanity where our divinity is often hidden from us. Maybe.
For some, for many, Marilyn Monroe is as far as an exploration taken into divinity because the spheres outside of physical touch are scary enough to keep some, no many someone's in denial as long as they are alive, and estranged from their own deaths." - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories (June 30, 2018)

naked in the round, Marilyn Monroe.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

2 Perspectives 2 Women

Gwyneth Paltrow is one of those women whose sensuality merges with essence the way poems merge into melodies. ~ Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories 1/5/19

… Kim Kardashian paired her super-tight dress with her now easily recognizable Tom Ford spring 2012 chain sandals. She debuted these sandals at the 2012 BET Awards.
The ShoeDazzle founder has worn them numerous times since then — at the Kardashian Kollection for Dorothy Perkins launch party, at her 33rd birthday party, and most recently, at MailOnline’s yacht party in Cannes, France.
The sandals are now sold out, but here’s a look-for-less version we found for just $9.99 at Kim’s own shoe club.

Sansa Chunky Chain-Link Sandals, $9.99 at ShoeDazzle

June 28, 2014 • by Erika

Kim Kardashian apartment-hunting and filming an episode of their reality TV show in New York City on June 27, 2014 with her sister Kendall and her mother, Kris Jenner. In a word they are entertaining, in a sentence they are informative, in a paragraph they leave bread crumbs to follow if one is a student of high finances, and how things work in a world of acquisition! In the last century, you couldn't get this type of teaching if you begged for it! ~ Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories [Jan. 5, 2018]

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Look Beyond

Face of Precious Lady Eby.

There is a look into the soul a mere glance cannot uncover; meaning the length and depth of the breath-of-Life conveyed by touch adds to the powers of the perception beautiful women convey without speaking. It is an easy thing to create: illusion. It is a task to unmask illusions. Either way it takes work to create illusion, and work to unlearn the illusions governing our lives. There is a relationship between beauty and revelation, truth and deception. How all of these things come together in the face of one woman is a compliment to the brilliance of Creation. Learning from this is the work of one's spirit.

There is a lot in a face, the eyes. Interpreting what is seen is one soul beginning to understand the other... - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 10/23/18 

Thursday, April 25, 2019

What is Seen,

Powers awakened within Heathers Molik.

Displays of power can be beautiful in the way it is present within a person. In this instance, a woman's display of beauty is a power in the instant of revelation, in conjunction with what is substantial evidence of powers from within! Holding powers within is as challenging as powers held within vulnerability, and sexual prowess... - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 

Lisa Starr

Simplicity, grace and a quiet demure way of being a woman engineers change within many men vying for such a woman's attention. The skill is being genuine. There are no lines. There is only one way of being genuine...  How women carry this energy is either from deep within, or it is a practiced art form or from deep pain. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 10/12/18

Monday, April 15, 2019

About MEN and WOMEN and BIKES.

Jewel Swamp by Mark Daughn for Mystique Magazine. 2016.

The mystique of the motorcycle and the women astride them stirs the loins of men. For as long as women have sold the idea of motorcycles to men they have straddled them and answering a call men come to release themselves into the mystique held by women. The return should be reciprocation, but often spent many men realize they have not asked properly for what they really need. It is the fate of those who don't know how to use language to tell the truth. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 10/08/18

Motorcyclist in the mountains.

The mountains have a way of releasing the conformity city life requires of a soul to behave as themselves. It is transformative to be in the mountains. For centuries the great and the small spirits have gone there to listen... - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 10/8/18

Motorcycle and a woman adored rumbles deep within the loins, the imagination suggesting something powerful to replace the inertia created by fear of the 'She'. The sexual tension between machine and women's sex appeal is the illusion of dominance men created to avoid probing the depth of what stirs within their loins at the sight of, and in the presence of the wildest woman's sex drive. These are powers a man knows he can not tame, but must submit to despite the dogma of male dominance. - Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories 10/8/18

Motorcycle, and a wild woman's spirit cannot be tamed. They can be straddled, but will not submit. Submission, in the depth of its meaning, is merging. - Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories 10/08/18

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

ILLUSION of false face.

Raquel Welch is a profoundly beautiful woman.

God in Heaven, Raquel Welch is a beautiful woman! But, fixating her face into a permanent state with plastic surgery is unbecoming because it robbed her face of its years long story. Faces tell the story of a life and insights into the view of the world's challenges on a soul, as uniquely as truth tells stories. The insistence on lying to one's self is not magical. It creates a sad emotion and an emphasis on illusion, not the unfolding of life in a body lived for those younger to learn from. One of the blessings of old age is the unspoken powers acquired that youth needs to facilitate its own journeys towards the expansiveness of living, sickness, transformation, and the deaths needed to grow into the 'who' of their existence.  . . - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories [12/18/18] 

Saturday, March 30, 2019

What We Can Do Can Be Done.

Balloon Ark created by my cousin, Marcia Liggett at First Church of God, for Amber's Amazing Balloons. Sept. 9, 2018, which is her daughter's business. Amber, a new college graduate in grad. school right now, has been in business since elementary school. It is a successful business. 

Parenting is an art. In today's climate it isn't acted out this way. With so much of American thought and practice as parents under duress one would logically believe it not possible given the wealth and advantages of this culture. For people whose ancestors are indigenous to this land, and from the Land of the Blacks there are ancient ways of being a parent, and a part of community that is foreign to European thought, belief and practice. This is important to fathom because the fact is white Americans have created chaos where they know order belongs. Why they do this instinctually requires deep study.

I mention this in the context of acknowledging my cousin Maria Liggett, and her husband, Lamont, who have retained and mastered an ancient way of raising and developing their children that outsizes the puny thought process common in American life that develops the lowest impulses within children from suicide to gang warfare and truancy. How a nation underserves its children is based on the belief systems held during the long periods of European life in their Dark Ages.

They raised their children in a white community on purpose in Western Pennsylvania, which is significant because the climate there is seeped in the self-destructive dynamics of racism, as a social construct. The two of them set their standards of expectation high, and humbly influenced a white town towards a higher awareness outside of, and away from the primitive outlines they feel special within as 'superiors'. Their two children had struggles within what is typical of white American resistance to the challenges to their assertions of superiority in terms of intelligence, capacity to learn and exceed. The two children started and developed business in elementary school that have grown. The boy, Rob, has a successful photography business. He is in high school. His sister, Amber's balloon business afforded her opportunities too numerous to mention in the small space of an article.

The point is one of excellence. It is not a target point of the majority. For those on this trajectory there is a special consideration: they will find a way to learn the secrets and the techniques of the best from the best of the best. The rest?

Well. . .

- Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories
 [September 8, 2018]

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

TWEETER child president.

Five (5) days ago Trump got on the international stage and showed his ass blasting his insensitivity towards the human plights he believes he is impervious to with ignorant and insensitive tweets. Indifference is and has long been one of his attributes. It fares brilliantly in the mentality of business men, but in the vernacular of those who have to live with the ramifications of this paradigm, there is a horrible sound in his voice! - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 9/19/18

As Hurricane Florence churned toward the Carolinas, President Trump on Thursday diverted attention from the government’s preparations for the monster storm to his personal grievances over last year’s Hurricane Maria by falsely claiming a conspiracy to inflate the death toll in Puerto Rico.
Trump drew immediate rebukes from Democrats as well as some Republicans for denying a sweeping study, which was accepted by Puerto Rican authorities, estimating that there were 2,975 “excess deaths” on the island in the six months after ­Maria made landfall. Providing no evidence, Trump incorrectly alleged that Democrats raised the death toll “in order to make me look as bad as possible.”

The Trump administration came under sharp criticism for its recovery efforts after Maria, which devastated the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico in September 2017, despite the president’s insistence this week that his handling of Maria was an “incredible, unsung success.”... 

Friday, March 15, 2019


Naked and vulnerable woman by Stéphane Battesti‎. (2019)

"Isolation is deep in the confines of what hold American women bound..." - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories photo by Dimitris Lelouda.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

She Through His Lenses

Immaturity and beauty playing within Svetlana Frolikova
Photo taken by Etay Appelberg. [October 2018]

Immaturity has an unskilled way of posing. It takes time and a process of initiation to properly hone the craft a girl needs to become a woman in the deeper sense of Being. Posing has its purpose. It is beauty being photographed and other intangibles praised in the silence of a still pose. Either direction it is a moment and moments gathered together tell stories we all need to extend ourselves... - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 10/11/18

Portrait of this lady by David Johnson was captured with his Nikon D810, 105mm f1.4 lense with gentleness and skill.

Women's Portraits Only (WPO)