Showing posts with label sinclair grey111. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sinclair grey111. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

the Solid within...

"When one is void of critical thinking, they will accept lies and fall into the trap of accepting the status quo which will eventually cause them to be defined and confined by their oppressors..." Dr. Sinclair Grey III 

woman swimming with a Humpback whale in her dream.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Sex, Abuse & Fear

bondage dream

"When someone shows you signs of abuse and/or controlled behavior, leave by any means necessary. Your life is worth leaving the situation." - Rev. Sinclair Grey III 7.31.16

"One's life may be worth it, but when sex is thrown into the mix and it is good many people struggle only to stay in the relationship despite the abuse!" - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories

bondage - Betty Page

Monday, March 27, 2017

What Is Said!

Words Are Powerful
By Dr. Sinclair Grey III 
What you tell yourself has a way of manifesting itself. Let me say it another way. What people call you is a reflection of how they see you and value your worth (Oops, I said something). Words have meaning and because words have meaning, I challenge you to use them for uplifting and not tearing down. Don't let people cause you to degrade yourself and/or others for the benefit of profit and fame. With so much talk about free speech, let's get one thing clear - derogatory speech against Jews, Gays and Lesbians, as well as Latinos is consider hate speech, but use the 'N' word and it's either free speech or I'm sorry I said it and and got caught speech.

The writer of Proverbs penned the words, "The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." Please don't miss this. Be careful of what you say because it has consequences. In addition to this, love yourself as well as others enough to not allow anyone to degrade or demean you with words. Oh, I have to say this. Just as we don't want anyone labeling us and mistreating us, we cannot do it to one another.

March 27, 2015

Your words, "What people call you is a reflection of how they see you and value your worth..." are an insight into that which embroils Black Americans into a forever revolving door of frustration. It occurs within and without the churches they may attend. But, unlike any group I know of, save the Dalid people of India's caste system, give everyone the power to call them by the name that enslaves their spirit. American Blacks it's nigger. For the Dalid, it is the Untouchables.

- Gregory E. Woods, (Dawn Wolf) Keeper of Stories
March 27, 2015

Friday, January 27, 2017

Thinking Ain't Doing!! Do!!!

3 Things African-Americans MUST Do After Trump’s Election

The election of Donald Trump as the next President of the United States of America has brought about mixed emotions. For many African-Americans, emotions have ranged from anger to worry. Let me say this – it’s okay to be emotional for a moment because it’s through the expression of emotions that something gets done. We cannot keep our emotions suppressed. To do so will only lead to more frustration and aggravation.

Within a few weeks, unless something drastic happens, Donald Trump will be sworn into office on January 20th 2017. Just looking at his choices for key cabinet positions, we’re getting a glimpse into how he will run the country. Choosing people with little to no experience to lead departments and agencies shouldn’t surprise too many people, because Trump is more concerned with catering to those who have shown unwavering loyalty to him throughout his campaign. In addition to that, Trump and his administration continues to demonstrate how divided this country is and will be during his presidency.

As African-Americans, we can no longer be party loyalist. Think about it for a moment – more than 90% of African-Americans identify themselves with the Democratic Party. This needs to stop. Am I saying it’s time to switch to the Republican Party? No. What I am saying is that it’s time for us to call out both political party’s. No longer must we allow the Democrats to assume we will vote for them. No more allowing them to pander us for a vote. Let’s face it – whenever African-Americans become so attached to a political party, it’s easy to be misled. Not every Republican is a racist and not every Democrat has the best interest of the Black community in mind.

Because Trump will soon be in the oval office, this is the ideal time for African-Americans to do the following:
  1. Start a small business. Because the Trump administration can’t promise they will increase the federal minimum wage, it’s imperative that entrepreneurship be explored. Don’t let other people or the economy stop you from going into business for yourself.
  1. Begin to get more involved in local politics. While the presidential election will always garner national and international attention, local elections cannot be forgotten. What happens locally has a way of affecting what happens nationally. If you care about your community and where your tax dollars are going, GET INVOLVED. If possible, run for public office so that ‘fair and just’ public policies can be written and implemented for all people.
  1. Protest economically. When injustice shows its ugly face, marching in the streets brings media attention, but an economic protest demands something must be done. When those in Congress and/or those in organizations commit injustice, they listen to protesters when their bottom-line is impacted.
I need to drop this in your spirit – getting too emotional over the election of Donald Trump and the people he chooses can be draining. Does that mean we should not care? Of course not. Does that mean we shouldn’t do our research on the people he chooses? We must definitely do as much research as possible. As people who care about justice, fairness, and equality, we must come together and be solution-oriented. It’s through planning that things will get better.

Dr. Sinclair Grey III is a speaker, author of The ABC’s of Making Business Networking Work For You and success coach. Contact him at, or on Twitter @drsinclairgrey

White Americans against freedom for Blacks, sovereignty for Red Nations, and against the sanctity of Water and the Feminine Principle. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories

Women's March on Washington sign of protest directed towards the heart of President Donald Affront's intent. The humor of this is the power of this. photo by Gaby Grebski.

"Gun protection for a woman is in a special category because their right to defend themselves historically has been in question, denied or taken away by men." - Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Dying Churches?

Dr. Sinclair N. Grey III – Is The Church Dying?

by Dr. Sinclair Grey III for Christian News
December 20, 2016

Sadly and shamefully, there are a lot of churches dying because of complacency. With so many things happening in the world, one has to question whether or not, the church has any relevance. What do I mean by this? Is effective ministry (the concept of serving) being done outside the four-walls of the church? Is the church making a difference in social justice for the least and left out? Is the church about transforming and empowering the lives of many? These are a few questions I raise to ask if the church is dying?

As one who has been in ministry since 1997, I’ve witnessed the ups and downs of churches. From the megachurch to the small storefront church, I have to conclude that many churches along with people inside the four walls of the church do not exude the power of God they profess to have. It’s this lack of power that’s kept so many people throughout the world broken spiritually for so long. I want you to think about it for a moment. You have faithful churchgoers and those who profess their Christian faith living in a state of brokenness. Could it be that one of the reasons for this brokenness is because the church is dying. Let’s face it – a whole lot of shouting on Sunday morning doesn’t equate to power. In a real sense, a whole lot of programs to simply fill up the church calendar doesn’t mean the church has power. Could it be that the church is in a state of busyness and not in the business of transformation?

Here are some things to ask yourself to see if your church is dying. Does your church do the following?
  1. Refuse to educate and empower their people politically, socially, culturally, and economically
  1. Spend so much time styling and profiling and neglect teaching on relevant topics
  1. Brag about stuff and never speaking up on issues that are plaguing their community
  1. Hinder people from using their gift(s) to reach those outside of the church
  1. Complain, complain, and complain and never doing anything

Because there are so many churches (for this case, Black churches), all over the inner cities, one has to ask the question, why so much brokenness in communities of color? Perhaps the reason why is because the church is dying. Unless a church revitalizes itself, attendance will be down and people will question whether they should even attend church. A dying church attracts dying people. On the other hand, when the church becomes active and involved, it does the following: thrive, grow, prosper, and seek to change public policy to help those who are disenfranchised by systems of injustice.

A dying church in today’s culture is a reflection on many within its leadership structure. As people always say, ‘without a vision, the people perish.’ In the case of the dying church, whenever pastors refuse to step up and step out to confront injustice along with a host of other ills in their community and this country, too many people will follow that poor leadership. A dying church must get rid of any and/all leadership that’s cancerous to its growth. In addition to that, there are so many in the church who need to ask themselves the question, are they contributing to the death of the church with their mentality and actions (lack thereof).

Dr. Sinclair Grey III is a speaker, minister, author and success coach. Contact him at, or on Twitter @drsinclairgrey

Ronda in the Province of Málaga, Spain.

"Ancient civilizations used this mountain perch in the south of the Iberian Peninsula as a strategic location for fortified settlements, with Romans, Moors, and Visigoths each contributing to the modern-day Spanish city we now call Ronda. Puente Nuevo is the bridge we see on the right side of this picture. It’s one of three bridges that straddle El Tajo canyon, the gap that separates Ronda’s two halves. At the base of El Tajo runs the Guadalevín River, supplying Ronda with water and, these days, another breathtaking scene to delight visitors to the city." ~ anon

Ronda in the Province of Málaga, Spain. Viewed in September 2012 by unknown photographer.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

The Warrior (modeled by Sherene Mcnichol) by photographer, Baden Bowen won the prestigious Curator's Choice award. A rare event. © All rights Reserved. Baden Bowen Photography 

Good Morning,

Hope you're enjoying your day. You may not know this about me, but I'm an ordained minister. I used to Pastor a church in Maryland. We dealt with social justice, economic empowerment, as well as building up the whole person (spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally). With that said, I will always promote justice according to God's Word.

Because of what has happened politically and what's currently happening in the U.S., I decided to write and publish an article titled, Why Black Theology Is Needed.

Click below to read it. In addition, I ask that you share it with your colleagues.

Why Black Liberation Theology Is Needed
By Dr. Sinclair N. Grey III

Can we be honest for a moment and say many (not all) white evangelical preachers don't care about Black people, illegal immigrants, and those who are disenfranchised? What do I mean by this? Simply looking at the recent election of Donald J. Trump, one has to conclude that those within the white evangelical preacher establishment who supported and promoted the ideology of one who ignited racism, bigotry, and misogynism really don't know the true meaning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ which they claim to preach.

Theologians who are serious about the message of Jesus Christ will conclude that love and mercy is available to all persons. Sadly, shamefully, and sinfully, what has transpired is that the love of God to all persons has been replaced with the love of the need to reclaim white power. Let's not fool ourselves for a moment and think every white preacher is our friend.

When people say 'the church and state' ought to be separate, the question that needs to be asked is what role does the church play? Is the role of the church to get people saved and that's it? Sadly, too many only think so. Whenever the church is silent on issues, people like Donald Trump with his 'me, myself, and I' ideology will prevail. In addition, the white evangelical preachers ideology is confirmed. What is this white evangelical preacher mentality? That white is right and superior and everyone else is inferior. Hidden messages are seen throughout their churches – white angels, white saints, and a white Jesus. Those who confront the white evangelical preacher mentality and bring about the need to embrace unity and the fact that Jesus was a person of color are told that 'God loves everybody' and that color doesn't matter. Guess what – it does to many of them.

How should Black people deal with the white evangelical preacher mentality?

1. Leave the predominantly white church that refuses to address injustice and disenfranchisement of those who are the least and left out

2. Challenge these leaders on their theology. A leader who neglects to call out politicians on policies isn't fit to be a leader of the people of God. When these white evangelical preachers have a mixed congregation, are they addressing issues that are important to people of color?

3. Stop supporting their ministries and redistribute money towards Black community development. Many white evangelical preachers are living lavish lifestyles based on what Blacks them give financially. Think on this - how many people within the Black community could benefit from those financial resources?

4. Call out these ministers via social media. Because social media is the main source of information for so many people, it's imperative that we come together to expose crooked and corrupt behaviors
In a story published in the Washington Post, it was stated “Exit polls show white evangelical voters voted in high numbers for Donald Trump, 81-16 percent, according to exit poll results.” Need I say anymore. These are the facts.

Here's a word of caution to Black people. Stop being so quick to integrate on Sunday mornings. Integration doesn't always mean things will work out smoothly. Stop trying to integrate with people who don't care about you, your community, and your concerns.

Please note: I am not lumping all evangelical white preachers into the mix of racists, bigots, and misogynists. [Dec. 10, 2016]


One of the profound failures of Jesus Christ is his inability to counter the assumptions of supremacy within white Christianity. The blood of Jesus, as powerful as it is, is impotent in the arena of fundamentalism in the faith, and Jesus' inability to quell the clamoring to hold on and maintain the institutions of thought that keep the liberation of Black theology from its intimate ties and relationship with bondage.

There are several points of your argument to address, Sinclair. This is the first. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 12/14/16  

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Meditation on Freedom.

My friend, Dr. Sinclair Grey III wrote an affirmation piece today titled: "You Have Unlimited Potential". He address a core dilemma with this insight:

"Sadly and shamefully, too many people put limits on themselves. That's right; they talk themselves out of doing great things because they're so busy listening to the wrong people. If it's not listening to the wrong people, they're creating scenarios and/or circumstances within their head that will hinder progress. I'm here to let you know 'all things are possible,' and the greatest weapon formed against success is not the enemy, it's the person in the mirror. With that said, I urge you to remove doubt and fear from your life. Don't let YOU stand in the way of YOU blowing up from the flow up."

It is straight to the point, which is his style, but what it does evokes typical responses amongst church folk, who apparently can respond to insights and teachings only with clichés, trite comments, scriptural references, and the Amen. In the physical realm and cyberspace (where he published this little probe into reader's cores) Sinclair gets frustrated by these kinds of responses that should reflect struggle and commitment to excellence that Jesus' life reflected. The substance not within the average Christian is not unique a cry of this minister and friend of mine. It is a common angst amongst many men and women of the cloth."  

dark portrait of a woman's body art by Paparatzi Keith

"Preparing to do just that," one man responded to Sinclair's outreach. "I can do all things through Christ Jesus who is my strength!" You see the weakness inherent within the man who wrote this?

Out of softened heart, and reaching out one man to another I wrote to him: "Preparing to not put limits on one's self is a long way of putting it off, procrastinating. It is fear, deep fear. The quick question with an easy answer is "what am I afraid of?" If you don't immediately know you are comfortable in that fear. Freeing one's self is a warrior's call. A warrior moves within his fear. Because he cannot stand bondage every action drives him at any cost to break free. This is how we are all made. Denial is just fear. All creatures fight for their freedom from sperm to roaches, to prisoners of war!

If you want to do it in Jesus' name, fine. But, anything you say out of your mouth is your power or your chain." 

Jesus, Harriet Tubman, Ty Gray-El, Moses, Marcus Garvey, and many others too numerous to name fundamentally ache for their people to accept the freedoms fought for by them. Waiting for the weakness to subside before one fights for one's freedom is indicative of too much time in self-pity, and inside the fears of the unknown residing within the unknown terrain of the soul. What is behind those illusions is what the heart aches for, and knows belongs in your possession. 

Such mystery to unfold.  - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories Dec. 9, 2016

man on a boat at sunrise watching the trails of chemicals falling upon his head and the body of water.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Meditation of Vision

Is Your Future Bright or Is It Dim?/
By Dr. Sinclair N. Grey III

Where are you planning to be in five years? Do you have a plan of action? Let me say this. What you do today will have an impact on where you'll be tomorrow. That's why you have to be stingy with your time. Here's the Sinclair remix. People who waste your time with nonsense will keep you from reaching your goals. I don't care what people may say, you have to cut off distractions. Here's a bonus for my single friends. Before you decide to date someone, ask them about their goals and their five year career/personal plan. Don't simply take to do the LORD's will. Do they know the LORD's will and are they working towards it? (Dec. 8, 2016)

Good advise here. The approach a very corporate and organized one. It is very effective. Another approach is fundamental to any spiritual walk. What is the "vision" you were given for this lifetime? 

Many say they don't know and are waiting on the Lord. I understand. The truth is we come into the world knowing who we are and why we are here, and some know how long they will live! Others know they don't fit, and kill themselves early on or the long way by abusing themselves.

Why do any of us forget? It is simple. Fear is introduced into our innocence. It changes the breathing patterns and babies and children begin to breath shallow breaths. This pattern continued into adulthood is the basis of non-movement, doubt, personal stagnation, and inertia. Learn how to breath. Remember who you are going backwards upon the Sankofa bird's back to the entry point of fear and peep behind what was obscured. You will find yourself home. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 12/8/16

Art by Judith Francisca Baca (born September 20, 1946) an American Chicana artist, activist, & University of California, Los Angeles professor of Chicano Studies in the School of Social Sciences.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Warrior's Tip

Sacrifice For Success
By Dr. Sinclair N. Grey III

Success is about preparation. Without preparing yourself mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, don't expect much. Successful people spend hours preparing for what they're called to do. They understand if you want to be great, you have to sacrifice. Let me drop this in your spirit - if you're not willing to put in the work, don't get upset when things don't work out for you. As I close this message, I urge you to prepare yourself daily to blow up from the floor up. (December 1, 2016)

Monday, October 31, 2016

Every day, the Warrior's Way.

Refuse To Be Drained And Depleted
By Dr. Sinclair Grey III

"Everyday you need to ask God to deliver you from people who settle for settling. That's right; people who settle for settling are simply content and have no aspirations for going higher. Don't worry about your circle decreasing because the more people around you who aren't about anything and don't want anything will drain you. I don't know about you but I refuse to associate with those who don't want anything out of... life. While you're moving and making things happen, they sit back and complain or criticize. To people like that, you have to throw up the peace sign and say 'see ya.'

In writing to the people of Corinth, the apostle Paul declared, "But as you excel in everything-in faith, in speech, in knowledge, and in all eagerness and in the love from us that is in you-make sure that you excel in this act of kindness too." Please don't miss this. Excellence ought to be the standard in everything you do. I want you to get this in your spirit - you can't beg people to have excellence. You can encourage them, but you can't force them. As I close this message, I urge to begin purging people from your life who simply settle for settling. Oh by the way, if you find yourself in the category of settling for settling, ask God to set you free and deliver you from that lifestyle." (Sept. 15, 2016)

Horse ridden by a warrior.



There are a trio of things to discuss. Starting with the last one, I learned it to be a fruitless task asking people who enjoy settling anything except getting the hell outa da way! If people like this are suddenly hit with a revelation, or a Saul experience leave them be, back away. Let them struggle to reform, to undo what they have become and done. The residue of their lives are theirs to clean. Their freedom comes not from God. That is a cop out plea-prayer. If they want freedom and deliverance let them follow the North Star, and deliver themselves out of bondage by killing their slave masters.


There is an ideology that serves Christian missionaries that has been the bane of our existence as indigenous peoples here on Turtle Island and Africa and other cultures that makes Western missionaries feel good, but disgusts the rest of us. It is the begging. Sinclair, you mentioned that one cannot beg another person to become excellent. In cold fact, many feel that is an effective technique. It is tried in addiction intervention.

As a man, a warrior trained it is a weak proposition. It breeds contempt in a thinking person's heart to hear weak-kneed approaches to salvation, healing, and restoration because acts of power are not based upon human sentimentality or pretense of masculinity or femininity. As a man or a woman there is, of course choice, but the Creator left us with options that open the soul to strength. If one is weak and weakened by the spirit of gossip and tearing down others is their game leave them to their consequences.

It is a warrior's way. It is the way Jesus taught as a man.


I have seen you over the years, Sinclair, tear yourself away from people who can only tear people apart. I've seen you at work and know how important it is to stand up to one's truth and act. As an observation your years of writing, teaching and helping people find their way has proven to be heartaches after heartaches because people, for the most part, are committed to their own demise. So, respecting their process you leave them to their deaths.

Your paragraph started saying, "Everyday you need to ask God to deliver you from people who settle for settling." That is step one. The next step is logic at its best. Don't ask no more. Walk away a step at a time. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 9.16.16

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Language heard by Soul (8)

Question of the Day:
"How do you keep your relationship drama free?"
- Rev. Sinclair Grey III
June 24, 2016

There were thoughtful answers to the question of the day Rev. Grey posed perhaps because people come from love, and need to be loved.

My immediate response was typical of me. "There are two types of relationships between man and woman in holy matrimony: relationships based on conflict and reciprocal relationships. Most come from and find themselves in conflict based relationships. The possibility of being in a reciprocal relationship is far and distant from the spiritual practices, and essence of most, as evidenced by the look of surprise on most faces.

The depth of what I said is better learned in a different medium."

But, I found other people's perspectives interesting.

Renita Reed said, "I think if we are in a relationship for the right reason and you first get to know and understand each other and each other's differences and definitely keep "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth." It rids DRAMA."
I sat on that awhile thinking about the depth of that calling up of those words Paul shared in a letter to the Corinthian church before I said, "Well said, but if one does not evolve to that level of love it is all a dream, a wanna be. There is a process, a deliberate one that commits the soul to unravel, unlearn and become someone new to love the way Paul described, or to be the wife King Solomon's mother described to her son. You just don't walk into that kind of love if you have never seen it in use, in action."
Candace Blanks went deep admitting, "The first step in maintaining drama-free relationships is being self-aware. I've been involved in many relationships willed with drama and in the beginning I thought that was normal for all relationships. Then I got sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, and I began to question why my relationships went the same way. I then discovered my role in the foolishness. And that led me to lead a life closer to Christ's example in all areas, not just relationships. 
That move, in itself, did not alleviate drama, but it made me more aware of things that cause it, and it showed me how to avoid or eliminate drama. I just needed to follow the script: watch my tongue, guard my heart, submit my emotions to the Word of God, don't get wrapped up with people who don't put God first, etc."
One woman did not agree with the assessments saying that to her a little drama keeps things a little interesting; opens up lines to communication! Perhaps, I thought, but didn't say out loud it leads to great make up sex! In response to her thoughts I slowly wrote out a response from my core remembering my past relationships based on conflicts.
"In one very wise way I see your point, but in the context of where we live drama more frequently than not leads to destructive outcomes because aggression and competition become part of the equation. In a competitive culture how does that fare within the intimacy of marriage, and the vulnerability loving someone requires?"
And then I thought about the woman's comments more from a view I'd not considered because the Word of God was conjured up in this conversation, and ventured out with: "Perhaps she is right. There is going to be conflicts, differences in opinion. But, if she is talking about the coming together of two people who have to fight perhaps (and I am being serious) the conflicts have to lead up to make up sex. This would be an intimate and powerful place to be vulnerable to being better, or more receptive.
If this is so, and she can speak for herself, is this a bad choice or is it laden with wisdom?"
Johnny Harris might have said what needs to be said to close this discussion. He said, "I do not think any relationship will be totally drama free, but I think there should be a mutual respect for each other and the couple, for the most part, should have mutual belief and value systems and realize their relationship is a give and take relationship. You can't have one taker and one giver,it will eventually cause drama, at the very least."

Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories
June 28, 2016

Strength of character, strength of face.


Sunday, September 25, 2016

Language heard by Soul (7)

Question of the Day: Is it possible to engage in meaningful and stimulating dialogue with Christians on a range of issues without them interjecting some Scriptural verse? ~ Rev. Sinclair Grey III June 25, 2016

My first answer is no. Upon reconsideration I submit, maybe. It all depends on how important scholarship and self-evaluation is to the person. It takes discipline to internalize sacred words into one's being, their person, their bodies. To the degree this is possible (and it is) scriptures can come out of one's mouth personalized by how one has lived out the concepts of and the substance of the sacred text. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 6/28/16

the Pope's discovery of America (July 2015)

Rev. Sinclair Grey III asked, "Weigh out every option presented to you because every option presented to you may not be of God."

As a responseGod may be too big and broad a scope to have bearing down on you making decisions. Perhaps, it would be easier to focus on who you are and why you are here. In short, what is your purpose? Trying to put everything in God's hand is hindered if you don't know who you are and why you were born.

Try operating with a vision and the world opens up. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 6.28.16


Sunday, September 18, 2016

Languages heard by Soul (6)

Question of the Day: "Why do so many people (not all) in the church shout on style and remain silent on substance?" (Let's have some dialogue and please no one word answers because a one word answer isn't dialogue. Please check your grammar and spelling. Can't have a healthy dialogue with poor English). ~ Rev. Sinclair Grey III June 26, 2016  


Well, the expected responses came ranging from "Please explain a little more I would hate to assume. I wanted to be sure I understood it right. Clarity is important I don't think I know everything." to "People Are Focus On The Man Or Woman But Should Be Focused On The Message Which Is Why I Preach In My Robe!!! It Is A Covering Because I Want The People To Focus On The Word And See God, Rather Than Focusing On My New Suit! Or New Shoes!!! 

Also, In Preaching You Have An Introduction, Three Leading Points And The Conclusion. The Three Points Should Be Driven So That They Let The Unsaved Know They Need Jesus!!! Be Blessed!!!"  

It is confusing, Sinclair listening to the ramblings of yet another set of Christians not answering the question asked. Your question requires scholarship. I can contribute a little something to this discussion.
The history of the church from Europe in relationship to the feudal system is fundamental to understanding the riff between intelligence and religion. Even though the Axial Period in world history produced dynamic spiritual revelations in various parts of the world during a period of centuries, the European found a way through their consciousness to turn an African perception of God into a white one.
Being a culture where the acquisition of things fueled their version of progress the European ideology separated literacy from the public making it a reserved right of royalty. and the priesthood and decreed there was virtue in poverty and illiteracy. This left a cold vacuity that translated itself into American concepts none of which I will list here because that may suffice as an answer, and I may have isolated some because this connects Black Christians to the tragedies of their faith as this history has played out too many times to record in daily life. 
Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 
June 28, 2016  


Monday, August 22, 2016


Make Your Dreams A Reality
By Dr. Sinclair N. Grey III 

Do you ever feel like kicking yourself because you let someone rob you of your dreams? In other words, you were so concerned about pleasing others and being liked that you allowed your dream to get deferred. As time passed, you may have asked yourself the question, 'what if I didn't allow someone or something deter my dream?' There are other questions one can ask, but I want to drop into your spirit on this day that it's time to stop asking and start fulfilling what you were called to do. If you have breath in your body, there's still time to live out your dream. Are you willing to take a leap of faith or sit back and keep on wondering?

Langston Hughes, in one of his powerful poems called Dream Deferred wrote, "What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore and then run? Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over - like a syrupy sweet? Maybe it just sags like a heavy load. Or does it explode?" I like this because this lets you know whatever God placed in your heart, He's given you the ability and capability to achieve it. I don't care what others say, as long as God has told you it's possible, it can be done.

In this spiritual journey, we can learn a few lessons from the poem Dream Deferred. The first lesson learned is dreams must be cultivated with a solid foundation of growth and potential. Dreams that seek to better you in your walk with God and service to others must be placed in the proper hands. In a real sense, your fruitfulness comes from God who is your source and resource. The second lesson learned is dreams that are meaningful and beneficial will keep you going in the midst of all the hell around you. When you're able to see your dreams in the spiritual, you'll become motivated to work in the natural. Remember, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wasn't the only one to have a dream. Let me say it this way. If you're a child of God, you've got dreams also.

When the apostle Paul was facing death, destruction, and dismay, he received a vision from God which said, "Do not be afraid, but speak, and do not keep silent; for I am with you, and no one will attack you to hurt you." Please don't miss this last lesson. Dreams are meant to come true. Whatever God has spoken to you, you must believe it in order to achieve it. Remember, dreams are never self-centered, but God-centered. That's my word for you. With God, all things are possible. Don't ever stop dreaming because dreams do come true. 8.22.14

Sunday, August 21, 2016

AS A MAN THINKETH in his heart

Native American men dancing at a Pow Wow

"When other Original or Indigenous or First Nations Peoples reach out to each other, try your very best not to blast them with the rage you feel for your Oppressors and Dominators. The world is already far too violent without Tribal Peoples (or whatever you prefer in the english medium we are using) shooting each other in the foot cos we haven't developed enough Spiritual calm and necessary wisdom before we start lighting the fires of our oft legitimate rage for the situations we are facing. Let us not become the very dynamics and negative communicators of our Predators and would-be Destroyers by doing the job for them. Step back and THINK BEFORE YOU OPEN YOUR MOUTH IF THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT TO SEND INTO THE FUTURE FOR YOUR DESCENDANTS!" - Mereana Taki 8.20.14

African man from the Omo Valley of Afar tribe, Ethiopia is a Bana tribe whipper

"The deep seated unawareness that blankets the planet makes it extremely difficult to see from Our Common Parents perspective, thus the default to ignorance, fear, hatred and resentment is common as we pursue becoming beings free of antagonism. You will be lonely as you embrace the light within and share. Our Common Parent is the loneliest of all, 7Billion sons and daughters, who don't behave like our Loving Parent. How must that feel for a parent?" - Adruma Victoria 8.20.14

Kris Jenner's compelling face

"If the people within your inner circle aren't encouraging you, then you need to find a new inner circle." - Dr. Sinclair Grey III 8.20.14

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

CHOICES" free or bound?

face of an older Korean woman naked

If You Want To Be Free, You Have To Make A Personal Choice To Be Free
By Dr. Sinclair Grey III Aug. 7, 2014

Everyone has been hurt at one time in their life. No matter the situation or circumstance, everyone has experienced loss, heartbreak, and disappointment. How you handle it will either free you up or keep you locked in a cage. Let me say it this way. Getting over what hurt you is a personal decision. People can pray for you, talk to you, and even comfort you, however, an individual must make up their mind to be delivered from bondage. I want you to get into your spirit that you can do it. No more being in bondage when God has set you free.

The Bible tells us when Paul was writing to the people of Corinth, he penned these words, "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles..." Please don't miss this. Just as God is able to give you comfort, I urge you to find comfort with yourself. In other words, forgive yourself and move on. Don't let the pain of what happened override and overrule what God is trying to do for you now and tomorrow. Remember, it's a personal decision.

~Dr-Sinclair N. Grey III

photograph by Sinclair Grey III
August 2014 

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Sunday Sermon

"The lack of critical thinking and the tradition of celebrating it in the Black Church, in particular, is as odious to a thinking person of any faith as a pig in slop, but is the back story of many who have decided to leave the church and become atheists.

Sounds kind of simplistic doesn't it?"
- Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 7/31/16

"When one is void of critical thinking, they will accept lies and fall into the trap of accepting the status quo which will eventually cause them to be defined and confined by their oppressors." - Dr-Sinclair N. Grey III 

Monday, August 1, 2016

Do IT!

Just Do It
Dr-Sinclair N. Grey III 

I want you to get this in your spirit - whatever you desire, you have to go after it. I don't care what anyone tells you, success is possible. As long as you believe in you, all things are attainable. You may have roadblocks, but I need you to change your thought pattern and know that every roadblock is a stepping stone you need to climb to blow up. Everything you want to accomplish is within your grasp. Just believe in yourself, in God, and your abilities. [August 1, 2016]

light versus dark skin

Black woman's smile

"People don't choose their complexion from birth and yet, people still can't see the human being but the color. The Willie Lynch teaching is still alive and damaging." - Dr. Sinclair Grey III

The fact that Black people relish the division around color speaks to a fundamental truth: "Black Americans cling to their tragedies!" They relish the contempt they get from how they place each other in a ranking system from slavery days by other groups in particular white Americans. I have long lost interest in the subject of light vs. dark skin.

The few times I think about the subject I am disturbed by the collective commitment to immaturity and the acceptance of roles Blacks are loyal to to a fault of their own making.

It is a distraction from maturing.

Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories


Black woman's regal face & dreads