Showing posts with label dream. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dream. Show all posts

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Elegant Substance.

An elegant Black woman is poetry in the name of becoming, and the power of her presence is to be studied by a man growing into the essence of what a man is to the balancing principles she embodies, and can pass on through her womb into their children. It is a right to be one's self, and it is a privilege to live out one's mystery beyond mere existence. The woman, or women, until you mature, you pick or chose talk to and about the character you act out in your living. Whomever you pick prepares you, and whomever you think you picked knew you first!

Elegance is to be known as substance, not pretense or aloofness... - Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

TO Remember!

"Only when we embrace ourselves is when we will truly love who we are." Typical of the culture online is the lack of courtesy. There is not mention of the author of this observation. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 

images of Marilyn Monroe.

A Riddle to Existence 

"Men dream high, and live with what, or who they need. In terms of marriage or women pursued the women men settle for, or need are not the ones they fantasize about (dreams are too far from truth), but the ones who choose them." 

Gregory E. Woods, 
Keeper of Stories 
November 7, 2018 

Jenny F. back in 2011 stood in this open field. There is no mistaking how wonderful she is, nor is there a dispute about how. What is perplexing is how honesty seems to win out when there is no lie! 

Dance of the West African woman's body is intelligent knowing of...

Sunday, September 30, 2018

She Always Took My Breath!

Angie Dickinson was born September 30, 1931 in Kulm, North Dakota 
to be my dream come true, among other more important things to do with 
her time on Earth. 

Angie Dickinson starred as Pepper, in the television series, 
Police Woman, that first caught my eye and turned me around...

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Claire Forlani's birthday

Claire Forlani among other things is known for her starring role on the historical-fantasy-drama series Camelot, and her recurring roles on the CBS action series CSI: NY, NCIS: Los Angeles and Hawaii Five-0.

Claire Forlani is an English actor born Jul 01, 1972.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Gentle in the breeze. . .

Sabina B. by Catherine.
"The intelligence of sensuality. Now, there's a subject."
- Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories

Sabina A. by Ratmir Aliev in the essential element. "This is a teaching: the pose, the water, the quiet, the stillness. The implication of sex is the subtle touch of a realization: we, as she, are the wonderment of Diosa. - Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories [November 16, 2017]

Friday, April 13, 2018

Understanding This!

Elegant Sophia Loren speaks to the soul of an art form feminine of nature in the nature of women hushed in popular "culture." - Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories 4/6/18 

Eartha Kitt in 1962.

Ecstasy Model. "They didn't tell you I was a savage." Fashion style by theerealkarlaj.

Eartha Kitt's fire either smoldered, or was ablaze. How rape and rejection shaped her mood, tightened her grip on reality and defined her power was forever intriguing. - Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories 6.8.17

Friday, March 16, 2018

the Body

Marie McDonald

Marie McDonald (July 6, 1923 – October 21, 1965) was an American singer and actress known as "The Body Beautiful" and later nicknamed "The Body"

Betty Brosmer had the greatest hourglass figure of all time. 38-18-36 (inches) they said back in her time!

Bria Myles astride a chair.

Big boned Mexican, Maritza Mendez

Cherokee D'Ass (2016)

Jamaican lady softly clad in black lingerie with a touch of precious, a measure of dignity and an aloofness somehow engaging that brings together an intangible men need to bring into their being. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 

Saturday, February 10, 2018

a RACE Matter in History.

"Beau Hesling has been a dream over Black women. It is not a place for a Black man to aspire, but the feeling of being special transcends something Black women hold in contempt!" - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 2/3/18

''' the deep sense of a woman's need for a man inside of her resides with the equal capacity to love, to endure, to care or not care. Those powerful choices can run a gauntlet through a man's soul! - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 2/3/18

Friday, February 9, 2018

the Illusion of Hope.

Ómí Tútú

Hoje ela parou para pensar na vida. Mil sensações lhe ocorreram em meio as lembranças: 'Por que me entreguei a quem não merecia? Por que insisti naquilo que já estava quebrado? Por que ainda não consegui desapegar de quem tanto mal me fez?'.

Chegou a conclusão que seu problema sempre foi o excesso de paixão. Ela desafiou o mundo pelo seu coração, quis provar aos outros e a si que estavam todos e
rrados e que ela poderia dar certo com quem nunca tinha dado certo com ninguém.

Seus erros foram os erros de toda garota apaixonada: Acreditar, tentar de novo e em meio a desconfiança ainda assim insistir.

Dói tentar e fracassar, dói se questionar sobre onde ela está errando. Talvez se ela soubesse esquecer, mas essa cabecinha parece lembrar de tudo, cada momento.

Porque ela é paixão da cabeça aos pés. E tem de existir alguém por aí que a faça sentir que apesar de tudo valeu a pena esperar.

Felipe Sandrin

Afro-Brazilian woman.

Today she stopped to think about life. A thousand sensations occurred to him amid the memories: ' why did I turn myself in to those who did not deserve it? Why did i insist on what was already broken? Why haven't I been able to let go of who so badly did me? '.

It has come to the conclusion that your problem has always been excess passion. She challenged the world for her heart, wanted to prove to others and to you that they were all wrong and that she could work with who she had never worked with anyone.

Her mistakes were the mistakes of every passionate girl: to believe, to try again and amid mistrust still to insist.

It hurts to try and fail, it hurts to wonder where she's missing. Maybe if she could forget, but that little head seems to remember everything, every moment.

Because She's passion from head to toe. And There's got to be someone out there that makes her feel that despite everything worth waiting for.

Felipe Sandrin 

"If a mature man or woman reads deep into the above written words of Felipe Sandrin, they will hear a grave error of thought, and unfocused intent. The words are those of someone consistent in their consistency, who is unwilling to do the obvious: undo, unlearn." - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 2/02/18 

"African women's place in the world is essential the way chocolate is a reward of a variety, most cherish, but misunderstand in the context of Africanisms, so long divorced from its rightful place!" - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Teach in Life.

Who said those words? It is important to know. People's stories are important and to those needy the most, and those close to the person who reveals him or herself by word, and work; is a need to observe the trail that led to revelation!

For those curious: what led a person to discover within themselves this sense of self, and place in the worlds surrounding themselves:

"Only as high as I reach can I grow,
Only as far as I seek can I go,
Only as deep as I look can I see,
Only as much as I dream can I be!"

We may never know. What we will know is when we arrive at this state of being present within the great mysteries of this life! 

Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories
January 14, 2018

painting a picture. Ada Cottingham. 2017.

"... It is always the simple things that bring the greatest joys, the simplest pleasures and reveal, in the simplest of ways, how to live in wondrous ways! Ain't that something?" - Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories 1/14/18 

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Tuesday, December 19, 2017


Actress Anne Jeffreys Pops Out Of A Package, (1946}.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Close to touch, perception.

dark beautiful eyes. penetrating the way they do make her beauty seem to flow...

Barbara Babcock, an actress on the series, Hill Street Blues, in the early 1980's was to me the most sensual woman on television. What she did onscreen was undeniable, memorable, and unbelievable on that series!!" - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories

I Dreamt!

[This] unbelievable woman's beauty is restorative and shattering
at the same time is priceless to those who loved her. - Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories 8-27-17 

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

30 years in a business

"Whilst out and about shopping, I start to feel very horny and so there is only one thing to do; and that is to find somewhere to have a quick wank.

Going into a local DIY store, I search for the public toilets, my sexual desire mounting. Finally, I find the toilets, and within seconds I am pulling my skirt up and pushing my hand down my already damp panties and fingering my pussy, wanking it hard and fast until I can contain my orgasm no longer and I cum hard and fast. Organizing my clothing, I then walk out of the store with a smile on my face." - Danica Collins

Danica Collins in the bathroom for a wank.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Speaking to Water

"the dream of a young woman's dream of herself."
Waterfalls in Maryland where Roland Dawson captured the mystique of a young woman
in her dream of herself. 2017.

Waterfalls in Maryland. Angelie Rodriguez by Roland Dawson.

"The image feels like a way of teaching the spirit to release and return to the natural way of renewing self instead of something as stilted in comparison, as talk therapy..."  - Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories [June 20, 2017]

Waterfalls in Maryland photographed by Roland Dawson.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Marilyn IN French

"Avec tout mon respect Madame. Marilyn Monroe elle est magnifique je l'avais jamais vu celle-là c'est la première fois que je vois cette photo je vous adore et merci beaucoup gros bisous à vous et toute la famille à tous ceux que vous aimez et à tous vous aimez." - Momo Bensalem  

Marilyn dans sa chambre du 'Beverly Carlton Hôtel', sous l'objectif du photographe Philippe HALSMAN

Marilyn Monroe 1957 by Sam Shaw seated next to a Colored woman
was a statement during Jim Crow days.

Marilyn Monroe seductively eating chocolate. She needed chocolate in her. She might've lived longer, and better with the right Black man. But, those were Jim Crow's days. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 5.29.17

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Remember: be kind.

Breathless, the beauty of

Natasha is a dream, a promise in a petite body. Her vulnerability is the taste within what says how beautiful her essence comes across between the right man and her, in her universe. - Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories 8/22/17

Breathtaking she is, the essence of her African quality of Being!

Sunday, October 8, 2017

TIMES together...

Marilyn Monroe reading James Joyce's Ulysses!!!!

Marilyn Monroe reading in her office at home. We loved that space, that privacy. Spending time there together made it special and private. Privacy had become a commodity as much as time alone was a necessity. Good days. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 7/25/17 

Marilyn Monroe with a Nikon F by Bert Stern.

Marilyn Monroe by Bert Stern. Her last photo session before her death.