Jessica Rabbit's dark side. |
There is darkness in sex. Death follows it. It was created thus by the very nature of choice. It is too far a stretch for the average person to consider. Going against the grain of the outcome of lust is the notion that the relief from the tension of longing justifies knowing not the shadows of sexual energies because the purity of the act cannot possible harbor animosity! It is safe this understanding. Who would want to consider sex otherwise? A warrior would. A sorceress would know it, and use it and the victims come to realize it during attacks and in the aftermath cannot escape the memories.
I met a woman whose face and body I have long forgotten. But, her presence and the words she said remain within me as a tutorial I share, and have shared times before now. She had long observed how and how often I read on the job. I got my work done. I was no slack. I was a student in the practice of learning and considering. Because this job kept me in the public many paid attention to me studying what caught their eye about me and sometimes someone would drop serious knowledge upon me. This time the woman with the story came to me powerfully moving the air before her with a strong motion from within her being. I remember it clearly.
She asked me if I knew of an article about a man recently released from St. Elizabeth's hospital, then a hospital in Washington DC for the mentally jacked up, mostly. Today, Homeland Security sits on that property. "I did not." I said. She placed the article on my desk to read. It was the story of a man who'd been sentenced to St. Elizabeth for killing a man and claiming the devil made him do it. It had been twenty five years for him. I did what I often do. I waited for her to speak. I like the wait for a story. This one I wasn't prepared for.
She said, "I put him there."
There was a long silence between us. She let it sit heavily between us looking carefully into my soul, it seemed, and I into hers intently. She had been in a relationship with him, a deep one. Married. I don't remember but he was in her bed long enough to engineer strong emotions within her. There was something he did so odious to her that she weaved the darkest sorcery upon him through sex. With the wind and other elements she told me a bit about how she did it. In court and in the preparation of his defense he convinced all that he was insane in a time that was horrified of such assertions as his that the devil spoke to him telling to kill someone. The voice was real, she said. It was hers.
Now, sedated by revenge and relieved of the work she'd done she felt it urgent, or important to tell me these things. I suspect she saw more within me than I, and simply passed the knowledge with the story to my understanding. I have learned other things along these lines, but it isn't a subject for the average person. It is not for the weak to eat the meat when they only drink the milk at the table.
Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories
Jan. 22, 2017
red headed Vixen defying the odds against her. (2015) |