Showing posts with label Back to school. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Back to school. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Back to School Thoughts...

*SS is ready for school! She is pumped and I hope she has a fantastic day. Below are some random thoughts on back to school at our house.

*We purchased the LL Bean Bookbag for SS in Kindergarten and are still sporting in as we enter 2nd grade. The quality is fantastic. You can also machine wash which is a bonus. Kids are gross.

*Lunch: SS likes to buy and bring her lunch depending on the offerings. We picked up an insulated one from Aldi last week as her beloved Pottery Barn one died after two years. I did splurge and buy a Bentgo Insert from Amazon last weekend. They were $10 off when we bought it. I will report back. The reviews on these things were impressive. We are trying to reduce plastic use as well as not have everything leak! Nobody likes a soggy sandwich.

*I need to know about your go to water bottles. Matt bought SS a GIANT metal one that I can't imagine is what we will use for school. What do you all suggest? Fletch uses this Bubba one, but SS wants a straw version.

*We have been having a lot of talks about inclusion and being kind to everyone. I fear the mean girl stage, but have been seeing streaks of it from some of her older friends.

*If your school offers to provide school supplies for a fee, purchase it. The school gets a cut, that chore is marked off and I have done the math, it is pretty comparable to what you would spend gathering the items yourself. I did not do this for this school year, and I regretted it! (I just missed the deadline).

*Write your teacher a note. I have to do this because of Sarah's allergies. But I also like to give the teacher a little encouragement in addition to expounding upon the severity of SSP's allergies. We also put a little tiny plant (It was $1.99 from Trader Joe's and a small spray bottle of Lemon Scented Hand Sanitzer also from Trader Joe's-again, because kids are gross)

*Our only real tradition for back to school is SS gets to pick what we have for dinner on the first day of school. When Fletch goes to school, we will probably have to rethink this. Ha.Tonight's request was the Pioneer Woman's Lasagna. Which I made on Sunday (2 8x8's and froze one!)

What are your back to school traditions?