Showing posts with label outing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label outing. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Makan dalam NYIRU..

I am not feeling well for these few days. Today, I feel better or maybe good is the right word. And the most important is my appetite is back!!

I asked MAK to go out for dinner. In my mind was a "laksa" Kg.Petaling, Bidor. Unfortunately the stall close today. Adoyai!! Frust!!

My second choice for dinner was "Nasi Lemak Kukus" near by basketball court somewhere in Bidor. Tutup jugak!! Adoyai!!

MAK suggested a restaurant called "Nasi Ayam Herbal". Actually, I had tried the "bihun sup", and it was a delicious one.

So, MAK and I went to the restaurant. And these were our choices.

"Nasi Lemak Biasa" for MAK.

"Nasi Timbal with Ayam Goreng" for me.

What makes this restaurant special is their alternative of using "Nyiru" instead of plate. I think I should do that at home. Good for a lazy bum like me. No need to wash the dishes after all. Haha.

What I can say about my meal? It is a must-try food. Delicious.


P/S: "Nyiru" also be recognized as "Tampi". Normally it was made from rattan. Being used in winnowing.

P/S/S: Nyet sudah pulang!! Tidur guna kelambu Nyet!! Kau tue friendly sgt dgn nyamuk Malaria..hehe

P/S/S: Credit to Dya for teaching me how to use watermark. Thanks dear. Love you!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

He knows the best way to persuade me..

Having said that our relationship seems didn't goes very well recently. A lot of fights. A lot of tears.

He tried his best to come down here and meet me. With the main purpose to solve all the problems between both of us.

He did called me around 11am and begging me to go out with him. Well, I agree. I bear in mind, sometimes we need to confront the reality. Confront the problems. No need to be hide. Phone calls and messages sometimes cannot be the best medium. Face to face will always be the best one, I think.

After dressing up, I went out. Met him.

To be frank, the first half an hour I just kept silent and didn't even looked at his face. I just stood there like a stone. Until, he went into tears seeing me that way. He said I am not in love with him anymore. That's what makes him more frightened.

After a long paused, he brought up something from his bag. Tadaaa... Sorry, I am wearing the necklace right now. Just the picture of the box.

He said, he did planned to give it to me on my birthday. But something came up and he can't make it on that day. I just accept. Of course with a big smiles on my face. Haha.

Then we went to Kinta City Jaya Jusco. Having a lunch at Johnny's.

Then, another surprise came up. He straight away entered Guess outlet, picked a handbag and paid at cashier. I just don't have any idea about that. But, as what elders said, "rezeki jangan ditolak dan musuh jangan dicari". It's been a while since I bought my last handbag. So, this is just nice. Well, here it is. Opps, I did it again. Forgot to take picture of the handbag. Sorry.

Now, what more can I say about the meeting? He already knows the very best way to persuading me. Whenever I get sulk, we fight, then at last he buy something for me. Mak said, "Selalu lar merajuk, nanti dapat barang baru lagi".

Yes, I have to admit this. Shopping is always be the best therapy for my stress and deppressions.

P/S: Sleepy head in here. Sorry a lot for the school's girl writing again. I am just too tired.

P/S/S: I just realized that I wear the same shirt like the one I already wore at Sasha's birthday. Sorry. Silly me.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Sasha's 22nd birthday celebration.

Yesterday was Sasha's birthday.
June 4th.
Dzul Nyet kept asking me out for a cup of coffee,
since we were never meet up for almost 8 years.

He asked me, if I can help him to make something surprise for Sasha's birthday.
How sweet rite?

Owh forgot to mention here.
Nyet and Sasha were once a lovely couple,
back to SMKGR's years.

So, as been planned by Nyet and me, we both met up at KFC, Bidor.
Then we both went to buy a cake.
Asked "Kaduk" favor to keep the ice cream cake,
while we went to fetch Sasha at her house.

Then after kidnapped Sasha,
three of us straight away go to Dunkin Donut, RnR Tapah Selatan.

Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday to Sasha...
Happy Birthday to you...

Our foods.
We were having croissants with chicken ham (i guess),
6 pieces of multi flavors donuts,
iced latte for me and Dzul Nyet,
and 100plus for Sha the birthday girl.
All sponsored by "Kaduk", a boyfie for my younger sister.
Thank you Kaduk!!

But, not forget the ice cream cake sponsored by Dzul Nyet.
The cake was made from Kedai Kek Pertama, Bidor.
(Tu jer yg ader kat Bidor nie haaa...
Secret Recipe takde pulak plan nak buat outlet kat sini)

Si Nyet seriously cannot wait any seconds more.
He kept staring at the foods.

"Makan itu indah"
That is his favorite slogan.

Sasha with her "jambul".
Seriously, she just looked like the same Sasha back to SMKGR's time.
She will always keep trying to maintain the "tudung",
so that her "jambul" will never come out.

With Nyet.
Nyet said,
"Seriously, rupa hang lain giler drpd mase sekolah dulu".
Haha. I don't have idea where is the different.
Owh yes,
one thing for sure.
My body weight.
Waaaayyyy more fatter than the old Azie's.

P/S: Sorry for the "school girl" style of writing.
I am just too sleepy rite now.
I need to zzzzz...
Nite all.

P/S/S: Real name for Kaduk is Firdaus. Haha.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Saya sayang kamu semua!!!

A-tong, Dya and Achik.

Si Gemoks and Dee.
It is a bit blurry picture. But I like it.
Sorry Dee. Hehe..

We were having so much fun together!!!
I love you girls!!!
So much!!!

Friday, April 10, 2009


Dear LOVE,
Here I put some photos.
Sit back, relax and enjoy.
Well, as usual I didn't take many photos.celebrate

P/S: The whole body pictures are with Lean. I borrowed her dgcam that nite malu. Later I will upload once I receive the photos from her. Is that ok LOVE?angel

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I don't have any strong reason why I make this post.
Maybe because of my last nite dream.

It was my very first time going to Sunway Lagoon.
Pity me. My family especially my ABAH are not going-out-having-fun type of person.
My MAK is in the contra side. She loves to go out ang having so fun with us jelir.
But now I am gonna talk about me and LOVE went to Sunway Lagoon. Yes LOVE. This is very back-dated post gile.

Frankly said it was our very first time going to Sunway Lagoon tepuktangan.
And I can say that we had so much fun together sengihnampakgigi.
We paid for water park and amusement park only since it was already late when we reached out there.

We tried on almost all the games.
In fact, I won the "sliding" games (I can't remember the games name gelakguling) three times.
Even though LOVE was cheating.
But still I am the winner.

Despite having fun which will be the lovely cherished moments of us,
there is also a sadness thing happened that day.
I lost my lovely pink "Exilim EX-Z80 Casio" digital camera.

Not lost but we dropped it in the water.
Well, yes.
It is not a water-proof camera.
As we know, only Olympus produced the water-proof digital camera, so far.

We took it immadiately to some photo store at Sunway Pyramid.
I felt like crying nangih when I heard the Chinese guy at the store said that it just a waste if we send it for repair putuscinte.
He suggest us to buy a new one insteadmarah.

LOVE a bit down since he thought that it was his fault adusto dropped it in the water.
I don't blame him after allangel. I just keep bear in mind that it is not my "rezeki".
Maybe next time "jumpe duit terpijak"ihikhik. Then only I can buy a new one jelir.

Here I put some photos of LOVE, my unpaid model.
Sorry, I didn't take many photos of mine since I feel a bit ashamed when I look at my "buroks+gemoks" body in the picturegigitjaribising.

Yes all.babai He did the sprayed tattoo at Sunway Lagoon. siulgelakgulingcelebrate

Friday, March 20, 2009


Actually I started to love the story...
ever since I watched the movie of it...
Starring by Hilary Swank and Gerard Butler...
I fall in love with the story...
I cried a lot from the beginning of the movie...
till the end of it...
Silly me...>BIG GRIN<

Yesterday, after finished Science Social class,
I went out with my friend, El...
At first we were actually don't have any idea
where we are heading to...

Then El said just leave it to me since I am the driver...
So, I decided to go to Alor Star to watch movie...
The new cinema actually at the Alor Star Mall...

But we went to Star Parade first...
We entered the mall
and at the ground floor of the mall
held a Popular's Big Promotion...
Rebate up to 70%...

I take a look around and...
I found some sort of books (novels)...
written by Cecelia Ahern...
(I terus teringat the P.S. I Love You movie)

I looked around searching for the P.S. I Love You book...
but I just couldn't find it...
So, I go and asked the cashier if they have a stock of it...

She asked me to go upstairs
(the Popular bookstore actually at the 4th floor of the mall)

I went to the bookstore and searching for the book...
Since it is a big promotion kan....>WINK<

I found it!!! I paid at the cashier...
20% off....hahaha...

I am very eager to read out the story
and find out if there is any different between the movie and the story...

To finish my story...

We ended with went to Alor Star Mall...
But the cinema closed...

I was just like...

It is Friday lar fool!!!
You are now in Kedah ok....
No entertainment on Friday Night..."

I must "ketuk kepala" myself kot...
Of being "pelupa"...
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