I am not feeling well for these few days. Today, I feel better or maybe good is the right word. And the most important is my appetite is back!!
I asked MAK to go out for dinner. In my mind was a "laksa" Kg.Petaling, Bidor. Unfortunately the stall close today. Adoyai!! Frust!!
My second choice for dinner was "Nasi Lemak Kukus" near by basketball court somewhere in Bidor. Tutup jugak!! Adoyai!!
MAK suggested a restaurant called "Nasi Ayam Herbal". Actually, I had tried the "bihun sup", and it was a delicious one.
So, MAK and I went to the restaurant. And these were our choices.
What makes this restaurant special is their alternative of using "Nyiru" instead of plate. I think I should do that at home. Good for a lazy bum like me. No need to wash the dishes after all. Haha.
What I can say about my meal? It is a must-try food. Delicious.
P/S: "Nyiru" also be recognized as "Tampi". Normally it was made from rattan. Being used in winnowing.
P/S/S: Nyet sudah pulang!! Tidur guna kelambu Nyet!! Kau tue friendly sgt dgn nyamuk Malaria..hehe
P/S/S: Credit to Dya for teaching me how to use watermark. Thanks dear. Love you!
after along silent
5 years ago