Showing posts with label education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label education. Show all posts

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Sending lappy back to hometown?

I'm still thinking getting rid of my lappy. I'm thinking of sending my lappy back to my hometown. Leave it there. Or maybe let LOVE keep it for sometime, just until I finish my final paper on November 20th.

I'm seriously couldn't 100% focus on my study if this lappy still with me. Yes, I know. Before this I already owned this lappy and still I can study. But now, lappy seems to be the main things which really good in diverting my attention. Perhaps on surfing, blogging, YM-ing, facebooking as well as watching movies and Korean dramas.

As this is going to be my very final semester in varsity, I'm thinking if it is better for me put 200% efforts on my studying. Final exam is just around the corner. 3 weeks to go for it. And I realized it is not so much time for me. I really need to kick my ass and study and not doing another job rather than studying.

I wish I can go back to my Matriculation years. Where I don't diverting my attention into another business. Everything in my mind was just study and score well in the exam. And yes, I did succeed during my Matriculation years. My CGPA is in the first class level.

Same goes to my SPM years. I scored well too. No lappy at all. I studied with just listening to my old school walkman. No such thing like MP3 or Ipod. LOL.

As a matter of fact, I think I should go back to whom I used to be. The older Azie. With the warmth spirit. Nothing else but study. C'mon Azie..!! I know I can do it if I really focusing.

p.s. Makin besar makin kurang daya ingatan. Iskh. Iskh.
p.p.s. Apart of that, I will surely gonna missed my blog and my new interest, facebook.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Convo? Uhh..!!

I'm back. Definitely with a better mood. I'd managed to tell everything to LOVE. What a relief I feel inside when I can spell everything out to someone, instead of just keep it inside my ownself.

Okay, that's not the main point I wanna to stress in here.

I met with my old friend since I stayed in Tradewinds Residential College, almost 3 years back I think. She came by to collect her "jubah konvo" here. By the way, to be clear in here, my batch (UUM's accounting 2005/2006 batch) will be having their convocation early of October, which falls next week.

I really don't know how to act when I meet them again. To see them wearing their jubah, with holding the scroll, it's such a great pain for me. I feel like flying away and dissapear to somewhere else, where no one will talk about all the convocation's thingy.

I'm still keep on thinking, whether I wanna stay here and give them a visit at the convocation's day, or maybe I'll make my way back to my hometown. Hmmm.. I'm really hate to think that I'm still stuck in here when actually this coming October should be my convocation's day. Arghh..!!

p.s. Kalau tak accident hari tu, mesti I sedang gembira sekarang prepare utk convo. Sigh.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I just checked my last semester's result.

What I can say about it? Hmmm... Syukur. I got a flying colors result? Naaahhh!!! I only got an "okay" result.

But my "cgpa" decreasing a bit. Maybe because of my PSA paper. So "hampeh"!

But i accept it with all my heart. As mom always said. "Kita akan dapat apa yang kita usaha".

I do happy knowing that all account's subjects are okay. Because I had a very hard and difficult times answering all the papers back to last semester final exam.

After all, syukur. Alhamdulillah....

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Here I put some photos of mine.
I took these photos yesterday.
Requested by LOVE.
He wanted to see the latest me,
since we haven't meet for almost a month.
I am just too busy preparing for my final exam.
After I took all of these photos,
only then I realized that my skin color is getting darker.
The black circle around my eyes. Sucks!!!
My hair? Sucks!!
My body figure???
Not gonna talk about my body here.
Seriously. I hate to see myself now.
I ate everything.
I took so many junk foods while I am studying.
My stomach seem "bocor".
(Nak makaaaaannnn jer..)

Well, yeah.
I should blame myself.
I am just too busying and focusing most of my time for my final exam.
Till I forget to take care of myself.

I wanna says sorry.
In fact, very sorry.
To my face.
To my hair.
To my skin.
To my body.

I promise.
After I finish all my papers,
I will take a very good care of myself.

But, after all I realize.
I must not really blaming myself.
I am studying. It is for my bright future.
I have to catch up everything.
I have to maintain my pointer.
I only have 2 semesters to go.
My study is not a waste!

Thursday, April 23, 2009


I haven't blog in a while since I was in final exam mode for these past few weeks. I was so busy nerdpreparing for my final exam.It was indeed the most stressing and toughest weeks for me.

I took six papers all together for this semestertension. But the Business and Professional Communication's paper, I already took the written exam last monthssengihnampakgigi. So, that means I will only have 5 more papers to go.bising

This morning I already sit for my Business Law's exam. I can says it is one of the toughest paper I had ever took. Since I have to memorize a lot of thingsblur. The facts, sections, cases, and so many moregigitjari. But I feels a bit relieve nowsembah. I did my best.

Just imagine, the exam started at 8.30am sharp. And finished at 11.30am. I was only put down my pen on 11.25amhah. Holy S**t!! My right hand was almost cramp!! But I never giving up. I forced myself to not stop writing. As a result, I managed to answer all the questions without even leave any of it in blank.tepuktangan

Now, I am looking forward to prepare my next 4 papersnerd. The next one will on 25th April 2009-Principle of Science Social. Follow by Public Sector Accounting on 26th April 2009. Of course I will put extra efforts on my PSA paper since the Science Social paper is well known as "kacang" paperencem. (Show-off!!!) tumbuk

Then, I will have 5days to prepare for another 2 papers. Forensic Accounting's exam will be on 2nd of May 2009gigitjari. The last but not least is my Company Secretarial Practices' exam on 2009, May 3rd.angel

Then!!!Balik Kampung!!!ho ho ho!!!Balik Kampung!!!jelircelebrate

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


The handphone alarm rang sharp on 8.30am...
I pushed the button snoozed...

Sleeping again...

Then my another handphone rang...

Mom's calling...

Da pukul9 nie...Pukul10 ader kelas kan..."

My mom tried to waking me up...
It is actually her routine
to wake me up every morning to go for class...

She only not calling me on my holiday's morning...

She said she getting used to it...

During my primary and secondary school...

So, now...

Even though I am away
(jauh di perantauan),
she still go on the routine...

Same goes to my Adik...

Maybe she already know that ourselves
"memang liat bangun pagi"...

Otherwise we will late for class...

Go back to the story...

After mom called,
I thought I am getting up from my bed...

But instead I continued my sleeping beauty...

(No, not really beauty lar)

Then around I cannot remember what time,
LOVE gave me a call...

Waking up call...

"Bb...Bangun...Bangun bb...
Dah kul berape da nie..."

I said...

" bangun da nie..."

He replied...

"Bangun dari katil tue syg...
Kang tido lik lar tue..."

I replied (a bit rough)...

"Bb bangun da nie lin'...
Dah lar...Bb nak mandi nie..."
(Konon2 I already get up from my bed)

He said...

"Ok2...Bangun g mandi k syg...g kelas..."

Then he hung up the phone...

And guess what??

I am continuing my sleeping!!!!!!!

And I only woke up on 3.40pm just now...

I "ponteng" my company secretary class...
And also my business law class...


Thursday, February 26, 2009


It is 5.57 am...
I am still awake...
and exhausted...
preparing for midterm xm PSA...
(PSA=Public Sector Accounting)

Thursday, February 19, 2009


BPCOM = Business and Professional Communication

arghhh...!!!like a shit...!!$@@^#$%(

i have midterm xm for BPCOM today...
ever since yesterday i have not enough sleep
because i wanna "pulun" study for the xm...
i sacrificed all my leisure time...
but ader lar time i curik2 ym n surfing internet...only if i felt sleepy lar...
even today I'd sacrificed my business law class...(ponteng...~wink~)
just for only "pulun" for the xm...

after solat maghrib i rushed to the experiment theater....
about 15++ minutes waiting outside...
madam wan bee came out and let us in the xm hall...
so cold...!!!lucky i bring along my sweater...hehe...
madam wan bee distributed the question paper...
and the xm started...

i opened the booklet...

kacang lar...true false question...
i took only about 10 minutes on this section...

structure questions... tak tau buat jer...
i read all the question in section b...
aiiiyoooo!!!nak jawab aper nie...
actually I'd done answering all past year question sets before...
and i think kacang goreng jer...
bley buat lar tue maknenyer...
not so over confident
but yet i think all the past years questions are much more easier
if compare to this year question...
I'm figuring myself...
"saper lar lecturer yg buat soalan cam hampeh nie...???"
i tried to be cool...
so i moved to the next section...
k.i.v dulu lar this section...

we are requires to change the active sentences to the passive one...
i can say that it is quite easy...
maybe because madam wan bee done a lot of exercises about this section in the class...
i was spent about 10++ minutes in this section...

after finished section a and section c,
i get back to the section B's question...
i "sepak2" my friend's chair in front of my table...
he "toleh belakang" to look at me...
i pointed at the section b...
he said "i also don't know maaaa..."(Chinese boy)
"susah looorrr...seperti tak pernah baca kan..."
i did agreed with him...
seem like we didn't even know...
(alasan...padahal tak alert sgt kot mase bace buku tue...hehe...~big grin~)
so....i just follow my principles...
"never leave it blank"
just answer anything that came across my mind...
so...i ended up with "hemtam saja lar labuuuu...."...hehe....

end of story...hehehe... Copyright © 2009 Designed by Ipietoon Blogger Template In collaboration with fifa
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