Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Kak Ngah!!

Non-stop eating..!!
Today I would like to write about my second elder sister. KAK NGAH..!!

She insisted me to write something about her in my blog. Actually she just noticed that I have my own blog when she started to involve into this mutual life. Haha. Before this she didn't really care about internet. She didn't really get herself to keep updated with the global connection through internet. But now, no longer exist such lady.

What should I tell about her? Hmmm.. Let's begin with who actually she is. She is my second elders sister after ALONG (my elder sister). She is marrying to a man named Suhaimi, who I normally called ABANG NGAH. Opps!! Now I addressed him as ABANG "SUL". Haha. Only my family knows what does "SUL" means. Jahat I. Okay. They both were gifted by God with one and only daughter. Their daughter is AYA, who is now pursuing her Diploma in Masterskills College.

KAK NGAH was a teacher before. But now she switched to another field of work.

She is a very beautiful lady very fair skin. She have a dark-choc-hazel eyes color. Menyampah!! I always says that she is very lucky to have all that as a woman. No wonder she still looks pretty even though her body figure changed. Ohhoo..I'm not saying she is fat. Eh!! FAT!! What is that?? Sorry Kak Ngah!!!

One thing very funny about her. Whenever she laugh to death, or she shy about something, her face skin will turn to red color. I was told by my Chinese girlfriend, within Chinese society, anyone who have a red in color skin is the one who likes and eat a lot pig. By knowing that, we always tease her with the fact. Poor her. Hahahaha!!!

What else about her? Hmmm.. Aha!! She likes to goyang-goyang her legs. We called that as menjahit. She can't even stop herself from doing that habit. I think a lot of people out there also have this kind of habit. But I am not doing that. Sometime maybe. Only when I am in crucial thinking situations.

Kak Ngah is a isteri mithali to his husband. She is a loyal wife. She is also a good mother to AYA. Just imagine, in my whole life I never had experience to see her scolding her daughter. She is very patient even though she had faced a lot of hard and difficult situations in her life. For her, whatever comes is a challenge from God. All she need to do is be patient.

I think that is enough for now. I've got something to do. A bundle of assignments are waiting for me. Stop right now!!

p/s: Laparnya.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

It was only 3 hours left. But I already missed her now.

Sms from ADIK:
"Sis, pinjam kete kau jumaat sampai ahad. Aku nak g Penang. Kawan aku kawen. Plzzzz.."

She texted me around 8.30am yesterday. As usual, that was my sleeping time. Never disturbing me until the clock strikes 12noon. Hehe. So, I didn't respond her at all.

Around 7.00pm yesterday. ABAH just got back from golfing. He received a call from ADIK. Abah said,
"Nak pergi Penang dengan saper? Tido maner? Naik aper pergi? Eh...Abah taktau dik. Adik tanye lar die sendiri."

A few minutes later, house's phone rang.

MAK: Hello. Kenapa dik? Ntah lar..Adik dah tanye kat die ker? Die takde pulak cakap aper2 kat mak. Adik call jer lar die. Die ader dalam bilik main g

Just a seconds after MAK hung up.
My handphone rang. T-shirt ringtone. Hehe. ADIK's name was appeared on the screen.

ME: Hello.

ADIK: Jie. Nak pinjam BEN kejap. 2 hari jer. Boleh lar. Plzzz...

ME: Ahhh..Kalo kau pakai BEN, aku nak pakai aper?

ADIK: Alaaa...boleh lar. Aku taktau AA (my big bro) pinjam kete aku. Boleh lar. Aku takde transport nie nak pegi nie. Plzz..Boleh lar. Kejap jer pon.

ME: Boleh, tapi ader 1 syarat. Hehehe..(I gigled)

ADIK: Syarat aper pulak kau nie. Hhhiisshh...Aper?

ME: Aku nak ikut!! Bagi aku yg drive sebab aku tak percaya kau nak drive jauh2 tue.

ADIK: Maner boleh!! Kau bukan ngam pon ng kawan2 aku. Bukan aku yg drive. Wan Korea yang drive nanti. Boleh lar..

ME: Aku bgtau Kaduk!! Kau curang!! Hehe..Aku nak ikut jugak!!

ADIK: Alaaaa...Ramai lar pegi. Iskh die nie!! Kedekut betol!! Cepat lar!! Kredit aku nak abis nie..

ME: Lantak lar!! Tak boleh!!

ADIK: Alaaaa...plzzzz...Aku nak pinjam kejap jer. Boleh lar. Kau da biase sgt pegi Penang. Kau takyah lar ikut. Boleh lar. Esok aku nak balik umah amek BEN. Boleh lar..

ME: Yer lar!!

Around 6.00pm today, ADIK arrived home together with MON (Her girlfriend). To take my BEN away for 3days.

ME: Japgi jangan lupa singgah kedai sparepart kat Bidor tue. Tukar minyak hitam. Tukar bulp lampu depan. Lampu rendah and lampu tinggi. Paham??

ADIK: Banyaknya!!! Yer lar..Iskh..Abis duit aku.

ME: Bukan duit kau pon!!

Hehe..We both always keep quarrel for small tiny thingy. Just for fun.
While I read my P/S I love You at the living room, ADIK shouted from my room.

ADIK: Jie!!! Maner baju purple kau tue? Aku takde baju nak g rumah org kawen nnt.

ME: Semua barang aku kau nak pinjam??

ADIK: Ala. Boleh lar Kak Azie... Baju kau semua cantek2. Aku takde baju kurung cantek.

ME: Ader dalam almari baju kurung aku lar. Baju yang maner 1 kau nak "Hantu gigi"? (I always addressed her as Hantu Gigi due to her biggy teeth. Hehe)

ADIK: Yang jarang tue. Yang dengan kain songket tue.

ME: Semua ader dalam almari.

ADIK: Heee..Dah jumpa. Nak pinjam 2 pasang. Yang songket purple dengan songket pink tau. Aku taktau nak pakai maner satu lagi.

I was like..hmmm..nasib baik ader sorang jer adik perempuan...

Then after a few advices from MAK and ABAH, ADIK with MON left with my BEN.

Now, I feel really missed my BEN. She must be missing me too. Can't wait this coming Sunday to see her again. Please arrive home safely BEN.

P/S: Like I cannot live without her. Haha.

P/P/S: Patah kaki I!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


The handphone alarm rang sharp on 8.30am...
I pushed the button snoozed...

Sleeping again...

Then my another handphone rang...

Mom's calling...

Da pukul9 nie...Pukul10 ader kelas kan..."

My mom tried to waking me up...
It is actually her routine
to wake me up every morning to go for class...

She only not calling me on my holiday's morning...

She said she getting used to it...

During my primary and secondary school...

So, now...

Even though I am away
(jauh di perantauan),
she still go on the routine...

Same goes to my Adik...

Maybe she already know that ourselves
"memang liat bangun pagi"...

Otherwise we will late for class...

Go back to the story...

After mom called,
I thought I am getting up from my bed...

But instead I continued my sleeping beauty...

(No, not really beauty lar)

Then around I cannot remember what time,
LOVE gave me a call...

Waking up call...

"Bb...Bangun...Bangun bb...
Dah kul berape da nie..."

I said...

" bangun da nie..."

He replied...

"Bangun dari katil tue syg...
Kang tido lik lar tue..."

I replied (a bit rough)...

"Bb bangun da nie lin'...
Dah lar...Bb nak mandi nie..."
(Konon2 I already get up from my bed)

He said...

"Ok2...Bangun g mandi k syg...g kelas..."

Then he hung up the phone...

And guess what??

I am continuing my sleeping!!!!!!!

And I only woke up on 3.40pm just now...

I "ponteng" my company secretary class...
And also my business law class...


Sunday, February 22, 2009


Dear mom..
Your birthday is here...
Bringing joy and pleasures...
On this special day, Mother dear...
It is the most special day of the year..
Because without you
I wouldn’t have the all encompassing comfort
of a mother’s unconditional love…
Your love, for me is very special...
You are always be there for me...
Whenever I need you...
To cheer me up...
Make me smile,
Bolster my confidence...
Or even sympathize with me
And ease my worries,
You fill up my empty and hurting places...
With your boundless affection...
Your loving presence in my life...
Gives me a reassuring feelings of security and peace.
Thank you, Mom...
and Happy Birthday!!!!!

~Love, your daughter~


this is my younger sister...
my family and i used to address her as ADIK at home...
even though the youngest one is GEMOK...
even si GEMOK also called her ADIK...

i have no reason to put a post about her...
today she did called me asking
what should she buy for our lovely mom and dad as a present...
i am figure out...
"byk pulak duit minah nie..."
she just got her PTPTN loan...
no wonder lar kan...
good for her...
for her sister nie taknak lak tanyer nak aper kan... :)

my ADIK now studying in
Ipoh's branch...

here i attach 2photos of her wearing her nursing uniform...
with and without "tudung"...
she is a freehair girl..
she only wears a "tudung" for class...
arahan dari mak saya!!!hehe...
so...make a vote...
which one style do makes she looks even better?

Sunday, February 15, 2009


dear all..
actually this was an outdated outings...haha...

last midterm break i brought my nieces n nephews
also my youngest bro to JJ, IPOH...
the night before,
i did promised to take them to watch movie...
but as soon as we arrived JJ,
there was a very long q to but the tickets...
arghhh...(tak larat haku nak beratur pepanjang)...
the kids was a bit disappointed when i said
"tak larat lar aunty nak beratur pepanjang nie...jom g jejalan lar"
they replied with bad sound..."huhhhh"
suddenly my very bijak pandai nephew (zarith) said...
"aunty, jgn bohong zarith tau...
aunty kate nak bawak zarith pegi tgk movie..." of sudden...DING!!!
(a brilliant idea pop up in my mind...hehehe)
i said...
"ok2...aunty malas lar beratur panjang zarith...
aper kate if aunty bawak zarith, abg.haiqal,
kakak farra, kakak abby n acu g main kat playland kat atas tue...nak tak????"
he nodded...(tanda setuju lar tue...hehe)
then i took them upstairs the "tempat2 men game kat JJ tue"...
i asked the cashier (chinese guy...tak ensem...mata sepet sangat...hehe)
"how much per person??"
he replied...
"lima linggit lua jam maaa...."
i said...
"ok deal...i'll pay for 4kiddies"
i paid RM20
then i lepaskan all the kids dalam kandang playland tue...haha...
as for GEMOK (my younger bro)...
i went to the foodcourt
and i bought food for him...(diam ah die dapat makan...hehe...)

after 2hours, i called all the kiddies...
i said...
"kite balik k..."
then again ZARITH said...
"aunty, zarith ader 2soalan...
pertama, boleh tak lepas kite keluar nie zarith main game kat bawah tue???
kedua...boleh tak kalau aunty tolong belikan token utk zarith main game tue???"
adoi...betol2 maut soalan dak kecik nie...
i said...
"cannot lar sayang, we go makan dulu k sayang...cian acu da lapar..."
then he replied...
"ok!!!lets go eat pizza hut!!!"
i was mumbled all by myself...
"biler mase lak aku ajak makan pizza...ok lar...
kene mintak kat uncle sabun diorg lar nie...hehe..."
then i said...
"ok!!!lets go!!!"
to avoid the crowds i took them to
i ordered meal6 for them
plus another side order as what they are requested...

after our tanks are full with pizza,
then only we get back home...
on the way back home, while driving...i asked all the kids...
"who having fun today???"
they answered...
"MEEEEEEEE........!!!!!" was a very happiest day ever...
i felt so great to see their happy faces...hehe...

below i upload some of the photos that i took that day...
sit back...relax...and...ENJOY!!!

zahirul zarith

mohd erdzuan shafiq aka gemok

nur diana farrahana

nur liana suzanna

mohd haiqal ikmal


aunty!!!tgk kakak!!!peace!!!

kakak abby ppon pandai peace aunty...zarith ajar...

while waiting for the pizza to be ready...kebulur da dak2 nie...

pizza just arrived...hilang separuh da...rakus...:)

second pizza to finish ya kids!!!

dapat makan terus lupa aunty...

happy face...after finishing his 5th slices...kuat makan betol si gem nie

haiqal and zarith enjoyed the ice cream so much...

he pointed at my dgcam...hehe Copyright © 2009 Designed by Ipietoon Blogger Template In collaboration with fifa
Cake Illustration Copyrighted to Clarice