söndag 3 april 2011

Jag skickade en fråga...

Jag skickade en fråga (på något hemmasnickrad engelska) till Caroline Riders blogg och fick ett svar som var över min förväntan... i två video-bloggar ger Caroline sin syn på mitt "problem" och jag kan bara tacka som ödmjukast (göra vågen) och ta nya friska tag med mitt lilla arabiska fullblod. :)

Här är min fråga och Carolines svar,

"Thank You Caroline for a great blog! : ) I have a question about the RP-approach. I have had about 4-5 sessions with each one of my two horses and one of them is responding well and she is connected, soft and very hooked on. The other however is not so enthused, she is a Full blood Arabian mare (7 yrs) and she is a very “independent” horse with a big “personal space” (she does not bite or kick, she is just ears back grumpy) She is seldom nervous or worried so she is not so keen on looking for safety and ease. In the RP she ignores me and when throwing the rope at her she can turn and look at me with an irritated expression that looks like “WHAT do you want!!!???” and then she calmly moves on and often continues ignoring me doing her thing (like eating bark from the RP-fence)
When I stay persistant she will finally show some honest interest in me (but not 100%) Do you have any advice for how to “win over” a more self-confident (and cocky) horse when doing the RP-approach? :)"

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