I did it!
I stayed up until midnight to usher in the New Year.
And now I'm cranky.
And out of sorts.
Sure, there was drinking...
...I had about 1/2" of white wine in the bottom of a juice glass (which, come to think of it, I don't think I even finished)...
...and merriment...
...combined with a little cursing that our neighbors seemed to have bought out an entire fireworks display that took almost an hour to set off!
Mr. Jenny and I went out last night to our daughter and son-in-laws, ate a sumptious Chinese feast, played something called Chickenfoot (quite badly, I might add!) and drove home at 11.
The staying up to midnight thing was compliments of our neighbors.
Today's crabbiness is compliments of me not going to bed at 8 pm like usual.
But, hey, it's only New Years once a year!
And I'm glad we saw it in!
Hope your celebration was a but less cranky-inducing!
Hugs from Arizona,
Hey! I am glad to see someone else goes to bed by 8:00 also! I did last night too...I just hate staying up late...I am a big party pooper. :)
Happy New Year!
I saw the New Year in too, after watching Planet of the Apes with the Grandchildren. Am now having a relaxing glass of the white wine I didn't even open last night!
Wishing you a great year, Jenny!
Happy New Year, Miss Jenny! My daughter and I toasted at Midnight with Cider Champagne. My hubs was snoozing before the ball dropped! I said let's have a real champagne toast with dinner, but he said wait until midnight...course then the bottle stayed closed. That's what I get for complaining about the fact that when we wait until midnight we open a bottle, have a toast then waste a the rest as we go to bed! lol. We are wild like that!
Wow, you normally go to bed at 8? What time do you get up in the morning LOL? I've been in a crazy sleeping pattern all year which I need to rectify somehow. Happy New Year.
we made it till the ball dropped in NYC - 10:00 news and off to bed. No wine here but plenty of Happy New Year horns, and hats!
Good for you, for staying up. Been too many years since I've done that. Happy New Year!
I stay up till at least 4am, most every night. Last night was no different. Hubby was working, no toasting at midnight. However, I did manage to get him fed with black-eyed peas, cabbage, ham and cornbread, before he heads back to work!
You can catch up with your sleep tonight - and sleep through Feb. 29, since it's an extra day.
Happy New Year!
I actually went to a NYE party which was very nice, left shortly after the "bells" and got home at 1 AM. Didn't go to bed til after 3!!! Woke up at 11 today. yikes. xo
WEll, I guarantee you that you will feel MUCH better if you knuckle down and catch up on reading my posts! HAHAHAHAHA!!
All of my grandkids who are older than 3 stayed up later than I did, but at least we went to dinner with friends to toast the new year before packing it in around 10:30. I think it was all that toasting that kept me from being able to stay up any later.
We actually saw the New Year in at a neighbor's house and it was lots of fun. Stayed up waaaaay past my bedtime but once a year is do-able. All the best to you in 2012, Jenny!
We saw tha ball drop in New York after having dinner with friends.
Came home and went to bed.
Have a most spectacular New Year!
We had a nice little New Year's dinner should have been 6, 3 catched cold, remained 3.
Happy New Year !
PS I have my email in my profile because I never get back to the posts I have visited to read an eventual reply then I would spend 24 h on my computer. Because some bloggers answer in their own comments or comment on comments in their comments (if you follow me)
We had a nice little New Year's dinner should have been 6, 3 catched cold, remained 3.
Happy New Year !
PS I have my email in my profile because I never get back to the posts I have visited to read an eventual reply then I would spend 24 h on my computer. Because some bloggers answer in their own comments or comment on comments in their comments (if you follow me)
Just one question what is :
Suscribe to : "Post comments" (Atom) ???
Those darn neighbors. :) Hope you are happier tomorrow.
Happy New Year! We watched a movie, then switched over to Dick Clark just a few minutes before Lady Gaga sent the ball dropping. Because we're really that boring. And cruel. We laughed at Dick's horrendous spray tan, how he messes up the countdown each year, and watched in horror as Jenny McCarthy french=kissed some cops after midnight. Awesome!
Happy New Year, Ms. Jenny! It sounds like our neighbors would get along swimmingly! Oh, what I'd give for neighbors who loved to knit!
The noise not withstanding, it sounds like the rest of your New Years Eve was very nice. I hope your 2012 is filled with blessings. :)
We all stayed up until midnight at Maison de Schuler! Happy New Year!
After telling family not to call past 9:30 (my bedtime), I spent time catching up on blog reading and all of a sudden I heard screaming and firecrackers! I'm still paying for it, but I don't regret it!
Wishing you and Mr. Jenny the best in 2012!
We spent New Year's Eve at my Daughter's house AND I stayed up after Midnight for the first time in many years! I just love to go to bed early and staying up late isn't on my list of fun things:) BUT, I did it and now I must get back into my routine! Hope this year will be a great one for all of us dear Jenny! HUGS!
Ours was fun, but the doldrums have hit me a bit today. Last kid will go home and I have lots of decorations to take down and put away.
Ah, well...
Happy New Year!
Hugs from Florida! Wishing you the best!~Ames
Happy New Year to you, Jenny! Here's to uninterrupted sleep in 2012!
lol happy new year, jenny! :D
We had fireworks around us too....didn't bother me as much as it did the dogs! 1/2 cup of wine? You are TOO much Jenny!!
Happy new year. A few days late.
8pm Jenny? Please tell me you get up at 5am.
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