And now I'm going through my morning annoyed at me because I wasn't true to what I wanted to say.
So I'm gonna say it now.
You know what?
Mothers Day is hard, YessireeBob.
Oh, it is going to be magical. Our children are all going to gather around us and put aside all the bickering and somehow they are going to keep the house clean and buy us a wonderful present and serve us a perfect breakfast in bed...
...because isn't that really what everyone elses family is doing?
I mean, are our expectations even vaguely in the realm of possible?
I remember when my kids were small and they would bring me home those tender sweet gifts and make me burnt toast in bed and then the rest of the day seemed like it was my husband-of-the-time fussing and yelling at them to "be nice, it's Mother's Day!" and at the end of the day I was stressed out, my house was pretty much trashed and I was exhausted.
And then when my kids were older they would kinda/sorta sullenly remember the day for five minutes and then much of the rest of the day would be spent with them sniping at one another about "being nice to Mom, it's Mothers Day" and at the end of the day I was stressed out, my house was pretty much trashed and I was exhausted.
But, oh, I believed it could be perfect. All my friends said their Mothers Days were. Their children turned into angels and little musical notes and sweet little bluebirds filled the air around them like a Disney movie.
And then as I got older still I would listen to friends say that every year their children gather in harmony and joy and bring lovely gifts...
...and seriously, maybe it's just me...
...because my Mother's Day was never, ever really what everyone else told me theirs was.
So I decided a few years ago to re-invent the way I thought of Mother's Day. I decided that I would think of it more as Mother's Year. And I would try and save up all the sweet things my kids did when I wasn't expecting it...or little things they said that warmed my heart...or when they called to say "I was thinking about such and such the other day and I think I was wrong!"
And then when Mother's Day actually rolls around and I don't hear angels voices and dancing musical bluebirds I don't feel cheated!
I don't feel like the only girl in the office whose husband forget to send flowers on Valentines Day!
I feel like I love being a Mom and I don't always need one day to make me feel it.
I'm expecting it to be truly a Mother's Day.
Which is what it is every day when we are blessed to have a family.
With all the turmoil and drama and arguments and messes.
And I truly do hope you are one of those Moms that gets the singing bluebirds.
But if you aren't...
...I didn't want you feel like you were alone!
I went to garage sales and to Costco on Friday with our oldest daughter for Mother's Day and I loved it. It was fun and we laughed.
My son called this morning and sang a lovely baritone version of Happy Mothers Day using the melody from Happy Birthday.
My youngest daughter will remember sometime around 5 o'clock that it is Mothers Day and will call, all apologetic and sweet.
And that is enough.
It will be a good Mother's Day.
And I won't have to clean up bluebird poop from my floor.