Showing posts with label profanity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label profanity. Show all posts

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Please excuse the profanity in this post...

...but I need to use it in order to tell this tale accurately.

If you've read my blog before you know I rarely use any bad words but in this case I really need to, so please excuse me if you find this post offensive.


Yesterday morning I was driving our three year old granddaughter to preschool and she kept giggling in the car.

I asked her what was funny and she said "is secret, Gamma" and refused to tell me.

After I picked her up it and we started driving it started up again.

And since we had to do a quick errand we were in the car a little longer then our usual five minute commute.

I kept watching her in the rearview mirror and she would look out the window and just start cracking up.

And finally I asked her again and she blurted out, "Gamma, the trees are NAKED!"


I looked to where she was pointing and the leaves had fallen off several of the trees. You know...we're in the midst of our twelve minute Autumn season here in the desert.

And I was trying to tell her how trees loose their leaves and why but she just kept giggling.

So I asked her why she was laughing so much over the trees being "naked" and she replied, "I not tell you Gamma. Is a bad word!"


But after the next round of giggling she finally told me what was so funny.

"Don't tell my Mom I said a bad word Gamma! Look! Look! You can see the trees BUTTS!" and she continued to crack-up immensely. "Mo, what do you mean you can see the trees butts?"

"Oh Gamma! I telling Mom on you! I telling! You said a bad word!"


All the way down to pick up her sisters after school she kept yelling in her little high-pitched voice, "NAKED TREE! NAKED TREE!"

Which is actually pretty cute but I'm still puzzled over the whole trees having BUTTS thing.

And I'm also just a teensy bit worried she's going to tell my daughter-in-law on me!
