Thursday, September 6, 2012

I can't help it...

I had to post this, it may cause tears (I cry everytime) but I just love this Josh Turner song about a sailor and his love. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

A Little Airshow, a little late.

 We watched a remote control airshow from our neighborhood right after Jase left.  I am just now getting caught up and it has been nearly a month.  Ugh!  Anyway, I though the kids might like it.  We walked the the end of our street, put a blanket down under the shade of a tree and watched.  Yea, the little planes and helos were a bit too little to peak the interest of two kiddos 3 and under. 
 As you can see Harlon was REALLY interested in the air show. 
 You can get a good view of the flight tower here on Ford Island.  They are restoring it for tours.  I can't wait to check it out! 
 Side show shot of Addie Mae was all I could get.  She was driven to do our usual walk around the neighborhood to collect fallen plumeria blossoms.  Still a fun afternoon. 

Fair Winds and Following Seas Daddy

 I'm a little late in posting this but it has been crazy getting into our routine around here.  The kids and I are so proud of our submariner.  We love you and miss you and can't wait until we are back together again.  I know that God has a plan for our family and this will only make us stronger. 

 We all can't wait until we can hug and kiss Daddy again.  God bless my sweet husband. 


 I told Harlon a couple weeks ago that I was going to take us on a little vacation.  He was so concerned about sleeping away from home (which he has done many times) because he would REALLY miss his bed and his house.  Clearly once we got to the resort he was okay with the whole vacation thing.  Ha!  First thing he did was take his shirt off and jump on the bed.  He makes me smile.  :) 
 The first month of deployment is always so long and terrible.  We are getting into our routines, missing Daddy and not fully understanding why he is gone makes for some angry an emotional kids and momma.  I decided to create a diversion from the deployment whoas and take us on a little Waikiki 2 night vacation.  The babes did great and once again I realized that I am superwoman.  Just kidding!  Going through deployments with kids makes a wife/momma feel empowered, strong, sometimes invinsible.  There are the obvious down sides but I am naming a few of the happy deployment feelings.  Anyway, we checked in Friday afternoon.  Once we got there we hit the pool first thing.  I had packed us a little dinner to eat in the park after we dried off. 
 After dinner the kids played on the playground a bit then we wandered up and down Waikiki beach while the sun was setting. 

 We were holding out for dark so that we could watch the fireworks put on by the Hilton next door. 
 The kids loved playing in the sand, running around doing what kids do.  There were very few people on the beach.  It was  nice to let the kids run around and not have to interfere with their kid agendas. 
 Addie Mae trying to keep up with bubba. 
 My sweet boy found some giant rocks to climb on while waiting for the show. 
 My baby girl (almost not a baby anymore) taking a break in the stroller.  She made it until 8:30pm (such a trooper) when her normal bedtime is 7:00 or 7:30pm. 
 Well, my man Harlon got a little tired of just sitting on that rock and decided to put on a hula show for the passers by. 
 He was doing the hula for the people and would occasionaly yell out, "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!"  Hilarious!  I love this boy. 
 And little sister got a second wind and decided to join the hula show!  It's too much cuteness really. 
 The next morning we hit the pool with some friends, breaking only for lunch and a nap.  We walked down the beach a bit and had lunch at a place that Jase would have loved.  I was really missing him with this spectacular view, of the ocean out this side and Diamond Head out the otherside.  The burgers were so juicy and the mai tais were $3.50 during happy hour.  Perfect!
 It's a good thing I had friends and cute kids there to distract me. 

 After naps we met more friends at the pool and played until dinner.  We threw in an ice cream break of course. 
 Submariner babies are the best. 
 I made H wear his life jacket for my peace of mind.  I had Addie Mae and this little fish that I had to be able to save at the same time if needed.  Harlon really doesn't need the life jacket anymore.  He is getting stronger and stronger.  It was just easier for momma. 
 Our second night sleep wasn't as sound but I knew we were going home the next day so it was okay.  I hardly slept, the beds were terrible.  But the fun MUCH outweighed the beds. 
 We hit the pool again for our last morning with more friends. 
 Matching beautiful girls.  I'm so proud of my Addie Mae.  She is coming out of her shell little by little. 
I love my babies, and together we are going to kick this deployment in the butt!  ;)  

Monday, August 13, 2012

My Garden's Bounty!

I love my little salsa garden and I just had to share with y'all what I picked this morning.  The jalepenos are small but delicious and they pack a good amount of heat, I LOVE them.  My tomatoes are going crazy and so sweet and delicious.  The bell peppers I have harvested a few times, this is the first time they are big enough to eat.  They are getting bigger and bigger each time I harvest them.  My plant has produced a couple red bell peppers but they have been tiny and rotted quickly on the plant.  Not sure about that one.  I have planted mint and garlic to try and keep bugs out.  It works okay but I have had to spray with some organic bug spray a few times.  I had to resort to Seven dust on the soil for ants one time too.  I am trying a mix of vinegar and water right now for bugs, we'll see if it works.  Also, Epsom salt desolved in water to make my peppers produce more.  The jury is still out on that one.  I am having fun with it all.  

Thursday, August 2, 2012

First Day of School

Here is a link to the post of Harlon's first day of school last year  . 
I cannot believe he is starting his 2nd year of preschool.  When I saw his teachers from last year I got all teary.  It's fun to see how he has grown in a year.  He was so excited to be in the big boy class this year.  They are called the Nai'a (Dolphin) Class.  When I picked him up he was on the swings with a cute little red head girl from his class.  Most newer playgrounds do not have swings so Harlon was pretty pumped.  One of the teacher aides told me what a great job Harlon did today.  He had good manners and even held the flag during the pledge.  She said, "wow Harlon really grew up!"  I was beaming of course.  We failed to get him a back pack before school started so be request from Harlon we ordered a batman one with his name on it today.  :)  I am so happy and thankful that we get to start another year at St. George's.  What a great beginning to Harlon's education. 

Saturday, July 28, 2012

My favorite super hero duo

 Yep, I'm pretty sure this is the funniest thing I've witnessed in a while.  I can't stop laughing looking at these pics.  My favorite super hero duo, walking down the block to our friends super hero 3rd birthday party.  Harlon had the jet pack disguised under his cape.  :)
 Look!  In the sky!  It's a bird, it's a plane, it's SUPERMAN!  Oh wait, I am Superman!  Ha!
They are really a big hot mess but I couldn't love anything more. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Summer Swimming

They did a cute little awards ceremony after the last swim lesson of the session.  They have the kids stand on the blocks with music playing and the teachers give them medals.  It's the cutest thing.  Harlon beside himself, I think he felt like he was in the Olympics.  Harlon LOVES his teacher Uncle Kyle.  And the girl finally warmed up to her teacher (on the last lesson of course).  She didn't cry when the teacher took her to practice kicks today.  She also stood up on the blocks all by herself and didn't cry.  Precious! 
Summer is coming to and end here (crazy I know) as pre school is starting next week for Harlon.  Both kids have been taking swim lessons this summer.  Harlon and I took the Parent Aide class when we first moved here.  We had to stop when I got pregnant with Addie Mae.  Now that Harlon is old enough to take a class without mom we signed back up.  Harlon is in his class at the same time that Addie Mae and I are in our class.  It works out great.  I look over at Harlon every now and then to keep up on what he needs to practice and to see how well he is doing.  The kid is a fish!  He LOVES the water.  He is so attentive to the teacher I can tell he really has the desire to learn to swim.  Addie Mae loves it too but on her own terms.  She is getting more comfortable and is now loving the underwater dunks and jumps to momma.  Our session is coming to an end next week.  Harlon will graduate into the Advanced Beginner class.  I signed both kids up for the fall session.  I think Harlon will really be swimming by the end of the fall session.  Addie Mae should be more coordinated by then too and will hopefully start kicking and paddling.  Swimming is such a big part of our lives here.  I lived in the water growing up and I am so happy that my kids love it too.  Our swim school took these great underwater pictures.  I love that both kids are smiling underwater!  


 Oh Pinterest, how do I love you?  Let me count the ways.  Awesome tutorial on Pinterest led me to make this super adorable Super Hero Jet Pack for my boy.  This project consisted of felt, ribbon, cardboard, spray paint, hot glue, velcro, and coke bottles.  The coke bottles were left from a party we had a while back and the only thing else I had to purchase was the felt. 
 I took and spray painted the bottles and one side of the cardboard.  The other side of the cardboard I took and glued a piece of orange felt to.  I made backpack straps out of the ribbon and secured the with velcro tabs to my superhero son can get his jet pack on and off in a flash (you know when he is trying to make a quit exit).  I also secured a chest strap onto the shoulder straps. 
 I cut out 2 pieces of red felt and one orange into flame like shapes and glued them into the neck of the bottles.  I also glued the bottles to the painted side of the cardboard. 
 I even added an ignitor button onto the chest strap for added effect.  Ha! 
 3-2-1 BLAST OFF! 
Yep, that's right.  There is some serious super hero action going on at our house.  :)  The boy LOVES it.