Monday, August 13, 2012

My Garden's Bounty!

I love my little salsa garden and I just had to share with y'all what I picked this morning.  The jalepenos are small but delicious and they pack a good amount of heat, I LOVE them.  My tomatoes are going crazy and so sweet and delicious.  The bell peppers I have harvested a few times, this is the first time they are big enough to eat.  They are getting bigger and bigger each time I harvest them.  My plant has produced a couple red bell peppers but they have been tiny and rotted quickly on the plant.  Not sure about that one.  I have planted mint and garlic to try and keep bugs out.  It works okay but I have had to spray with some organic bug spray a few times.  I had to resort to Seven dust on the soil for ants one time too.  I am trying a mix of vinegar and water right now for bugs, we'll see if it works.  Also, Epsom salt desolved in water to make my peppers produce more.  The jury is still out on that one.  I am having fun with it all.  

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