Thursday, August 2, 2012

First Day of School

Here is a link to the post of Harlon's first day of school last year  . 
I cannot believe he is starting his 2nd year of preschool.  When I saw his teachers from last year I got all teary.  It's fun to see how he has grown in a year.  He was so excited to be in the big boy class this year.  They are called the Nai'a (Dolphin) Class.  When I picked him up he was on the swings with a cute little red head girl from his class.  Most newer playgrounds do not have swings so Harlon was pretty pumped.  One of the teacher aides told me what a great job Harlon did today.  He had good manners and even held the flag during the pledge.  She said, "wow Harlon really grew up!"  I was beaming of course.  We failed to get him a back pack before school started so be request from Harlon we ordered a batman one with his name on it today.  :)  I am so happy and thankful that we get to start another year at St. George's.  What a great beginning to Harlon's education. 

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