Sunday, September 2, 2012

A Little Airshow, a little late.

 We watched a remote control airshow from our neighborhood right after Jase left.  I am just now getting caught up and it has been nearly a month.  Ugh!  Anyway, I though the kids might like it.  We walked the the end of our street, put a blanket down under the shade of a tree and watched.  Yea, the little planes and helos were a bit too little to peak the interest of two kiddos 3 and under. 
 As you can see Harlon was REALLY interested in the air show. 
 You can get a good view of the flight tower here on Ford Island.  They are restoring it for tours.  I can't wait to check it out! 
 Side show shot of Addie Mae was all I could get.  She was driven to do our usual walk around the neighborhood to collect fallen plumeria blossoms.  Still a fun afternoon. 

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