Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Teething Pain

Calin has a tooth coming in that is giving him big problems.
Yesterday was a rough day. And it looks like today will be rough too.

Luckily he still gives an occasional smile in the midst of his painful cries. Sometimes I get lucky and he gives me a kiss too :)

{ Other Stuff }

This is one of Calin's favorite spots. I think it's about time we do something about all those cords back there!!

Calin might not look like he's enjoying himself here, but trust me, he loves having lunch with dad on campus!

What do you guys use to sooth your teething babies pain?
I've been using teething tablets and baby orajel, but neither seem to be doing the job. Since the Tylenol recall, I have yet to pick up a generic brand. I guess my little Cal will just have to endure it for a day or two more and stick to the chilled teething rings :)



Whitney Renee said...

Payton uses baby orajel and it works great

Spence Ohana said...

Can you give him baby ibuprofen? Lasts longer than baby Tylenol. I gave my kids that along with using teething tablets. Also freeze some teething rings or wet wash cloths and let him knaw on those. Of put some frozen fruit in one of those mesh feeders. It's no fun when they go through this kind of pain. :( I think that first pic is the first time I've seen Calin give a 1/2 smile...he must really not be feeling well.

Michaela said...

Oooh, freeze a wet wash cloth! I can't believe I have never thought of that! I'll give that a try for sure!!

Mickie and Matt said...

Yep I used Baby Ibuprofen too, my Doc said it's okay after 6 mo. but you should double check with yours. I never heard about a Tylenol Recall, is it on the generic brands or the Tylenol brand kind?

I have put Ty's paci in the freezer before too, but I dont know how well it works... I mean it's only a few seconds then it is warm again. I think the wash cloth would be better, get one with a tag too so Calin is sure to love it.

Sorry about the teething. Luckily Ty usually has two coming in at the same time so while he is a sad kid for a few days at least it's double so they come in faster!

dad said...

We always used "Numsit" It usually doe sthe trick.

Tanner Family said...

Baby Motrin!

dad said...

Anyone else notice how Calin crossed his fingers over the other like Tanner and Dallin did?