I started this blog three years ago. It began as a way to document family happenings, reconnect with old friends and share photos and stories with grandparents. I enjoyed reading what other people posted too, and at times when I struggled with normal mom issues I could escape by blog surfing and be reminded that I'm not the only one.
But my feelings have changed in the recent months. I noticed that I started feeling envious, covetous, overwhelmed and sometimes plain mad when I read blogs. I hate that I feel critical of my family "Why can't you do that nice thing that so-and-so's kid did?" and of myself "I'm such a loser 'cause I don't know how to sew." ungrateful for what I have "I wish I could afford to go to Hawaii, too!" and that I resent my girls when they interrupt me at the computer because it's become a borderline addiction. Blogging has gone from being an outlet to being a show and I'm tired of feeling like my performance is below average.
So, in order to clear up my head, simplify my life, be more content with all that I do have, and spend more time with my family, I've decided to stop reading blogs and to discontinue this one. Don't worry Grandparents and siblings, I'm creating a new private blog just for you guys where I will be sure to include unedited pictures of the girls that show my messy house in the background. It's time I break away from the computer and be the kind of person I want to be, without being influenced by a false reality made up by those who create an illusion of perfection in their blog posts.
Bye bye bloggers. It's better this way.
Close curtain.
I will miss seeing you, but I understand. My private blog is really just for grandparents who are far away and to good place to store my pictures. But I have to tell you that you are one freakin awesome person. I miss seeing you and laughing together. Best of luck in all your awesome endeavors, like sewing. :)
Jill, I am SO SAD that I won't be able to keep up with you through blogging anymore! I LOVE reading about you and your family, and I think you are an AWESOME person! I will miss you!
well i'm sad too, but also completely understand.
there are times i have felt exactly the same way you do, and have had to take a breather from it to re-prioritize my life, and remembering who i really blog for....and that's for myself & for my family. so they can see a side of me that they may not have seen otherwise.
i've been told a couple of times that i "overshare" on my blog because i write about how i feel ugly/fat/completely incompetent sometimes....and those comments from others just make me laugh. aren't we SUPPOSED to be real on these things? which then led me to thinking....wait, are other people NOT being real? so all of this time thinking they are perfect & i am a bumbling fool...they might be a fool too?
and that's when i realized that i. just. don't. care. if some people want to portray their lives as perfect and with kids who never fight and a house that's never dirty and a perfect marriage, then let them. i don't care how many people comment/don't comment. i write for me, and because it's an outlet.
i remember good things more, and blessings more, and the positive of blogging outweighs the negative for me. i also found myself whittling down WHO i actually read...and just stick to those that i feel are realistic women just trying to make it work in life like i am. the perfect girls can have each other! :)
good luck to you, and if you change your mind or let your blog become public again, please let me know!
i've had so much fun keeping up with your life & your adorable family. they are both beautiful girls and so, my dear, are you.
When I read this, my first thought was NOOOOO!!!!! But then I read these other comments and realized that I need to not be selfish. I was being selfish and wanting you to still be there for me to check. I will miss your blog. I love your posts. It makes me feel like i can still sit and chat you you for hours like we used to. But I totally get it. It gets old seeing the same perfect houses/kids/people post after post. And good for you to get off this thing, if it wasn't like my journal I would think about doing the same. It can eat up time like nothing else. But PLEASE still keep in touch. I will miss you my friend! And if you want to include me on the "grandparents and siblings" list, I wouldn't be opposed at all.
One small step out of blogdom, one giant step into maturity and self-realization. I am proud of you and your ability to recognize where changes may need to be made. Not everyone is at that level of self awareness or has the strength to make those changes. Thank goodness for private blogs (which I didn't know anything about) because you are a gifted, talented, honest, refreshing, amusing writer and I would miss reading your entries. Love you with all my heart!!
I will very much miss seeing your beautiful girls-- ohhh their gorgeous eyes :)-- but I completely understand and my words to you are "WAY TO GO!!" Good for you! :) Enjoy your family every chance you get!
WARNING WARNING tears may begin to flow. I fell selfish saying this - but, but, but JILL. Can you send me an email once in awhile so I can see you, Jake and the girls? Pretty please!! Enjoy the release of pressure and enjoy being you. I speak for all of your faithful followers - WE LOVE YOU!!
I can survive with emails...I will still get emails right? :) You are a talented girl and I will miss your clever posts. Love you!
I will miss your wittiness! Good for you though, that's the same reason why I CANNOT read any sort of magazine except the Ensign! Good luck with all your endeavors. Love ya!
WHAT?!?! How will I ever know what is going on with your family now??? haha, just kidding. I think it's a good move and I am just a few feet away when you have a funny story about the girls that you want to share (:
Can I second Lynsey?? I hope you know how many people think you are incredible, just for being you--and we all love to keep up on your life and beautiful inperfectly perfect family--because we all can soooo relate. :)
Will really, really miss you..
You will be missed in the blogging world...please post pics somewhere for us to see...facebook maybe? Your daughters crack me up and ill miss hearing about them. But if this is better for you then alright,I'm for it. Loves
I'll miss you, Jill! Good for you for making this change for your family, but know that we all love you. Take care!
Jill! You probably won't even get this, but in case you take a quick peek every now & then, I think you are one of the most amazing writers I have ever known! Seriously, I have loved your posts over the years. I hope your family is doing well.
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