Monday, May 31, 2010

9 Months

This past month Calin . . .

learned to stand up on his own, and cruise along furniture

got 3 more teeth in

stopped taking a paci {all on his own!}

started sitting up by himself

has been a little better at eating solids - still has a long way to go though!

started a new super cheesy smile - as if his other smile isn't cheesy enough :D

started "creeping" but still "crawls" most of the time {in motor development terms creeping is crawling, and crawling is army crawling - confused? me too, haha}

loves to play "simon says" games {copy things we do, or have us copy him}
Which leads me to this funny story:
We had ward conference yesterday at church. Each time the ward members would raise their arm to sustain church leaders, Calin would look around, then once everyone would put their arms down, and as soon as they said "Any opposed?" Calin would raise his right arm, smile, and look around at everyone. Every Time! It was so funny! I was hoping Jordan would look down from the stand and see it, but he never did. Everyone else in the ward did though :) haha

I take Calin in for his 9 month stats on Wednesday. So I'll post those later.



Kay said...

That Teddy Bear is shrinking....:)

The Neilsen Family said...

Such a cute boy!! We loved having you guys over yesterday...I'm still laughing at the way Calin was so afraid of that tiny hyper dog :)

Haley said...

Hey! Your blog is so cute! Ours is That was fun the other night, we need to get together more often!

jakeychucky said...

He is such a cute little guy:) I love his smile.

nathan said...

cute! so interesting the creeping crawling thing...who knew? ;)

Alicia Lund said...

so cute!!! great photos!