Friday, May 14, 2010


This week has been full of milestones for Calin

Sunday he learned how to sit up from his tummy

Yesterday he began pulling himself up on the furniture and slowly cruising along it

Yesterday he also began to crawl. He still likes to army crawl, but he has been throwing some real crawling in there with it now too

I didn't get one of him pulling himself up, but this one is pretty cute of him playing and giggling with Jordan


Alicia Lund said...

oh i love the videos!!!! he's getting so big.

Kay said...

I love his....come get me now, dad...looks! Cute little guy!

Mickie and Matt said...

Yay Calin! Go dude, crawl crawl! That's awesome he's doing so great! What a happy little man you have.

Spence Ohana said...

Yay way to go Calin!!! Such a cute video of him and Jordan!

Erica said...

I love the videos you posted of little calin! Still can't believe I haven't gotten to meet him!!!! Love you!

Niels and Kayla said...

These make me smile! How cute you guys...good work on such a little bundle of joy!! :)

nathan said...

Love the videos! Now I think I should make a tiny correction when it comes to motor development terms and Jordan should know this cause he took it last semester. I'm pretty sure he is creeping in that video. Army crawling is considered crawling. I still say crawling because that's what everybody else says when they refer to it, but I thought I'd throw that out there for Jordan's sake. :)