

Showing posts with label Cherrywood Designs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cherrywood Designs. Show all posts

Friday, January 3, 2014

First finish of 2014

Have my first finish for 2014.  Here is Walt the Malt stitched up.  I need to go through my button stash and find a few buttons for him.  Once I get the buttons I will need to figure out how to finish him off.  He is stitched on a piece of 40 count fabric from my stash with WDW and GAST.

Now to figure out my next stitch.  Do I stitch a Halloween piece for the Halloween monthly SAL I am taking part in or do I stitch another snowman or another ornament. Decisions, Decisions!!

Until Next Time
Happy Stitchjng

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Jester Jack

Good Morning!  I hope everyone is having a great week.  This sure has seemed like a long week.  It must have to do with all the hot weather we have been having and not be able to do to much.  I usually love the warm weather, but boy I am sure looking forward to fall.

I have been a stitching fool this week and have another finish to share.
Design:  Jester Jack found in the 2012 JCS Halloween Magazine
Designers:  Cherrywood Design Studios
Fabric:  36ct. Edinburgh, Color is EEK from Picture This Plus
Threads: DMC 310 and 4150
Started:  July 25th, 2012
Finished Stitching:  July 25th, 2012

I have to go to Michael's or Hobby Lobby soon and get a dowel and black craft paint, so I can finish this piece off.  I can't wait to have it adorn all my Halloween decorations this year.

I have to ask those of you who stitch larger pieces, how do you do it and stay motivated?  I have a couple in my WIP pile that I have started, but I get frustrated and put them away.  Let me know your tips, so I can get these beauties finished and up on my walls.

Have to run.  The kiddos are getting restless, so I need to go and find something for us to do.

Until Next Time
Happy Stitching

Monday, January 9, 2012

Eat, Sleep, Stitch

Wouldn't it be nice to Eat, Sleep, Stitch all the time?  We could have a Cleaning Elf, a Cooking Elf, a Shopping Elf, etc.  All we had to do it Eat, Sleep and Stitch!  We can dream about it though.

Eat, Sleep, Stitch is the name of my UCJC Day 9 Start.

The Designer is Cherrywood Designs.  I am stitching it on 30ct. Almond Bar from Week Dye Works.  I am using Crescent Colours and Sampler Threads.  It is stitching up faster than I thought and it is a really fun stitch. When it is all stitched, I am going to finish it off into a fun, funky pillow.

Until Next Time
Happy Stitching

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