Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts

Sunday, 4 July 2010

Snap snap... Touche

HmMmm... Trawling the nets this morning... I came across this article...

I have lived in an oblivious state whereby "apparently" chef's and their staff are unwelcoming when it comes to bloggers.

When I do my food blogging and when I am taking pictures whilst dining (home and out) it has become second nature to me...

I am quite disgusted with restaurants that hold zealously that taking pictures of their food is a negative thing... if you have nothing to hide and you are proud of your food... what's the big deal?

Reading this article today makes me sad and I want to smack the arrogant and silly people in the hospitality industry...

I am not a villain... I love food...

NOTE: Since calming down and speaking to a few other's regarding this issue, I can understand how it is the restaurant's/chef's right to disallow the taking of pictures whilst dining at the establishment. However, how they go about it (rudely screaming at you, or politely telling you) is a different thing.


Monday, 28 June 2010

Teenage love affair

One day, a boy went to college as he does everyday. Except that this day was different, he was paying attention.

He noticed a girl that he hadn't noticed before. They were friends, but today, there was something "extra" special about her. She was stirring up feelings that he didn't think existed.

Together with a group of friends, he decided to pursue her and confess his feelings for her.

Unfortunately, he moved too fast and he was rejected.

He didn't give up. He couldn't give up.

Slowly he built that trust that she craved. He knew not what he'd do if she rejected him again.

It was the longest few months of his life.

One weekend, he whisked her away, and dared to ask her to be with him again. He promised her to love her forever and to never hurt her. To forever make her laugh and be happy.

He promised her with 101 roses which he wrapped and prepared himself.

With every thorn that pricked his finger, he made a silent wish that she would say "yes".

They were 18 years old.

9 years later, we're celebrating that love, trust and friendship created during that time.

Exasperating at times, he is still keeping that promise.

Happy Anniversary to the Boy and I.

I love you.

Sunday, 13 June 2010

Happy Birthday Big Sis!

Have an absolutely smashing Birthday Big Sis!!! I only wished I had the time to fly up to Sydney to be with you today!

I'm sure Big Bro will have lots planned for you...

Here's to more years of us pretending to be teapots!!

To the best sister any spoilt brat could ever ask for...


i <3 YOU!!!

Thursday, 3 June 2010

The Pedigree Adoption Drive 2010 - Celebrate Yellow Dog Day!

Anyone that knows me, can attest to you how much I LOVE dogs...

As a child, I've always wanted my very own best friend... someone who would always love me no matter what happened, and would lick my face dry from the tears I'd cry...

That love has been carried through to my adult life, and everytime I see a dog, my heart melts and my knees go weak!

Okay, I am having some knee problems now which only through major knee reconstruction can be fixed, but I digress

Every weekend, the Boy will take me to a pet shop to visit the puppies available... and I'd stand there and melt until he drags me away!

The only reason why I haven't found my friend as yet, is because I am not allowed pets in my current home (the landlord dissaproves... BOO!)

In my world, I have a beautiful white Japanese Spitz (and the Boy wants a Siberian Husky) named Snowy Snowstorm, and the Husky named Phantom Fang.

My dog would wait for me to come home from work and entertain himself by watching television

He would have dinner with us and lick clean the plates so that I wouldn't have to do any cleaning up!

He'd love to lie on his back and go to sleep, without a care in the world...

Because this is my dog, he's required to share the same interests as me and be intellectually inclined to read as many books as I do...

So what are you waiting for?

There are a lot of beautiful, healthy dogs that are currently up for adoption. For some reason or another, their owners can no longer care for them.

The great sense of joy and accomplishment that you will feel once you have rescued a dog will be immense!

Don't lie there on your lazy bum and ignore the situation out there!

Join Plopples or as we like to call him Ploppy, as we celebrate Yellow Dog Day on Friday June 4th this year!

What are you waiting for? Even Ploppy has signed on Facebook to "like" and be a fan of the Pedigree Adoption Drive page on Facebook.

For every fan or "like" they get on this page, the nice people at Pedigree have agreed to donate a bowl of dog food to a dog shelter!

For more information, visit the Pedigree website by following the advertisement banner on the top left or just click on this link

Even if you can't adopt a dog (like poor unfortunate me), you can still donate via Pet Rescue or become a fan on Facebook. To help, it is that easy!

Seriously, visit the Pedigree website and make yourself proud!

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Introducing Nessie the Coff-ness Monster... *ahem*

One random Tuesday (last week)... I went down to the local Good Guys and got myself a new baby...

She's so smooth and sleek.. and makes the yummiest coffee ever...

She came with a milk frother...

Everyone say "Hello!" to Nessie the Coff-ness Monster =)

Doesn't she look so pretty...??

Thursday, 15 April 2010

So Long and Thanks for the Fish...

(Waking up on Saturday morning with a special delivery!)

Friday... my work with the Mercy ended... it had been a short 5 week stint temping with them...

(This bouquet set cost $109!!!)

But the friendships forged in the tough times will last for a long time...

(I said it was too expensive, my manager said, "NO! I want to do this, you've been invaluable to us! GO FOR IT!")

As of Monday this week, I have started a new role...

(And so we did, also thanks again for the cards... Cousin R and Fab... thank you for my pressie!)

It's been a long time coming, and I'd like to thank everyone in my life for being so patient and supportive...

(Saturday morning brekkie with beautiful flowers)

I'm back where I belong and I've never been happier...

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Things I want at the moment!!!

I WANTSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How cool is an edible gold/silver spray for boring foods??!!!!!!!!!!!

And you can get it The Deli Garage

But it's sold out!! Grrrrrrr....

Can you imagine the things one could do with such a spray can???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


On a slightly less insane note.. I got a job offer yesterday at a utilities company... I'm stoked.. it's a permanent full-time position and I start on the 12th of April!!

Although I keep waiting for them to call me back and shout, "April Fools!!, we gotcha!... Unfortunately you really suck..."

I also want this, now that I can afford it...from Nespresso

I was in my cousin's house for dinner the other night, (she had one, and now I MUST HAVE IT TOO!)... for $500AUD...


Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Seven Seeds @ 114 Berkeley Street, North Melbourne

Sisterly love knows no bounds... The same blood runs through their veins... Quiet and a boring facade she shows...

Seven Seeds... quaint Big Sister of Brother Baba Budan

A cute coffee plant grows in their grounds

Beautifully knitted lamp shades...

Menus kept in old artillery/ammo casings ^_^

Bicycles kept alligned on a wall... I think I've come home!!

Breakfast seems to be the main reason why people are here, and yes, the great coffee as well.. (mind you, we stepped in here at about 2pm on a Sunday!)

The Boy and Cousin A being wimps to coffee ordered a Mocha (and complained that it was still too much coffee! What fools!!!)

I was boring, but I love their Latte... just as good as BBB =)

Aunty Ev (Please don't kill me... I love you!)... had freshly brewed coffee from the clover machine (BBB has one too)...

Every day it's a different bean that gets the honour of being in the clover machine... I can't remember what Ev had tho... it was very good though.. I remember it was a single origin coffee.. so =)

Seven seeds source green coffee from around the world and concentrate on Estate, Micro lot and Single Origin coffees (

Overall Food Rating: - (I didn't eat there this time round, visit was purely for the coffee.. next time ;>)
Cafe ambiance: 9/10
Value for money: 9/10

114 Berkley St, Carlton

Tel: 9347 8664

Monday - Saturday : 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sunday : 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM



How to get there:

View Larger Map

Seven Seeds on Urbanspoon

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Brother Baba Budan

Smells of great coffee drifts out onto the Little Bourke Street between Queen and Elizabeth every morning I walk pass...

The beauty and elegance of freshly roasted and brewed coffee beans asails my mind and drives me to their front steps...

Visions of chairs falling on my impending head does not deter my path, indeed, it drives me on with andrenaline and excitement of the danger hanging above my head

Beautiful people, who make great coffee, what else can one lonely soul in the big city ask for?

Ahhh.... fine silken bitter liquid.. how I long for thee!!

Overall Food Rating: -
Cafe ambiance: 9/10 (Everyone is friendly and shares a table out at the front =)
Value for money: 9/10

359 Little Bourke Street
Melbourne 3000

Tel: 03 9606 0449


How to get there:

View Larger Map

Brother Baba Budan on Urbanspoon

Saturday, 20 March 2010

Singing the night away with the Naked Chef...

(We were entertained by Jamie's guests band, the Wonderbrass!)

Ahhhh... Jamie Jamie Jamie.. where do I begin... we knew we were in for a treat, but we didn't how the night would start. First up, we went there with our tickets for the Floor seats.. 6 row's from the stage... close enough to jump up and down and get chosen to try, sing, dance, get freebies from the Naked Chef...

And then, Ticketek made a big boo boo... they "accidentally" refunded our tickets and then SOLD our tickets to someone else!!!!! Before I could tear the house down, the marketing manager who was there quickly made a pre-emptive attack (sensing danger!)...

She gave us new Free Tickets.. (But the SEATS were no where near where we should have been, it was front row seats at the side of the arena)... and she said to give her a call should we want to see any other show in Rod Laver or HiSense Arena and she'll get us the tickets for free!

(The man himself)

Mr. Oliver came out with a Bang!!

He started cooking straight away! First up was a Bacon, Spinach, Scallop dish occasionally cooked with drumsticks (whilst he was drumming).

(Some weirdo who was chosen to go up on stage...)

No where near satisfied by the strange counter offer, we took it and through out the night I felt an overwhelming sense of lost... my emotions were torn between rage and joy... very confusing... It was a fun night (would have been more FUN, if I had my original seats, but I digress)...

(The Rotolo)

Then he ploughed on, cooking a Rotolo of Spinach, Squash (Pumpkin) and Ricotta... a dish which made him what he is today... his very first dish which caught him on camera by a chance whilst working at the famous River cafe.

(The Pizza)

And then he did a stint to prove himself right, and called Pizza Hut and placed an order.... and went on to making a really quick Salami Pizza from scratch... obviously, his pizza was completed before the delivery was made.. although the poor delivery guy was brough on stage (in shock)... and given free signed Jamie cookbooks for being a sport! Images and video clips of Jamie's "

Pass it on" campaign were shown and talked about whilst he made Parmesan Chicken Breasts with Crispy Posh Ham

I reckon the 2 best dishes which he presented that night were the Mechoui Lamb with carrot and orange salad and the Chocolate Nemesis (which was cooked on stage by his students, chef's/member's of the original Fifteen Melbourne, Vanessa and Ashley (you can see I'm a big fan of Jamie!)

Unfortunately, I can't post many picture's up here as he moves around way too much, and thus I can only post the clips up. And the night ain't over til the Naked one sings... Lamb Curry!!! I loved it from the last show and he did again this time round!! Yayyy!!

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