Showing posts with label AA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AA. Show all posts

Monday, January 2, 2023

Queen of 2022

 This doll, quite unexpectedly, has given me incredible amount of joy in 2022. Actually, she might have reignited the fun in collecting for me. I present to you - Barbie Ultimate Color Reveal Peel Fantasy Unicorn Fashion (or whatever her full name is). I've instantly lost the pet and most of the accessories to my daughter, but I had been interested only in the doll anyway. She got the mermaid from this series as well.

Ta lalka, dość niespodziewanie, przyniosła mi mnóstwo radości w 2022. W sumie, może nawet na nowo rozpaliła iskierkę radości w moim kolekcjonowaniu. Przedstawiam Wam - Barbie Ultimate Color Reveal Peel Fantasy Unicorn Fashion (albo jakkolwiek brzmi jej pełna nazwa). Niemal natychmiast straciłam zwierzaczka i większość akcesoriów od tej lalki na rzecz mojej córki, ale zależało mi tylko na lalce. Dostała też syrenkę z tej serii.  

Barbie Ultimate Color Reveal Peel Fantasy Unicorn Fashion Reveal

 Her hair feels the cheapest possible, although the colour change works fine. She got an MtM body instantly (blue tie-dye yoga pants), because I couldn't stand the molded fashions. I couldn't care less for her additional clothes and accessories. However, her face is so cute and cheerful, I'd forgive her all of that.

Jej włosy wydają się najtańsze z najtańszych, ale funkcja zmiany koloru działa dobrze. Natychmiast dostała ciałko MtM (w niebieskich getrach), bo nie mogłam znieść jej namalowanych ubranek. Dodatkowe ubranka i akcesoria zupełnie mnie nie zainteresowały. A mimo to, jej buzia jest tak urocza i pogodna, że wybaczyłam jej to wszystko.

Barbie Ultimate Color Reveal Peel Fantasy Unicorn - with make-up || z makijażem

Barbie Ultimate Color Reveal Peel Fantasy Unicorn - no make-up || bez makijażu

And with make-up again - this feature works nicely with ice cubes
|| I ponownie z makijażem - funkcja działa fajnie z kostkami lodu

Monday, September 2, 2019

Monday, June 10, 2019

Disney Animators' Collection Tiana

I've been planning to publish this post earlier, but May somehow slipped past me, almost unnoticably. Better late than never, cause I've taken these photos... in 2017.

Miałam zamiar opublikować ten post wcześniej, ale maj przemknął mi jakoś, niemal niezauważalnie. Lepiej późno niż wcale, bo zdjęcia zrobiłam... w 2017.
Disney Animators' Collection Tiana 2017

Thursday, May 10, 2018

I am not dead, just the opposite

I am not dead, just the opposite, but very, very busy with the little one. She already got her first Barbie. Actually, she snatched a Yellow Top MTM from my collection and refused to give back. So I gave her the MTM head on tall Fashionistas body hybrid and she seems happy.
The dolls had to give ground for a while, I bought some over the last 9 months (some Fash and WW) and barely had time to let them out of the boxes.
There will be time when I come back to dolls, but it doesn't seem anytime soon.

Nie umarłam, wręcz przeciwnie, jestem tylko bardzo, bardzo zajęta przy małej. Dostała już swoją pierwszą Barbie. Właściwie, to capnęła MTM Yellow Top z mojej kolekcji i nie chciała oddać, więc dałam jej hybrydę - główkę MTM na wysokim ciałku Fashionistas - i wydaje się zadowolona.
Lalki musiały ustąpić pola na jakiś czas, w ciągu ostatnich 9 miesięcy kupiłam kilka (Fash i WW) i ledwie miałam czas wypakować je z pudełek.
Nadejdzie czas, że wrócę do lalek, ale nie wydaje mi się, żeby to miało być niedługo.

Barbie The Look Pool Chic

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

The many faces of Asha

OK, before I get seriously to the pre-announced Freddie and my B-Day Girl, I felt like delving more into the past dolls. I always liked the Asha head mold, but only recently, with the recent editions, realized it was one of my favourite ones.

OK, zanim na poważnie zajmę się zapowiedzianymi Freddie i panną urodzinową, mam ochotę zagłębić się między starsze lalki. Zawsze lubiłam mold Ashy, ale dopiero z niedawnymi edycjami dotarło do mnie, że to jeden z moich ulubionych.
1996 Hula Hair AA Barbie (Christie? although it only said Barbie on the box)
1996 Hula Hair AA Barbie (Christie? na pudełku miała napisane tylko Barbie)

Saturday, December 31, 2016

The doll of the year 2016

Unexpectedly, it was really easy to choose the best doll of this year, I had no doubts. I enjoyed her the most since I got her, thoug there is little really exceptional or remarkable about her. Simple design, toned down colours, ultimately posable body. Made to Move Barbie Yellow Top - my favourite doll of 2016.

Niespodziewanie, w tym roku było mi naprawdę łatwo wybrać najlepszą lalkę roku, po prostu nie miałam wątpliwości. Cieszy mnie najbardziej, odkąd ją mam, chociaż niewiele ją wyróżnia. Prosty projekt, stonowane kolory, świetnie pozujące ciałko. Made to Move Barbie w żółtym topie - moja ulubiona lalka 2016.

Barbie Made to Move Yellow Top
 Have a wonderful 2017!
Wspaniałego 2017!

Friday, July 19, 2013

More princesses!

Disney Store's 2012 Princess Tiana
At first I didn't want Tiana, but when I saw this version with closed mouth, I changed my mind.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Ebony and ivory

I bought this Monsieur Z Flaunt It doll almost three weeks ago, but I haven't had time to enjoy her since. As far as I know, I'm her third owner and it is quite apparent from her condition. But still, she was very anticipated and yesterday I had tons of fun photographing her. It was one of those few nearly perfect days - it was warm, I didn't have school or work, everybody else was watching football and I had all the time for my dolls. :)
Lots of photos below!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Crochet scraps

I'm continuing my project to use up all yarn scraps. Yeah, I know its futile, but I'll try anyway. :)

First, I made a bluish mini dress for Pretty in Plaid AA Barbie. Wow, that doll was hard to get! She must've gone a long way before she fell into my sis' hands and finally - into mine (Thanks sis!), cause her head is glued on. Anyway, she's still as pretty as she should be. She is also very difficult to photograph: when I finally managed to work with her overall stiffness and hair picking up static or lighting problems, there always was a stray speck of dust on her face.

Then, there was a patchy tunic for Birthstone Beauty. I guess it could use some leggins...
Again, it probably wasn't my day for photographing. That's what happens when you want to document something fast. ;)

No tunic here, but the portray is nice enough to share. :)
And finally, a greenish dress. I'm quite happy with the corset. It cost me lots of unraveling and making again, but then the skirt was quick to make.

It feels so cool to turn those scraps I was about to throw away into something, lets say, applicable. :)